ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/11/17

AI Chips and Lyric Hips: Microsoft’s Skyrocketing Tech, Google’s Musical Muse, and Samsung's New Toy - Dive into Today’s ByteSize for a Whirlwind Tour of AI Wonders!

Hello, hello, hello! And welcome back to yet another round of your daily tech-know booster, Atometrix ByteSize! We're buzzing today with a handful of energising, borderline brain-boggling updates from the tech wonder-world. We will travel from Microsoft's AI Chip revelations, all the way to Google's lyrical attempts to wake up the Shakespeare in teenagers, leaving no stone unturned in this AI, low code and tech universe!

Microsoft's AI chips are festooned to shoot AI capabilities through the roof. Oh, and artists, get set for the 'Innovation Laboratory' party! Samsung has a new toy for us called Gauss, aren't we spoilt? If you thought Microsoft being in the cockpit with us was the pinnacle of thrill, Lyria - Google's AI Music Model is set to make some robot rock bands a reality. The scholarly realm too has exciting news about a revolutionary MonoDiffusion method to enhance your chat-experience with the customised Interactive Chat Bots!

The second part straight out laughs at anyone believing common sense is king while AI continues changing the game. Forget the fear of hallucinations messing up with the Language Models, Amber's here to clean the mess. How about mixing some art and AI to create beautiful websites? Well, all you Picasso-aspirants, Draw a UI's doors are wide open. Attenborough's new venture might leave us picturing breakfast as a hunt in the wild, but, that's when tech meets fun, isn't it?

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News & Articles

  • (Link) Microsoft Unveils Breakthrough AI Chip for Enhanced Computing: Microsoft has announced the development of custom artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud chips, a move that will enhance their AI capabilities. These chips will be specifically designed to optimise machine learning and cloud computing tasks. With this new technology, Microsoft is set to significantly boost their AI frameworks and provide even faster and more efficient computing power. It seems like Microsoft is aiming to take over the world, one chip at a time!

  • (Link) ****: Stability AI is joining forces with HUG for an exhilarating Innovation Laboratory starting January 8, 2024! This six-week virtual bonanza invites artists and AI aficionados to dabble in the latest tech tools, ranging from Stable Diffusion XL to Stable Language Models. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned AI enthusiast, there's something for everyone. Don't miss this chance to turbocharge your artistic journey and showcase your flair with AI. Hop on board and register today! And remember, if you ever feel out of your depth, just pretend you know what 'algorithm' means and nod wisely!

  • (Link) Introducing Samsung Gauss: Your Pocket-Sized AI Assistant!: Samsung has just released an exciting new toy for its devices - Samsung Gauss, a generative AI model that can help with tasks like email writing, software development, and image processing. With Gauss by your side, you'll be able to breeze through these tasks with ease. It's like having a personal assistant in your pocket! Now, if only Gauss could do laundry too...

  • (Link) Microsoft: Your Copilot in the Cockpit: Microsoft has enthusiastically begun its annual developer conference, "Ignite", with a clear message: it wants to be your copilot! CEO Satya Nadella outlined the 5 layers of the "Copilot Stack" that Microsoft is working on. Get ready for an exciting ride as Microsoft takes its seat next to you in the cockpit! Stay tuned for more details. Just make sure you save the last popcorn for us! 🍿

  • (Link) Introducing Lyria: Google's AI Music Model Creating Incredible Compositions: Google has developed a new AI music model called Lyria. This model can create incredibly realistic instrumentals and vocals. As part of this development, Google is introducing an experimental music generation tool called Dream Track in YouTube Shorts. This is great news for music artists, songwriters, and producers looking to explore new creative possibilities. Get ready for some mind-blowing musical compositions! PS: Is anyone else excited about the potential rise of robot rock bands?

Insights & Papers

  • (Link) Unlocking Depth: Innovative MonoDiffusion Method without Ground-Truth: In this fascinating article, we discover MonoDiffusion, a clever framework for estimating depth without relying on ground-truth data. Rather than using traditional methods, this approach treats depth estimation as an iterative denoising process. By leveraging a pre-trained teacher model, MonoDiffusion guides a pseudo ground-truth diffusion process to enhance accuracy. With this innovative technique, who needs actual depth ground-truth? Dive into this article and prepare to be impressed! And remember folks, sometimes imagination can be the best teacher!

