ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/12/16

AI's Math Magic & Instagram's Backdrop Buzz: Exploring DeepMind's Breakthroughs and Low Code Labyrinths in Today's Atometrix ByteSize!

Welcome, welcome, welcome! Alright tech-beasts and AI-devotees, time to tighten your seat belts for another dose of our delightfully geeky podcast, Atometrix ByteSize. This time, we're going on an exhilarating ride into the vast universe of artificial intelligence, exploring everything from mind-boggling mathematical achievements by DeepMind's AI to Instagram's fun new Backdrop tool letting you jazz up your selfies even more! Who knew math could be so much fun? And, hold on to your coding keyboards—we're also venturing deep into the labyrinth of the low code world, where you can develop applications even if "for loop" sounds like a roller coaster ride to you.

Opinion time now! DeepMind's AI dabbling in mathematics and making groundbreaking strides sounds like stuff of sci-fi, but here we are, admiring our own creations. It's truly fascinating, and, let's admit, a bit—a teeny bit terrifying. Just imagine, an AI discussing Fermat's Last theorem over a virtual cuppa. Then we have Instagram's Backdrop tool. Finally, something to distract your followers from that messy, unmade bed (don't deny it, we've all been there). I mean, who needs a clean room when you have AI to sprinkle some glittery AI-generated designs over the chaos? Oh, and do we dare to neglect mentioning those who are brave enough to enter the thunderdome of low code tech? We applaud you, tech warriors, for plunging into the realm of app building without the safety net of solid coding skills. Just shout out when it's time for 'World Dominance via App Building 101', folks!

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News & Articles

  • (Link) DeepMind's AI Makes Mathematical Breakthroughs: Solves Open Problems: In a groundbreaking study, DeepMind's AI has ventured into the realm of mathematics and computer science, uncovering new and exciting findings. Through their FunSearch method, which combines artificial intelligence and guided function search, the AI system named LLM has successfully solved open problems in these fields. One of its remarkable achievements is cracking the capset problem and revealing the largest capsets ever discovered. Looks like AI doesn't just excel in games; it's a budding mathematician too! 🤖📚

  • (Link) OpenAI Grants: Unleashing Super Alignment with AI: OpenAI is offering grants to students and researchers who want to work on super alignment, a fascinating field of study. If you've got a passion for artificial intelligence, this is an exciting opportunity for you. The grants are open to applications until Feb 18th, so don't miss out on your chance to be part of the future! Remember, it's all about aligning with the superintelligent AI. Get your applications in and let's make sure the machines become our allies and not our enemies!

  • (Link) Introducing New Relic AIM: Empowering AI Performance Optimisation: New Relic has launched a groundbreaking APM solution called New Relic AI Monitoring (AIM) for AI-powered applications. This innovative tool allows engineers to troubleshoot and optimise AI applications, ensuring top performance, quality, cost-efficiency, and responsible AI use. With AIM, you'll have unrivalled visibility and insights into your AI stack. Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to AI observability! Who says AI can't watch over itself?

  • (Link) Introducing Samsung Gauss: Revolutionising Productivity with AI: Samsung has launched its new generative AI model, Samsung Gauss, which aims to boost employee productivity and can be applied to various products. This cutting-edge technology includes language processing, coding assistance, and image editing capabilities. Additionally, Samsung is prioritising data privacy and ensuring secure AI usage. With Samsung Gauss, not only will your work be more efficient, but it'll feel like magic too! So, brace yourself for a whole new world of possibilities!

  • (Link) Revamp your photos with Instagram's Backdrop tool!: Instagram has introduced an exciting new feature called Backdrop, which allows you to edit your background like a pro! Thanks to Meta's Meta AI, you can now replace your background with cool AI-generated designs, giving your photos and videos a fresh and fun look. Although it's currently only available for users in the US, let's hope it rolls out to the rest of us soon! Say goodbye to boring backgrounds and hello to a world of creativity. Now you can truly be the star of your own show. So strike a pose and let the Backdrop feature work its magic! 👏📷 "Give your photos a makeover with Instagram's new Backdrop tool!"

