ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/11/16

AI's Grand Tour: Soaring Subscriptions, Smart Stays, and Virtual Ventures - Bite into Today's ByteSize for the Latest AI Integration in Hospitality, Gaming, and Beyond!

Hello and welcome to another edition of Atometrix ByteSize! Agonisingly awaited in anticipation by AI aficionados and tech guru globally, we're back at it again with the latest scoop that the giant world of AI, low-code, and tech offers. Buckle up as we crunch on AI-subscription demand surges, the integration of AI in the hospitality sector, twist and turns in the VR gaming universe and the ever-evolving dimensions of AI development.

Oh boy, do we have an episode for you! What do subscriptions, accomodation booking and VR have in common? You guessed right! They're all under the ever enveloping umbrella of AI. From OpenAI suspensions due to high demand to Airbnb adopting smarter algorithms for perfect rental matches, we truly are in the age of technology. Then there are the plotting tech titans Google and Meta stirring up the drama. Of course, let’s not forget about the gaming giants Xbox and Inworld AI, teaming up in an epic alliance sure to cause a seismic shift in game development. It's going to be a rollercoaster, to say the least!

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News & Articles

  • (Link) ChatGPT Plus Subscription Paused: Overwhelming Demand!: Open AI has temporarily paused subscriptions for ChatGPT Plus, which offers benefits like faster response times and priority access. This is due to overwhelming demand! However, don't despair, they're working on bringing it back as soon as possible. Who knew AI could be so popular? Just imagine how many bots would sign up if they could!

  • (Link) Airbnb Boosts Search with $200M AI Acquisition: Airbnb has made a big move by acquiring an AI startup for a whopping $200 million! This means that our favourite home-sharing platform will now have even smarter algorithms to help us find the perfect accommodation. It's like having a personal assistant for booking your next holiday! Looks like Airbnb is taking over the world, one smart move at a time. Wonder if they'll invent a robot that folds laundry next?

  • (Link) Google Denies Meta's Request for Play Store on Quest VR: In a surprising turn of events, Google has declined Meta's request to bring the Play Store to their Quest VR headsets. While Android developers can still create apps for VR, Meta's heavily modified version of Android on the Quest won't have access to the vast library of apps in the Play Store. Looks like Meta will have to find another way to keep Quest users entertained. Maybe they should try telepathic app downloads!

  • (Link) OpenAI Unveils GPT-5 and Collaboration with Microsoft: OpenAI has provided exciting updates regarding its AI development roadmap and fundraising plans. The company is currently focused on working on GPT-5, their next-generation artificial intelligence. To support this development, OpenAI is in talks with Microsoft Corp. about securing additional funding. So, it looks like OpenAI is stepping up its game with GPT-5 and aiming for new heights! Who knows, maybe we'll soon have an AI that can tell jokes too.

  • (Link) Xbox and Inworld AI Elevate Game Development: Xbox has teamed up with Inworld AI to create exciting new AI tools for game development. These tools will focus on enhancing narrative and character creation, making games even more immersive and creative. With an AI design copilot to assist game designers and an AI character runtime engine, the possibilities are endless. Get ready for a whole new level of gaming awesomeness! Plus, who knows, maybe the AI will even beat you at your own game.

Training & Education

  • (Link) Unlocking Creativity: Google's Guide to Generative AI: Google has released a handy guide to Generative AI, explaining what it is, how it works, and how it's different from regular machine learning. Learn all about this cool technology that's helping computers become creative geniuses. Who knows, maybe we'll soon have AI-written comedy shows! 😄

  • (Link) Learn to Master ChatGPT with Free Prompt Engineering Course!: Get ready to level up your ChatGPT skills with DeepLearning AI's awesome free course on prompt engineering! This course, created in collaboration with OpenAI, will teach you how to craft engaging and effective prompts to get the most out of ChatGPT. Say goodbye to dull and hello to amazing conversations with the help of this course. So, if you're ready to become a prompt wizard, don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity!

  • (Link) Unlock Your AI Potential with Harvard's Introduction to AI Course: In this article, you'll discover Harvard's CS50's Introduction to AI with Python course. Get ready to dive into the fascinating world of artificial intelligence and learn how to use machine learning in Python. Whether you're a beginner or have some coding experience, this course will equip you with the skills needed to explore the exciting field of AI. So, why not join this course and unlock your potential in the world of intelligent machines? Who knows, maybe you'll be the one to create the next groundbreaking AI invention! 🤖💡(Just kidding, we know you will!)

