ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/11/22

AI Rebellion and Digital Delights: Diving into OpenAI's Defector Drama, Chatbot Sabbaticals, and More in Today's ByteSize Bonanza!

Hello there, tech aficionados, and welcome back to another episode of Atometrix ByteSize - your daily cornucopia of AI, low code, and tech wonders! Now prepare yourself for a full throttle joyride into the exuberant world of artificial intelligence, a place where chatbots take digital naps and tech giants play an elaborate game of defector tug-of-war. Not only will we venture into the land of AI, but we'll also shed light on emerging tech trends, the transformative power of low code, and the latest tools improving our digital lives.

No need to adjust your headphones, you've heard it right! Astonishingly, close to 700 employees at OpenAI are threatening to switch sides to Microsoft, inciting a scenario that screams 'AI Rebellion'. And, oh boy, judging by the raised eyebrows and dropped jaws in the boardroom, this is one heck of a plot twist! Not to forget, our dear friend Clyde from Discord is stepping away from the chatter, and Salesforce CEO turns into Santa Claus, throwing away generously matched compensation packages to OpenAI researchers. Plus, we have quite some buzz about a cartoonish backlash against Microsoft. Did someone just pull the plug on our Disney dreams?

So ladies and gentlemen, buckle up, choose your snacks, and prepare for takeoff because we're flying straight into the thrilling world of AI, low code, and tech! And don't panic! We promise there'll be no AI-controlled robots trying to take over the world - well, at least not on our watch! Ready to deep dive into the paradoxes of AI and the digital realm? Let's get the gears rolling. Happy listening!

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News & Articles

  • (Link) OpenAI Employees Flock to Microsoft's Advanced AI Team: In a dramatic twist, hundreds of OpenAI employees have threatened to jump ship and join Microsoft. It seems like an AI version of musical chairs! Microsoft is welcoming them with open arms and assuring them that there are positions available in their advanced AI research team. With over 95% of the 770 staff members signing a letter expressing their intentions, it's clear that these employees mean business. While the board seems to have made its decision, I hope the new CEO, Emmett Shear, can keep things sailing smoothly! Fingers crossed

  • (Link) Discord Bids Farewell to Clyde, the Chatbot: Discord, the popular chatting platform, is bid farewell to its AI chatbot, Clyde. After experimenting with artificial intelligence, Discord has decided to shut down Clyde. Perhaps Clyde had enough of chatting and wants to take a break in the digital realm. Time to find a new buddy for all your AI conversations! Maybe someone who won't get tired of talking to you.

  • (Link) Salesforce's CEO Matches Compensation for OpenAI Researchers - Lucrative Opportunities Await: In an exciting move, Salesforce CEO has generously offered to match the compensation packages for OpenAI researchers. This means that talented minds can expect even greater rewards for their groundbreaking work in artificial intelligence. With this enticing prospect, OpenAI is bound to attract top talent who are ready to change the world one algorithm at a time. So, buckle up and get ready to see some serious brain power in action! Who knew coding could be so lucrative?

  • (Link) Microsoft Halts ToonMe App Over Privacy Concerns: Microsoft has put a stop to an AI-generated trend of turning people into Disney characters. The tech company has removed an app called "ToonMe" from its digital storefronts after concerns were raised about users' privacy. While the app was popular and allowed people to transform their photos into Disney-style cartoons, Microsoft made the decision to protect users' personal data. Looks like we'll have to find another way to live out our Disney dreams! Maybe try some actual Disney merchandise instead?

Insights & Papers

  • (Link) TopoMLP: Revolutionising Road Scene Understanding for Autonomous Driving: In this fascinating article, you'll discover TopoMLP, a cutting-edge system that's taking road scene understanding to new heights for autonomous driving. With the ability to detect and analyze road centerlines and traffic elements, it's paving the way for safer and smarter self-driving cars. Strap in and get ready to be amazed by this incredible technology! And remember, soon cars will be driving us, and not the other way around!

  • (Link) Empowering AI Models: Efficient Knowledge Transfer Revealed: In this fascinating article, researchers delve into the world of knowledge transfer between models. They unveil various data optimisation schemes that can help transfer knowledge between models, all while minimising the need for additional compute power. So, if you're eager to discover how to make your models smarter without breaking the bank, this read is for you! Just make sure to bring your computational thinking cap along. And remember, knowledge is power, even for AI models!

  • (Link) Orca 2: Advancing Language AI through Reasoning: Microsoft has unveiled Orca 2, its new project aimed at teaching small language models how to reason. Orca 2 is an open-source initiative that aims to improve the artificial intelligence capabilities of language models. So, get ready for the next level of language AI as Microsoft dives into the deep end with Orca 2, making language models smarter and more rational than ever! Let's hope they don't start giving us too much sass though.

  • (Link) LLMs: Your Logic-Fixing Friend with Surprising Powers: In this article, we learn that LLMs (Language Models) have an interesting ability - while they may not be very good at detecting reasoning errors, they are actually quite skilled in fixing them. It's like having a helpful friend who can spot mistakes in your thinking and help you make it right. So, next time you need some logical assistance, maybe consider turning to an LLM instead of your trusty calculator! They might surprise you with their problem-solving powers. Remember, robots can now make better arguments than most humans - scary or impressive? You decide!