  • (Link) Unleashing the Power of ChatGPT: Custom Interactive Chat Bots: This article takes a deep dive into the world of GPTs, specifically focusing on ChatGPT. It uncovers the exciting possibilities that ChatGPT Plus users have in creating their very own custom chat bots that others can interact with. While it may seem like a simple upgrade to GPT-4, GPTs actually offers a range of impressive features that go beyond the ordinary. If you're curious about how to harness the power of OpenAI's latest offering, this read is for you! Plus, I promise, no trench coats required!

Code & Engineering

  • (Link) AMBER: Revolutionising Language Models by Eliminating Hallucinations: Introducing AMBER, a cool new benchmark that tackles the issue of hallucinations in Multi-modal Large Language Models (MLLMs). This project aims to reduce these hallucinations without needing fancy advanced language models. Say goodbye to those pesky hallucinations and hello to clearer and more accurate language models! AMBER is here to save the day, or should we say, save your sanity!

  • (Link) Sketch and Create Beautiful Websites with 'Draw a UI' - A Magical Web Design Experience: This article introduces a cool GitHub repository called "Draw a UI" that combines the power of GPT-V with a fun sketching interface. With this demo, you can create stunning HTML websites by simply sketching out your ideas. It's like magic! Say goodbye to complicated coding and hello to an intuitive and enjoyable website-building experience. Give it a try, and who knows, you might become the Picasso of web design!

  • (Link) Attenborough: Transforming Mundane Moments into Extraordinary Adventures: Renowned broadcaster David Attenborough brings his impeccable narrating skills to a whole new level in an innovative project where he becomes the voice of your daily life. From mundane tasks to grand adventures, Attenborough's iconic voice will guide you through every moment, turning ordinary moments into extraordinary experiences. Imagine the excitement of folding laundry or making breakfast as Attenborough paints a vivid picture of your daily routine. Who knew the domestic life could be so exhilarating? With Attenborough by your side, even the simplest tasks become epic adventures! So, get ready to embark on a whirlwind journey of life narration with the legendary David Attenborough because, let's face it, everything sounds better with his voice! Just remember, don't be alarmed if he starts describing your events in exotic wildlife terms. It's all part of the fun!

Tools & Products

  • (Link) Edily: Unleashing the Excitement of Learning Through Entertainment!: Edily is a fantastic new platform that combines the fun and addictive nature of TikTok with the educational prowess of Khan Academy. It's the perfect solution for anyone looking to learn in a dynamic and entertaining way. Forget boring textbooks, Edily brings learning to life with interactive videos and engaging content. Whether you're studying maths, science, or history, Edily has got you covered. Get ready to swipe, learn, and impress your friends with your newfound knowledge. With Edily, education has never been this exciting! You'll actually want to do your homework now. So, say goodbye to boring lessons and hello to the world of Edily. It's time to get learning and have a blast while doing it. Plus, it might just make you the smartest person at the next virtual pub quiz! Cheers to that!

  • (Link) Launch Your Startup in Seconds with Mixo: AI-Powered Success Made Easy!: Have you ever dreamt of starting your own business but were overwhelmed by the daunting process? Look no further! With Mixo, you can now launch your startup in seconds thanks to the power of AI. This innovative platform takes care of all the tedious tasks, allowing you to focus on what you love. So why wait? Turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality with Mixo and get ready to conquer the business world. You'll be the next Richard Branson in no time! (Just don't forget to pack your sunscreen!)


  • (Link) Microsoft: Your Co-Pilot in the Future: Microsoft's annual developer conference, Ignite, began with a bang as CEO Satya Nadella declared that Microsoft is the "copilot company." He delved into the details of the "Copilot Stack," which consists of 5 layers that Microsoft is working on. Get ready to be wowed by all the exciting developments! And remember, with Microsoft as your copilot, you're in good hands – no auto-pilot mishaps here! 🚀

  • (Link) Mastering OpenAI: Your Guide to Thriving in an AI Dominated World.: In this insightful article, discover how to not just survive, but thrive in a world dominated by OpenAI. From understanding the power of artificial intelligence to harnessing its potential, this guide is your roadmap to success. So, get ready to conquer the AI era and remember, robots may take over the world, but they can't take our sense of humour!

