ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/11/24

Sci-Fi in Silicon Valley: OpenAI's Warnings, Tesla's Lego-like Innovations, and Google's Gemini Wobbles on Today's Atometrix ByteSize!

Welcome to your daily dose of Atometrix ByteSize, where we’re here to cover what’s buzzing in the tech hive. Our minds are abuzz with excitement as we're all set to decode the latest bytes from the ever-evolving domains of AI, low code, and technology. From OpenAI's thrilling (and slightly scary) discoveries to Tesla's open-source innovation and Google’s teetering Gemini, our tech panorama is packed to the brim.

Now, about that warning from OpenAI. If science fiction has taught us anything, it’s that every revolutionary AI discovery comes with a side of impending doom, right? We can't help but imagine a sci-fi movie unfolding in real time. Tesla, on the other hand, is out here reshaping the automotive industry like a kid with a new box of LEGOs. Then there's Bard, our new video companion, who we're hoping doesn’t develop an attitude problem (no one likes a know-it-all, Bard). How about a peek into the internal drama at OpenAI? It's like a tech world soap opera, but without the evil twins... or are there? And lastly, Microsoft and Nvidia are forging an alliance, channeling their inner Avengers to conquer the AI world. In other news, Google's Gemini seems to have caught a case of stage fright, so it's back to re-doing its makeup before the grand debut.

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News & Articles

  • (Link) OpenAI's Warning: Groundbreaking AI Discovery Threatens Humanity!: In an exclusive report, it has been revealed that researchers at OpenAI sent a letter to the board of directors, just days before the CEO was ousted, warning about a groundbreaking AI discovery that could pose a threat to humanity. This development could be a major breakthrough in OpenAI's quest for artificial general intelligence. Although the details of the breakthrough are still shrouded in mystery, rumours have started to swirl. Could this be the moment when the machines take over? Time to stock up on those tinfoil hats, just in case!

  • (Link) Tesla's Next-Gen Roadster: Open-Source Insights and Exciting Debut: Tesla has made a surprising move by open-sourcing the design and engineering of its original Roadster, sharing everything from Owner's Manuals to Circuits and Connectors. This could be a hint that the long-awaited next-gen Roadster is finally coming soon. Elon Musk had previously stated that the final design and engineering of the Roadster would be finished by the end of 2023, so we may see this futuristic vehicle hitting the roads by the end of 2024. Buckle up, it's going to be an electrifying ride!

  • (Link) Bard: The Intelligent Video Companion Revolutionising YouTube: Bard, the clever language model, has a new talent - understanding YouTube videos! Now, when you need assistance with a YouTube clip, Bard can summarise it or even reference specific parts of the video to provide answers. Although it may decline for certain videos (copyright woes, perhaps), I decided to put Bard to the test by using it with songs, not its intended use case, and I must say it worked surprisingly well! Who knew Bard could be a music critic too?

  • (Link) Inside OpenAI Drama: Microsoft's Memos Unveiled: Get an inside look at the recent drama at OpenAI with Microsoft's internal memos! In these memos, you'll hear from Microsoft's CTO and EVP of AI, Kevin Scott, and CEO Satya Nadella. Find out what they have to say about the chaos and get a glimpse behind the scenes. It's like being a fly on the wall, but without the sticky situation.

  • (Link) Meet Bard: Your Ultimate YouTube Sidekick for Easy Video Searching: Introducing Bard, your new YouTube companion! This nifty extension can do more than just watch videos with you - it can now handle complex queries about specific video content. Whether you need to find that hilarious cat video or delve deep into the world of DIY tutorials, Bard has got you covered. Say goodbye to endless scrolling and let Bard be your ultimate YouTube sidekick. Plus, with Bard around, you can finally stop asking yourself, "What did I even watch on YouTube last night?" Trust me, Bard knows all too well...

  • (Link) Maximise AI Potential on Windows: Microsoft and Nvidia Unite!: Microsoft and Nvidia have joined forces to streamline the process of running AI models on Windows. Microsoft has introduced Windows AI Studio, which provides developers with access to AI models and tools, including Azure AI Studio and Hugging Face. The platform offers features such as a model configuration user interface and performance testing templates. Nvidia, on the other hand, has updated its TensorRT-LLM for PCs with GeForce RTX 30 and 40 Series GPUs. This update allows for local running of large language models while enhancing privacy. Get ready to unleash the power of AI on your Windows device! Just remember to keep feeding it plenty of bytes, not cookies.

  • (Link) Gemini: Google's Language Model Shines with Delay: In a surprising turn of events, Google has decided to push back the launch of their language model, Gemini. The delay is attributed to their desire to ensure that Gemini can outshine OpenAI's GPT-4. Google also wants to concentrate on enhancing their consumer products before giving developers access to Gemini. Looks like Gemini needs a little more time to sparkle and shine! Keep your eyes peeled for its grand entrance in Q1 of 2024. Don't worry, good things come to those who wait, and Gemini promises to be a gem of a language model!