Code & Engineering

  • (Link) Introducing StyleTTS 2: The Ultimate Human-like Text-to-Speech Model!: StyleTTS 2 is an awesome text-to-speech model that aims to create speech that sounds just like a human. It does this by mixing style diffusion and adversarial training with big speech language models. It's like having a super talented robot reading to you! So, get ready to have the coolest voice assistant around. Just don't ask it to tell you a joke, it's not quite there yet. 😉

  • (Link) Unleash Your Data Engineering Skills with this Treasure!: Looking to up your data engineering game? Look no further than this GitHub repo, packed with a treasure trove of resources just for you! Whether you need tools, tutorials, or tips to excel in your role, this collection has got you covered. So, dive into the world of data engineering and unleash your engineering prowess! Remember, sharing is caring – just like sharing a delicious slice of pizza (without the calories).

  • (Link) Tensorli: Your Gateway to NLP Adventures Simplified!: Ready to dive into the fascinating world of NLP? Well, Tensorli is here to make it a breeze! This GitHub repository offers a minimalistic interpretation of a GPT-like transformer, using only Numpy. It's like a super-cool toy version of GPT that you can play with and learn from. Get ready to unleash your inner data scientist and have some AI-powered fun! Who needs big libraries when you've got Tensorli?

  • (Link) Creating Amazing Graphs: A Playful Guide with Examples: This opinionated essay takes a fun twist on data visualisation, discussing the do's and don'ts with eye-catching examples and explanations. It's like having a helpful friend gently nudging you towards creating amazing graphs. So let's make sure our graphs are on point and avoid any graphical faux pas! After all, friends don't let friends make bad graphs - it's a universal rule!

Tools & Products

  • (Link) Boost Your Development Skills with Intel's AI Tools: Intel is offering an AI software portfolio that includes tools and framework optimisations to help developers accelerate their development journey. With a focus on AI use cases such as vision, speech, and recommender systems, Intel aims to make it seamless for developers to leverage their AI-optimised hardware. They also highlight their collaborations with industry leaders like Hugging Face, Red Hat, and Microsoft. Check out their resources and tools for an order-of-magnitude performance boost! And remember, a little AI can go a long way in boosting your development skills!

  • (Link) Clarifai Ignites AI Revolution with Full Stack Platform: AI technology leader Clarifai celebrates its 10th anniversary and introduces the first Full Stack generative AI platform, empowering developers to create enterprise generative AI. Discover the impressive engineering innovations that have led to this breakthrough and witness how Clarifai simplifies the process of building AI. Get started today and unlock the potential of AI faster than ever before. Remember, AI is the present and the future, so hop on board!

  • (Link) Summarify: Your Personal Content Summarising Assistant: Summarify is an awesome tool that allows you to summarise all sorts of content like PDFs, webpages, YouTube videos, blogs, and more! No more slogging through long documents or videos - just let Summarify do the hard work for you. It's like having your own personal summarising assistant! So why waste time reading or watching when you can get the gist in seconds? Give Summarify a try and make your life easier. Trust me, you won't regret it! And hey, who knows, maybe you'll even have some extra time to do something fun, like learning to juggle flaming marshmallows!


  • (Link) Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella on Open AI and Future Plans: The Inside Scoop!: In a media tour with Bloomberg, CNBC, and Kara Swisher, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella discusses Open AI and Sam Altman. He shares insights into recent developments and his future plans. Get ready for some juicy details! Grab your popcorn and let's dive in! Remember, no media tour is complete without a little drama.

  • (Link) Unraveling the Mysteries of AGI: A Thrilling Dive: In his thrilling Ted talk, Ilya Sutskever takes us on a wild ride through the fascinating world of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). Join him as he unravels the mysteries and dangers of this cutting-edge technology. Buckle up, because this talk is not for the faint of heart! And remember, AGI may be exciting, but it comes with its fair share of perils too. So, let's dive in and explore the thrilling journey towards AGI together! Just make sure you don't forget your safety helmet. Let's go!


  • (Link) Kernel: NYC's Futuristic Veg Dining Experience with Robots: Get ready, New Yorkers! Prepare for a futuristic dining experience as NYC is about to welcome 15 vegetarian restaurants run mostly by robots! Chipotle's founder is behind this exciting new venture called Kernel. These smart restaurants will open their doors by early 2024, ensuring that you can enjoy delicious veggie fare in a high-tech setting. And don't worry, humans are still important too, with each location employing three workers who will be well taken care of. Finally, the future is here, and it's looking tasty! 🌱 Oh, and the robots promise not to steal your fries!

  • (Link) Unleash the Power: AI Tools Reviewed and Engaged: Hey there! Are you using any AI tools in your business or at work? Well, here's an opportunity for you to share your thoughts and experiences! In this article, you'll find a review that will help you make an informed decision about the AI tools you're using. So go ahead and check it out. And remember, your review can help others too!

  • (Link) Boost Your AI Skills for Free with Amazon's AI Ready Program: Amazon is stepping up to address the global shortage of AI talent by launching "AI Ready," a program that offers free AI skills training to 2 million people by 2025. This initiative will help businesses find qualified candidates while empowering individuals with valuable AI knowledge. So, get ready to boost your AI skills for free with Amazon's help! Just remember, no AI-controlled robots taking over the world, okay?

Art of the Day

“Forest, aurora, Van Gogh, top view, very good texture, chaotic composition, op art, minimalism, orange, black, red” By @jettero68

And BOOM, just like that, we've hit the end of another knowledge-packed episode of Atometrix ByteSize, your daily bite of the tech chassis. Thanks for fiddling the dial our way, listeners. We couldn't do this dance without your vivacious ears on standby! As you strut into the rhythm of the rest of your day, don't forget to continue feasting on bite-sized nuggets of techtastic wonders. Go out there and stay ByteSize, friends! Keep your brain nibbling and jiggling in the tech stream from dawn to dusk. Until the rooster crows for yet another episode, peeps!

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