ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/11/15

AI's Silicon Soiree: YouTube's Enchantment, Google's Small Business Crusade, and an AI Chemist on Mars! Join Us for a ByteSize Dive into Chad Hurley's Stealthy Project, Nvidia's Speedy GPU, and the OpenAI vs Google Brainy Brawl!

Welcome, welcome, welcome! Pull up a chair, grab that cup of coffee sitting perfectly at 45 degrees from your elbow, and let's revel in the joyous dance of techno-babble together! Today, we'll be sliding down the silicon valley of AI updates, catching some airs on the rails of low code, and landing with a splash in the tech news hub. Prepare to be amazed, intrigued, and possibly left scratching your head in wonderment as we delve into the world of YouTube's latest AI enchantments, Google's valiant defense of small businesses, and an AI chemist that has achieved what no human could - oxygen production. On Mars!

First things first, let's talk about our dear friend Chad Hurley and his sneaky, yet sparkling AI endeavour. It's as though he's taken a page right out of a James Bond movie and started his own operation, 'Project Stealthy’. Now, what it entails? Even our bespectacled tech mole couldn't decipher. But assuredly, it'll be something to marvel at - after all, Hurley is anything but low key when it comes to tech revolutions. Up next, we have Google, gallantly draping a protective mantle around small businesses but, of course, not forgetting AI users. I mean, if Google were a superhero, it would surely have "AI Defender" as a recognised alias. And of course, we would be remiss not to mention Nvidia and its powerhouse GPU. It's like giving lightning speed to tortoise-paced AI technology. But perhaps, the cherry atop this techno-banana split is OpenAI and its multi-million-dollar tug of war with Google over the crème de la crème of AI researchers. Who knew being a nerd would make you the belle of the ball!

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News & Articles

  • (Link) YouTube Co-founder's Stealthy AI Startup Sparks Excitement: YouTube co-founder, Chad Hurley, has managed to raise funds for his secretive artificial intelligence (AI) startup. Despite being tight-lipped about the project, Hurley's reputation and involvement in YouTube's success have generated excitement and anticipation. While we're left wondering about the details, one thing's for sure – Hurley knows how to keep us on the edge of our seats! Maybe he's using AI to calculate the perfect moment to reveal all?

  • (Link) Google: Safeguarding AI Users and Small Businesses: In a bid to protect AI users and small businesses, Google is flexing its legal muscles. Taking action to ensure the safety and well-being of its users, the tech giant is showing that it means business. With Google on the case, we can rest assured that our interests are being defended. Legal battles, watch out – Google is here to fight the good fight! Plus, who knew our search engine had a black belt in law?

  • (Link) Nvidia Unveils H200 GPU: Supercharging AI Technology: Nvidia has unveiled the H200 GPU, a powerful tool that could supercharge AI technology. This monster GPU, built on the Hopper architecture, promises faster response times and the potential for even more advanced AI models. It's a game-changer for the industry, as the lack of computing power has previously held back progress. The likes of Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure will be among the first to experience the H200's capabilities. Available from Q2 2024, this GPU is set to take AI to new heights. Get ready, ChatGPT - things are about to get faster and smarter! #AIRevolution

  • (Link) Attracting Senior Researchers: OpenAI Offers Lucrative Opportunities: OpenAI, a Bay Area tech company, is making bold moves to attract senior researchers from Google's AI teams by offering them lucrative pay packages worth $5 million to $10 million. On top of substantial stock grants, employees have the chance to triple the value of their stocks. It seems that the battle for top talent between OpenAI and Google is heating up, with some employees making the leap in both directions. Who knew AI researchers could be such prized possessions?

  • (Link) OpenAI's GPT-5: Realising the Future of AI!: OpenAI's CEO, Sam Altman, has exciting news! The company is busy developing GPT-5 and plans to secure additional funding from Microsoft to fuel their mission of creating Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). Can you imagine a world where machines are as smart as humans? Well, it seems like we're getting closer! With OpenAI leading the way, the future of AI is looking brighter than ever. Who knows, maybe we'll soon have AI co-workers who'll never steal our lunch from the fridge!