Insights & Papers

  • (Link) SwitchHead: Revolutionising AI Models for Efficiency and Performance: In this fascinating article, we delve into the world of AI models and discover a groundbreaking development called SwitchHead. This innovative technology is set to revolutionise the efficiency of Transformer models by significantly reducing memory and computing requirements, all while maintaining top-notch performance. Say goodbye to excessive resource consumption and hello to a more streamlined future of AI. Trust us, this isn't just a switch to save electricity! 😉

  • (Link) Unleashing LLMs: Enhancing 3D Vision with Language: In this fascinating article, we delve into how Large Language Models (LLMs) are enhancing our understanding of 3D scenes. By introducing object identifiers, these models are becoming better at deciphering complex spatial relationships and answering questions about visual environments. It's like giving AI a pair of virtual glasses! Who knew that language could help us see in 3D? Let's unlock the secrets of these LLMs and unveil the hidden world around us. Plus, we might finally solve the mystery of where all our missing socks go!

  • (Link) StemGen: Revolutionising Music Creation with Listening Power!: Bytedance has introduced StemGen, a cutting-edge music generation model that has the ability to listen. This innovative technology opens up a whole new world of possibilities for musicians and music lovers alike. Whether you're looking to create your own unique tunes or simply appreciate the creative process, StemGen is here to revolutionise the way we interact with music. Get ready to unleash your inner maestro and let StemGen set the stage for endless musical adventures. Finally, music that not only sounds great but also has an exceptional listening ear!

Code & Engineering

  • (Link) Unlock Brilliant HDR Photos with LLF-LUT Technique: This article introduces LLF-LUT, a clever technique that can give your HDR photos a boost in quality. By focusing on important image details, LLF-LUT can enhance the overall look and feel of your high dynamic range images. Interested in taking your HDR photography to the next level? Check out this GitHub repo and give LLF-LUT a try! Who knows, your photos might just reach new heights of brilliance! 📸✨😄

  • (Link) Your Ultimate Roadmap to Mastering Generative AI: If you're looking to dive into the exciting world of generative AI, this roadmap is your perfect starting point! Packed with resources and tips, it's designed to help beginners learn the ins and outs of Python, deep learning, and language modeling. By following this roadmap, you'll be well on your way to becoming a generative AI whis in no time. Get ready to unleash your creativity and create some mind-blowing AI projects! Don't worry, we won't tell your future AI overlords about your plans to take over the world. 😉

  • (Link) PyApp: Simplify, Share, and Customise Python Applications!: PyApp is a cool tool for Python applications that makes them super easy to use and share. It can create standalone binaries for any platform and lets you customise how your app behaves at runtime. You can even add nifty features like self-updates. So, no more app troubles – PyApp has got you covered! It's like magic for Python developers. Abracadabra!

  • (Link) GPT Router: Efficiently Manage AI Models and Boost Productivity: This article introduces the GPT Router, a tool that helps you easily handle multiple LLMs (Large Language Models) and image models. With the GPT Router, you can effortlessly manage and organise your models, improving efficiency and productivity. It's like having a traffic controller for your AI models! Now you can navigate through the world of language processing with ease. Watch out for traffic jams of text! Just kidding, AI models don't create traffic jams. 😉

Tools & Products

  • (Link) Empowering Developers with DryRun: Your AI-Powered Security Buddy: The article discusses DryRun Security, an AI-powered security buddy that helps developers in their everyday workflow. This innovative tool uses artificial intelligence to provide real-time feedback and suggestions to developers, helping them identify and resolve security vulnerabilities in their code. With DryRun Security by their side, developers can feel more empowered and confident in their work. Who needs superheroes when you have an AI-powered security buddy?

  • (Link) Unwrapped AI: Groove to Your GitHub Achievements!: Unwrapped AI has come up with a fun way to review your GitHub activity in 2023. Just like Spotify's yearly recap, you'll get a personalised summary of your coding achievements. Imagine grooving to the tunes of your code! Who knew programming could be this cool?

  • (Link) Unlock Limitless AI Potential with No Coding Required!: is a fantastic platform that allows you to access over 1500 AI tools without needing to know how to code. With its user-friendly interface, you can tap into the power of artificial intelligence to enhance your projects in no time. Say goodbye to coding headaches and hello to a world of endless possibilities with It's like having a team of AI experts at your fingertips! Plus, you'll finally have a reason to use all those fancy new tools you just bought... just kidding, we know you haven't bought any! But seriously, check out for a coding-free AI experience like no other.