  • (Link) Unveiling the Marvels: AI and Mixed Reality: In this article, the writer explores the exciting combination of AI and Mixed Reality. They find it so mind-blowing that they compare it to something out of a science fiction movie! Yes, it's that incredible. Brace yourself for a journey into the future - where virtual reality and artificial intelligence collide. Hold on tight, because it's going to be one wild ride! Just make sure your reality doesn't get too mixed up 😉.


  • (Link) Mastering AI Development: Top 10 Foolproof Practices: In this sponsored article, you'll discover the top 10 best practices for developing with AI in a secure and foolproof way. Learn how to protect against sneaky risks like prompt injection and unauthorised data access. So, grab your coding cape and get ready to conquer the AI world securely! And remember, with great AI power comes great responsibility (and a lot of debugging!).

  • (Link) Introducing Forward Health's Revolutionary AI Medical Pods: Forward Health, a healthcare technology company, has unveiled its new AI-powered medical pods. These innovative pods are equipped with advanced artificial intelligence capabilities to assist healthcare professionals in diagnosing and treating patients. With their compact size and portability, the pods can be easily transported, making them ideal for remote areas and emergency situations. This new development is set to revolutionise medical care and improve patient outcomes. It's safe to say that the future of healthcare is looking bright, or should I say, AI-ght!

  • (Link) IBM's $500M Venture Fund Sparks AI Startup Growth: IBM is putting its money where its AI is with the launch of a $500 million venture fund. The fund will focus on investing in artificial intelligence startups that serve business clients. This move shows IBM's commitment to supporting emerging companies and signals a strategic shift towards collaboration rather than competition. Who knew AI could be so lucrative?

  • (Link) Uncovering the Versatile AI Chameleons: The GPT Secrets: In this article, the author takes us on a journey of exploring GPTs (Generative Pre-trained Transformers) with a fun twist. They humorously compare GPTs to a "ChatGPT in a trench coat," highlighting the versatile nature of these AI models. From understanding text to generating it, GPTs have become the chameleons of the AI world. So, get ready to unravel the secrets of GPTs because, as the author puts it, "they are quite the undercover agents!"

  • (Link) Discover your poetic brilliance with Google Bard for teens!: Attention, teenagers! Get ready to unleash your creativity with Google Bard for teens, now available in various countries. This incredible tool allows you to express yourself through poetry and verse in a fun and engaging way. So, embrace your inner wordsmith and let your imagination run wild with Google Bard for teens. Who knows, you might just discover the next Shakespeare hiding within you!

  • (Link) The Rise of the Next Billion Developers: Global Impact of Revolutionising Tech Talents: In this exciting article by Sequoia, we dive into the future of software development. Get ready to meet the next billion developers! Learn about the rising tech talents from different corners of the world who are revolutionising the industry. From coding geniuses in India to creative innovators in Brazil, this article showcases the global impact of the expanding developer community. So, get ready to witness the rise of the next generation of tech wizards! And remember, with so many talented developers popping up, the competition might just heat up like a coding marathon!

Art of the Day

“You are in a charming cour, Paris, an artist’s studio, heat, light, garden, oil paint dripping, 3d , textured, incredible transparency, layers, muted surreal pastels” By @fbarata_

And there we have it, fellow tech enthusiasts - another byte-sized nugget of AI, coding and tech escapades bitten off and chewed! Mile’s traveled in the tech realm, chips set, codes cracked, and tales of AI wizardry told with panache. We hope your appetite for all things tech remains insatiable! As always, thanks for tuning in. It's been a blast bringing you the daily byte. Until next time, keep those neural networks fired up, remember that the future is in your pockets (quite literally with Samsung Gauss), and always stay ByteSized!

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