  • (Link) Revolutionary Robot Chemist Creates Oxygen on Mars!: In exciting news, scientists have developed an AI robot chemist that can produce oxygen on Mars! This incredible invention could revolutionise space exploration and pave the way for future human missions to the red planet. Imagine just how handy it would be to have an oxygen-producing robot buddy on Mars - no need to worry about running out of air! Who knows, maybe they'll start baking us some Martian cookies next!

Insights & Papers

  • (Link) Dive into the Innovative 3DStyle-Diffusion for Enhanced Mesh Stylisation: This article introduces the 3DStyle-Diffusion model, a clever new way to stylise 3D meshes. By combining 2D Diffusion models with 3D meshes, it allows for more precise control over the appearance and geometry of the models. The process involves parameterising the texture of a 3D mesh into reflectance and lighting, then using a pre-trained 2D Diffusion model to align the rendered images with a text prompt. It's a fascinating technique that brings a whole new level of creativity to 3D design. So, next time you want to give your 3D model a unique style, just diffuse it! 😄

Code & Engineering

  • (Link) OpenGPTs: Unleash your creativity and linguistic adventures!: Get ready to unleash your creativity with OpenGPTs! This amazing GitHub repository is here to give you a taste of the OpenAI's GPT experience. With over 60 LLMs to configure, prompts to explore, and a treasure trove of tools and databases at your disposal, the possibilities are endless. Whether you're a developer looking to experiment or a language enthusiast seeking linguistic adventures, OpenGPTs has got you covered. It's like having a language genie in your coding lamp! So, what will you conjure up next?

  • (Link) Experience the Thrills of Running Your Own AI Town!: Have you ever wondered what it's like to run your own AI town? Well, now you can! With the RWKV model from the GitHub Repo, you can create a fascinating experiment where hundreds of agents live out their daily lives as a prompt state in a language model. The best part? This model is more affordable and requires fewer resources than standard Transformers. So, go ahead and dive into the world of AI town on your local machine. Who knew being mayor of a virtual town could be so much fun?

  • (Link) Unleash the Mind: Exploring the Hallucination Leaderboard: Get ready to dive into a mind-bending world of hallucinations! This article introduces us to a "hallucination leaderboard", ranking major LLMs (Limited Learning Machines) based on their mind-altering abilities. If you've ever wondered which LLM can create the most vivid and immersive hallucinatory experiences, this leaderboard is your go-to. Strap on your alternate reality goggles and prepare for a wild ride! Just remember to come back to the real world afterwards, we wouldn't want you drifting off permanently. So, who's ready to hallucinate their way to the top?

Tools & Products

  • (Link) OHMYSYNT: Personalised AI Content That Makes Your Brand Shine!: OHMYSYNT is a fantastic product that offers personalised AI content for brands. With this clever tool, brands can tailor their content to suit their audience, providing a more engaging and relevant experience. Just imagine the possibilities when your brand's messaging speaks directly to each individual customer! It's like having a personal AI assistant for your content marketing. Say goodbye to generic messages and hello to a more personalised and impactful brand experience. With OHMYSYNT, your content will stand out from the crowd and make your brand shine like never before! Plus, who doesn't want to have their own AI sidekick? So, get ready to transform your marketing game with OHMYSYNT. You'll be amazed at the results!

  • (Link) Explore the Magic of Text Processing with Tokenwiz: Tokenwiz is an amazing tool that allows you to visualise the tokeniser of Hugging Face. Whether you're a seasoned NLP expert or just curious about the magic behind text processing, Tokenwiz has got you covered. It's like taking a peek into the mind of a language model! So, grab your virtual magnifying glass and dive into the fascinating world of tokenization with Tokenwiz. You'll be amazed at what you discover! And remember, with Tokenwiz, understanding the inner workings of text processing has never been so much fun!