Code & Engineering

  • (Link) Effortless Model Deployment in 3 Minutes: Unveiling GGUF's Lightning-Fast Setup: In just 3 minutes, you can now deploy any GGUF model with ease! This article reveals a speedy way to set up an endpoint that serves HuggingFace-hosted models using llama.cpp and GGUF server. So whether you're a developer or just a curious tech enthusiast, get ready to dive into the world of effortless model deployment. Plus, who doesn't want to impress their friends with their lightning-fast deployment skills? So grab your llama and let's get started! (Note: No actual llamas were harmed in the making of this article!)

  • (Link) Promote Ethical AI with Apple Watch Pin: has come up with an exciting innovation - a pin for your Apple Watch to promote humane artificial intelligence (AI). This pin serves as a gentle reminder to consider the ethical implications of AI. Now you can wear your commitment to AI ethics on your wrist! Just don't forget to take it off before you jump in the shower or your pin might become as waterlogged as a confused algorithm in a swimming pool.

  • (Link) From Screenshot to Website: Effortless Dream Realisation: Have you ever wished you could turn a screenshot into a fully functioning website? Well, now you can! With the new Screenshot to Code tool, you can automatically generate HTML and Tailwind CSS websites just by uploading a screenshot. It's like magic! Say goodbye to tedious coding and hello to effortless website creation. So why not give it a try and turn your wildest website dreams into reality? Who knew creating a website could be as easy as snapping a screenshot?

Tools & Products

  • (Link) Personalised AI Tools in One Click!: The article introduces, a platform that offers personalised AI tools with just one click. This means you can supercharge any webpage with AI capabilities tailored to your liking. From language translation to image recognition, has got you covered. Say goodbye to the hassle of searching for specific AI tools, because they're now just a click away. So next time you need some AI magic, give a go and let it work its wonders! You'll be saying "Abracadabra!" in no time.

  • (Link) Transform your videos with Dubecos: Fast, personalised voiceovers!: Dubecos is a fantastic AI dubbing app that makes adding voiceovers to your videos a breeze! With its user-friendly interface and lightning-fast processing, you can transform your videos with personalised voiceovers in no time. Say goodbye to tedious manual dubbing and hello to a world of creativity and convenience. Try Dubecos today and give your videos a voice that stands out from the crowd. Lights, camera, Dubecos!

  • (Link) Unleashing the Power of Mojju's Groundbreaking GPTs!: Discover the incredible world of Mojju and their groundbreaking GPTs (Generative Pre-trained Transformers). These unique and powerful models, developed by Mojju, are revolutionising the field of natural language processing. With their expertise, Mojju has created GPTs that are unparalleled in their ability to understand and generate human-like text. Get ready to be amazed by the next level of artificial intelligence! And hey, who knows, maybe one day our AI friends will even write the jokes for us!


  • (Link) Unleashing Language Models: Revolutionising Industries through Text Generation: In this captivating article, Andrej Karpathy introduces us to the fascinating world of large language models. He delves into their incredible capabilities for generating text and their potential impact on various industries. Get ready to have your mind blown and your creativity sparked! Just remember, with great power comes great NLP responsibility.


  • (Link) Google AI Revolutionises Weather Forecasting: Accurate 10-Day Predictions!: In a major breakthrough, Google DeepMind's AI meteorology model, GraphCast, has shown to outperform traditional weather forecasting methods. The study published in the journal Science highlights how GraphCast accurately predicted global weather conditions up to 10 days in advance. Finally, your smartphone weather app won't let you down when you plan that picnic! #AItotherescue

  • (Link) Embark on Your Journey to Master AI Engineering: This article is all about the exciting journey of becoming an AI engineer and mastering the art of building mind-blowing AI products. By following this path, you'll gain the skills and knowledge needed to kick-start a successful career in the field of artificial intelligence. So, get ready to dive into the world of cutting-edge technology and let your inner genius shine. Who knows, maybe one day you'll be creating robots that can do your laundry - now that would be handy!

  • (Link) Neuralink's PRIME: Revolutionising Mobility for Quadriplegic Patients: Neuralink, a company founded by Elon Musk, has unveiled its latest invention called PRIME, which has the potential to revolutionise the lives of quadriplegic patients. PRIME is a brain-machine interface that aims to restore mobility for those who have lost the ability to move their limbs. With a combination of advanced technology and medical expertise, Neuralink's PRIME brings hope to those seeking a cure. Who knows, maybe one day we'll see quadriplegic patients doing the robot dance!

  • (Link) The AI Impact: Job Loss, Privacy Concerns & Bias: According to a new study, it seems that Americans are a bit nervous about how artificial intelligence (AI) will affect society. The study found that many people worry about job displacement, loss of privacy, and even potential bias in AI algorithms. It's clear that AI still has some convincing to do! So, next time you see a robot, just remember to give it a warm welcome - they're not that scary after all.

Art of the Day

“fairy in a jar with a rainbow background, in the style of #screenshotsaturday, silhouettes in space, sparklecore” By @Angel

And there you have it, folks! We've hit the upload button on another episode of the Atometrix ByteSize podcast. Thanks for joining us on this whirlwind tour through a galaxy of AI breakthroughs, Tesla teasers, and some unlikely, llama-related revelations. Until we collate more cosmic tech news for you, remember to stay byte-sized and stay curious! Don't forget, you never know when you might need that tinfoil hat.

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