ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/12/06

AI Titans and Techno Magic: Google's Project Gemini, AstraZeneca's AI Alliance, and the Rise of Mistral on Today's Atometrix ByteSize!

Welcome, tech unicorns and gadget gazelles to another day of AI revelations and tech enlightenment on Atometrix ByteSize! We're stoked today because we're unpacking quite a buffet of digital deliciousness from Google's possible adventure into teleportation to Magicoder turning us all into coding wizards! Strap in, folks, because today we're trailing the somewhat elusive Project Gemini, saluting AstraZeneca's alliance with AI for cancer breakthroughs and checking out the heavy-weight contender, Mistral. As they say, in the world of AI, it ain't over till the supercomputer sings!

In our much-anticipated rundown today, Google may not find us the lost city of Atlantis, but Project Gemini, and its secret sauce might just be as enticing, if the rumours are to be believed. AstraZeneca is upping the stakes by inviting AI to the party, hoping they'll dance together to the tune of cancer breakthroughs. Apparently, when AI isn't busy challenging humans at chess games, it's dabbling in noble pursuits like this. And in the red corner, weighing well over $2 billion, we've got Mistral, showing its AI teeth and giving OpenAI a run for its binary digits! In other riveting chapters, discover how Magicoder is brewing a spell of love on source code and nano-gpt's teaching AI an old-school lesson - the power of the alphabet.

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News & Articles

  • (Link) Google's Virtual Preview: Unveiling of Game-Changing Project Gemini: Google is reportedly planning a virtual preview for journalists and software developers to showcase its new project, Gemini. After cancelling in-person events, the online preview could be happening very soon. Stay tuned to see what Gemini has in store for us. Maybe we'll finally discover the secret to teleportation!

  • (Link) Accelerating Cancer Breakthroughs: AstraZeneca's Game-Changing AI Partnership: AstraZeneca is using the power of AI to supercharge its search for new cancer drugs. By partnering with a tech company, they are harnessing the capabilities of artificial intelligence to analyse vast amounts of data and identify potential drug targets. This exciting collaboration could lead to breakthroughs in cancer treatment. Who knew AI could be such a lifesaver?

  • (Link) Mistral: Surging Ahead as The AI Powerhouse!: Mistral, a competitor of OpenAI, has recently been valued at over $2 billion. This is big news in the world of artificial intelligence! Mistral is gaining recognition for its cutting-edge technology and innovative approach to AI. With this valuation, Mistral is definitely a force to be reckoned with. Watch out, OpenAI, Mistral is coming for the crown!

Insights & Papers

  • (Link) Unleash the Magic of Coding with Magicoder: The article introduces us to Magicoder, a platform that believes source code is the key to magic. Magicoder provides a range of resources and tools for developers to enhance their coding skills and bring their projects to life. With a touch of magic, this platform aims to make coding fun and captivating. So, grab your wands (or keyboards) and let the coding magic begin! Just don't try turning your code into actual rabbits.

  • (Link) Unlocking the Alphabet's Hidden Power with nano-gpt: Have you ever wondered how a tiny and powerful AI model called nano-gpt can effortlessly sort a sequence of six letters into alphabetical order? Well, look no further! LLM Visualisation takes you on a visually stunning journey to explore this impressive feat. Prepare to be amazed by the sheer intelligence packed into just 85,000 parameters. Trust me, you won't look at the alphabet the same way again!

Tools & Products

  • (Link) Enhance Your AI with GPTAuth: Customised Style: The article introduces GPTAuth, a tool that allows users to have custom access to GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) models. With GPTAuth, users can personalise and fine-tune the models to suit their specific needs. So, if you want to have your own GPT model with a touch of uniqueness, GPTAuth is here to help you! It's like having a personal stylist for your AI. Now you can rock the virtual red carpet with your customised GPT model! cue applause

  • (Link) Unlocking Language Superpowers: Customised LLMs with Haven: The article discusses Haven, a platform that allows users to build open source LLMs (Large Language Models) that are tailored for specific tasks. By customising LLMs, users can enhance their performance in various applications. Haven brings a new level of flexibility and efficiency to language models. So, forget about the "one size fits all" approach and dive into the world of specialised LLMs with Haven. It's like having a personal language model for every task - talk about being a wordsmith superhero!

  • (Link) Danelfin: Your AI-Powered Crystal Ball for Stock Market Success!: Have you ever wished you had a crystal ball for the stock market? Well, Danelfin might just be the closest thing to it! This AI-powered stock-picking tool has a ridiculously high win rate of up to 94%. With Danelfin on your side, you'll be making savvy investment decisions like a pro. So say goodbye to guesswork and hello to big returns! Just remember, even the smartest AI can't predict if you'll spill coffee on your keyboard while trading. Stay caffeinated and cautious, my friends! ☕️📈

  • (Link) Level up your dating profile with Flurry AI!: Looking to spice up your dating profile? Look no further than Flurry AI! This new app uses the power of AI to provide feedback and suggestions on your dating profile. From the perfect description to the most flattering photos, Flurry AI has got you covered. Get ready to swipe right with confidence! Just remember, even AI can't guarantee a perfect match, but it can definitely give you a helping hand!


  • (Link) Magic Animate: Transform Images into Captivating TikTok-Style Videos: The article discusses Magic Animate, a new feature on the app Replicate that allows users to create TikTok-style videos using just a single image. With this innovative tool, even static pictures can come to life in a fun and interactive way. Say goodbye to boring photos and hello to captivating animations! Who knew one image could have so much magic? Time to bring your photos to life and become the next TikTok sensation! #ReadySetAnimate!

  • (Link) The Mysterious Case of Clyde AI: A Profound Enigma: The article delves into the intriguing case of the disappearance of Clyde AI. With no clear trace, it's a puzzling enigma that has left experts scratching their heads. Join the investigation as we try to uncover the truth behind Clyde AI's mysterious vanishing act. Who knows, maybe we'll stumble upon a Bermuda Triangle for artificial intelligence!

  • (Link) Morgan Stanley's Thrilling Venture into OpenAI Innovation: In this fascinating article, we delve into Morgan Stanley's exciting push into the world of OpenAI. While some critics express their concerns, there is no denying the desperate need for advancements in artificial intelligence. Who knows, perhaps soon our bankers will be replaced by robots! Just kidding, we still need humans to make those piggy bank deposits.

Art of the Day

“creative origami, photo realistic 3d render, blurred plain background” By @diniskao

And that, folks, wraps up yet another episode of Atometrix ByteSize. A huge thank you to each and every one of our listeners for tuning in today. Remember, stay as a byte, swallow all the AI, low code and tech knowledge we're serving up daily, and you'll become a whole technorific ByteSize meal in no time! We’ll be back with more appetising updates on tech's latest trends tomorrow. Until then, remember - stay ByteSized my dear friends. Don't go changing to some huge Terrabyte. Trust me, it won't fit in your pocket!

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