  • (Link) The Future of AI: Embracing Polytheistic Intelligence: In this fascinating article, Balaji Srinivasan explores the concept of Polytheistic AI, where multiple artificial intelligences coexist and interact with each other. He delves into the potential benefits of human-AI symbiosis and discusses the challenges of controlling AI. Get ready to have your mind blown by the possibilities of a polytheistic future for AI. Just imagine the conversations between Siri and Alexa!

  • (Link) Unleashing AI's Power in E-commerce: Insights from Alyssa Henry: In this entertaining podcast, former Square CEO Alyssa Henry dives into the exciting world of e-commerce and AI. She explores the untapped potential of using AI to create whitespace within the industry. Get ready to have your mind blown as Alyssa shares her insights and experience. You won't want to miss this episode – it's a must-listen for all tech enthusiasts. And hey, who knows, maybe we'll discover a secret recipe for AI-powered doughnuts along the way!


  • (Link) Unraveling The Mysteries of OpenAI's Q: Towards General AI?*: In this fascinating read, the article explores the exciting world of OpenAI and their latest development, Q*. While Q* might not be the momentous breakthrough that brings us artificial general intelligence, it could still be a vital stepping stone towards AI with general reasoning capabilities. So, let's dive in and unravel the mysteries of Q* and its potential impact on the future of AI. And who knows, maybe Q* is secretly planning world domination... just kidding!

  • (Link) The Future of AI: Insights and Predictions from Tech Giants: In this 44-minute podcast, you'll get the inside scoop on the future of AI from two tech giants, Reid Hoffman and Vinod Khosla. Recorded at the Cerebral Valley AI Summit, these interviews delve into their views on how AI will shape our society. Get ready for some fascinating insights and a few mind-blowing predictions. Just don't forget your robot translator!

  • (Link) Inside OpenAI: The Thrilling Unveiling of Entrepreneur Sam Altman's Journey: In this article, entrepreneur Sam Altman spills the tea on the drama at OpenAI. Get ready to discover the inside scoop on what really went down and how Altman plans to navigate the challenges. It's a story that will make your eyes pop! 👀 Plus, you won't believe the plot twists! Grab some popcorn and enjoy the read.

  • (Link) Revolutionise Your Shopping Experience with Virtual Fitting!: This article is all about a fantastic new technology that allows you to try on clothes virtually using the power of artificial intelligence. No more struggling in fitting rooms or buying clothes online that don't quite fit. Now you can see what a certain outfit looks like on you before making a purchase. It's like having a personal stylist in your pocket! Say goodbye to fashion faux pas and hello to stylish success. So, go ahead and give it a try. Who knows, you might just find your perfect outfit in no time! (And avoid any "wardrobe malfunctions" along the way!).

  • (Link) Unlocking Success: Mastering Prompt Engineering with 6 Proven Strategies: Discover six effective strategies for improving prompt engineering and achieving better results. This article provides valuable insights and tips to enhance your prompt engineering process and increase its efficiency. From setting clear goals to leveraging automation tools, these strategies will help you excel in prompt engineering and take your projects to new heights. So, get ready to supercharge your prompts and be prompt with your success! Remember, promptness is key, unless you're waiting for a tardy delivery guy.

Art of the Day

“A snowman, night warm photo, snow landscape, happy expression, stock photography, rich colors, editorial photography, 35mm lens, award winning photography” By @Assiv

And that's a wrap on today's ByteSize journey through the realms of tech and AI! A colossal thank you to all our listeners for making this galactic excursion a whole lot more engaging with your presence. As always, it's been a hoot sharing this avalanche of updates with you, and hey, whether you're an ace developer cracking knotty codes or just an AI enthusiast, don't forget, the trick is to stay ByteSized! Until we log back in tomorrow with more munch-sized updates on AI, low code, and tech, keep your geek glasses on and remember - the Byte stops here!

p.s. Don’t forget to checkout our platform or our apps!

  • Atometrix: The only low code platform the allows easy deployment of server side React Native. Now you can edit your UI and deploy changes without a developer and see it happen in your production apps!

  • Storyworm: The world’s first server side React Native application. Storyworm is a dynamic platform for all storytellers. Powered by AI, it lets you craft unique narratives, voice them through a text-to-speech feature, and combat writer's block with AI-generated plot suggestions. Beyond being an app, Storyworm is an inclusive community for story-lovers worldwide. This tool enables an immersive narrative experience that adapts and evolves according to users' needs.