  • (Link) Revolutionise Your Stock Market Research with SEC Filings AI: Get ready to revolutionise your stock market research with SEC filings AI! This incredible tool allows you to quickly access and digest reports from your favourite stocks in a single click. No more hours of reading and analysing, this technology will streamline the process for you. So, say goodbye to long nights of poring over financial reports and hello to easy and efficient stock market analysis. With SEC filings AI, you'll be investing like a pro in no time! And remember, knowledge is power... and so are smart investment decisions!


  • (Link) OpenAI DevDay: Unlocking the Treasure Trove of AI Expertise: OpenAI DevDay breakout sessions were a fantastic opportunity for developers to dive deep into the world of artificial intelligence. With various sessions covering topics like language models, reinforcement learning, and robotics, there was something for everyone. These sessions provided valuable insights and practical knowledge to help developers leverage AI technology effectively. Attending these sessions was like unlocking a treasure trove of AI expertise. Don't worry if you missed it, maybe you can invent a time machine to go back in time! Just kidding, but stay tuned for upcoming events and keep learning! 😉


  • (Link) Unleashing and Fending Off Adversarial Attacks: Language Model Warfare Exposed!: This riveting 24-minute read takes us on a deep dive into the world of adversarial attacks on language models. Learn about the various ways these crafty attacks are being unleashed and discover the clever countermeasures that teams have developed to fend them off. So grab a cuppa and prepare to unravel the secret world of language model warfare. Just remember, don't underestimate the power of a well-placed comma... or a cunning joke!

  • (Link) Mastering AI Trust: Building & Testing Effective Models: Learn how to build trustworthy AI through systematic testing in this upcoming webinar by Kolena. Discover how to design a model quality management process, standardise test coverage, and address robustness, fairness, and biases. This will increase trust in your AI/ML systems and provide deeper insights in a fraction of the time. RSVP now and become an AI testing expert! Just remember, even AI needs a good test before it's trustworthy!

  • (Link) AI's Hilarious Struggles with Decoding Memes Exposed: This article explores the comical fact that even though AI has advanced in many areas, it still struggles to grasp the true meaning behind memes. Despite its impressive capabilities, AI is often left scratching its digital head when it comes to decoding the humour and cultural references in these internet sensations. It seems like even the smartest machines have a long way to go before they can truly appreciate a good meme. Perhaps they just need a crash course in internet culture! #ArtificialIntelligenceProblems

  • (Link) State of AI 2023: Insights and Predictions Unveiled: Retool recently released the highly anticipated State of AI 2023 report. This comprehensive report delves into the current state and future of artificial intelligence. It provides valuable insights and predictions about the revolutionary impact AI will have on various industries. Brace yourselves, because the machines are coming for our jobs ... just kidding! But seriously, this report is a must-read for anyone interested in the fascinating world of AI.

  • (Link) Unlocking the Potential: Insights into Generative AI's Impact: Menlo Ventures has released a report on the state of generative AI in the enterprise. The report highlights the growing importance of generative AI in industries like agriculture, finance, and healthcare. It also discusses the challenges and opportunities in implementing this technology. So, get ready to witness AI creating new things and maybe even taking over the world...just kidding!

  • (Link) Exploring the Future: OpenAI's Board Defines AGI Standards: In this quick read, OpenAI's six-member board is calling the shots on when they believe artificial general intelligence (AGI) has been achieved. And here's the kicker - if a system is considered AGI, it won't get any special treatment from Microsoft! Imagine just casually deciding the future of AI over a cup of tea. "AI, AGI...where do we draw the line?"

Art of the Day

“black and white painting with a black arch, in the style of pointillist stippling, 1970s vintage, pictorialist, dot pointilism, quietly morbid, rounded, stencil-like imagery, nuclear art, abstract, surreal” By @maddox666

And that's a wrap, folks! We've squeezed every juicy byte and bit out of the tech world for today's edition of Atometrix ByteSize. A big thanks to you, our listeners - the electrons to our neutrons, the micro to our soft, the googly to our eyes - for tuning in and illuminating your minds with our byte-sized tech chatter. Until we hit the airwaves again, keep updating your organic hard-drives, don't forget to laugh at a meme even if the AIs won't get it and please, stay ByteSize!

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