Tools & Products

  • (Link) Revolutionise App Development with Mendable's AI Chat Feature: Mendable is revolutionising app development with its AI chat search feature. By simply adding one line of code, you can create apps that allow users to interact with their data through chat. Whether it's for documentation, support, or even having a virtual product copilot, Mendable has you covered. It's trusted by big names like Snap, MongoDB, and Worldline, and it's enterprise-ready right out of the box. Plus, you get 500 free message credits per month! Start building your next app today with Mendable and let the chat begin. And hey, who knows, maybe your app will become best friends with your data!

  • (Link) Create Catchy Jingles in Seconds with AI Jingle Maker!: Introducing the AI Jingle Maker - a fantastic tool that allows you to create catchy jingles, radio sweepers, podcast intros, and audio promos in a snap! Say goodbye to spending hours trying to come up with the perfect tune, because this AI-powered genius has got you covered. With just a few clicks, you'll have a professional and attention-grabbing jingle that will have everyone singing along. So why wait? Get your creative juices flowing and start producing amazing jingles with the AI Jingle Maker today! And remember, if the jingle gets stuck in your head, just blame the AI!


  • (Link) Maintaining Language Model Compatibility: Bridging Past and Present: In this article, the focus is on making Language Models (LLMs) backwards compatible. This means ensuring that newer versions of LLMs can still understand and work with older versions. By achieving backward compatibility, it becomes easier for developers to update and improve LLMs without disrupting existing systems. So, the next time you're worried about your LLMs "speaking a different language," fear not, as they'll always be able to keep up with the times! Just like a well-translated joke, LLMs will continue to understand both old and new versions. Keep the compatibility coming!

  • (Link) Unleashing Creativity: The Power of Retrieval Augmented Generation: In this article, Patrick Lewis from Cohere explores the concept of retrieval augmented generation. He dives into how this technique combines the power of machine learning with the creativity of human-generated content. It's like having a digital assistant that can pull information from various sources and use it to generate unique and personalised content. It's a game-changer for content creation! Plus, it's like having your own mini superhero writing partner. Who needs a sidekick when you have retrieval augmented generation?


  • (Link) Google Play's New Quality Control: Test Like a Pro!: Attention Android app developers! Google Play is cracking down on quality control. The new rules mean that if you have a personal account, you'll need to test your app with at least 20 people for a whopping 2 weeks before it hits the market. No more cutting corners, folks! Google wants to ensure that only the best apps make it onto their platform. So, get ready to gather your friends, family, and maybe even your pet dog to help you test your app. And remember, quality takes time, so let's hope your app passes with flying colours (or should I say, with flying pixels)!

  • (Link) Exploring the AI and Open Source Revolution in 2023: Get ready to journey into the future of AI and open source! This 15-minute read will take you on a whirlwind tour of all the exciting advancements that happened in the year 2023. From groundbreaking research to industry innovations, this comprehensive review covers it all. So, grab your cuppa and join us on this thrilling ride! Plus, we'll sprinkle in a few jokes along the way to keep things light-hearted. Let's dive in!

  • (Link) Categorising AI Startups: Unlocking Investor Perspectives: In this eight-minute read, a GP at Angular Ventures shares a clever way of categorising AI startups. By focusing on the application layer, rather than the model layer, the article provides insight into three broad groups these startups can fall into. If you're a budding AI entrepreneur, this article might help you understand how investors view your tech. Just remember, no matter the category, your AI startup has the power to change the world! And maybe one day, even your own coffee order.

  • (Link) AI Startup Draft: The Next Game-Changing Innovations: Join the AI startup draft and witness the innovation game like never before! This exciting article explores the world of artificial intelligence startups and the groundbreaking ideas they bring to the table. Get ready to see smart algorithms and cutting-edge technology in action. Remember, it's a draft, so be prepared for surprise picks and intense competition. Will your favorite AI startup make it to the top? Let the games begin! And don't worry, no sweatbands required.

Art of the Day

“when the fog has a face, foggy face illusion” By @Dream.hub

And just like that folks, we're at the end of today's pile of illuminating bits and bytes. A huge thanks to all you data-crunching devotees out there that kept with us 'til the end of this episode of Atometrix ByteSize. We hope your tech cravings have been satiated for the day and your appetite for tomorrow's news has been whetted. Remember that an enlightening byte of tech coupled with just the smallest measure of humor makes a diet that's hard to beat. So keep your wit razor-sharp and don't forget to stay ByteSized!

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