ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/11/14

Galactic Tech Feast: Google's LLM Training Trials, Samsung's Pocket Translator, OpenAI's Code Conquest, and Julius AI's Excel Magic – All in Today's ByteSize Blastoff!

Welcome back, tech-heads, and prepare for liftoff as we blast off into the Sputnik-sized galaxy of AI, low code, and all things tech for another edition of Atometrix ByteSize. Buckle up and get ready for a wild ride because today's episode is overflowing with ground-breaking news and head-spinning discoveries in the realms of Google's proprietary technology, Samsung's translation feature, and so much more. We will journey through a universe of topics to bring you the latest and most electrifying advancements in your favourite tech fields. This is one ride you won't want to miss!

On today's newsletter, we have a veritable smorgasbord of brain-tickling technological goodies. Can you imagine a training program that makes even your grandma's zumba classes look lazy? Hold your breath and release your imagination as we dive into Google's massive training challenge for LLM. Imagine having a personal translator in your pocket 24/7. Samsung's making it happen, no more busted sign language, or catastrophic errors with translation apps. Plus, on today's episode, we'll also tackle how OpenAI is killing the coding game, no more late-night battles with lines of mysterious code. And you thought your Excel skills were impressive, just wait until you meet Julius AI! All that and more right here on Atometrix ByteSize, where we make sure you're always up to date, but never overwhelmed.

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News & Articles

  • (Link) Google's Mammoth LLM Training: Unleashing Cutting-Edge Technology: In this exciting article, Google takes on a mammoth challenge by running a massive training job for LLM (language model mapping) on over 50,000 chips simultaneously. The company managed to maintain an impressive 66+ utilisation throughout the task, making it a strong contender for the best possible MFU (Multi-Factor Utilisation). While most of the project was built on Google's proprietary technology, there are some intriguing lessons for other large-scale distributed computing groups. So, get ready to delve into the world of cutting-edge technology and discover some fascinating tidbits along the way. And remember, even chips need a good workout to keep up with Google!

  • (Link) Seamless Multilingual Conversations: Samsung's Advanced Translation Feature.: Samsung is stepping up its AI game with a new translation feature for phone calls. You'll be able to have live conversations in different languages without any confusion. No more awkward language barriers! Samsung is finally joining the AI race and making communication easier for all. Now, even your phone can be your personal translator. Say goodbye to language mishaps and hello to smooth conversations. Who knew your phone could be so multilingual?

  • (Link) ChatGPT: Customisable AI for Enhanced Task Efficiency: OpenAI has unveiled ChatGPT, a customizable AI system that can be tailored for specific tasks without requiring coding. Soon, users will be able to share and monetise their customised GPTs through the GPT Store. OpenAI is focused on privacy, safety, and real-world applications. Enterprises can also benefit by deploying internal GPTs to improve their business operations. Get ready to unleash the power of AI with ChatGPT and take your tasks to the next level! Just don't let the AI take over your job... yet.

  • (Link) OpenAI Ventures: Bridging AI Training with Token Partnerships: OpenAI is on a mission to create partnerships for the development of open and private datasets to train AI. This suggests that they may be running low on tokens for their upcoming model training. Who knew tokens could be so elusive? Time to hide our Monopoly sets!

  • (Link) Character AI: Virtual Fun Gets Googled!: Character AI, a platform that lets users create and interact with virtual characters, is seeking further funding. The technology has gained popularity with younger audiences, and now Google is reportedly interested in getting a slice of the action. Looks like the virtual world is about to get even more exciting, with conversations that may leave you questioning who's who!

Insights & Papers

  • (Link) Supercharging Language Models: Harnessing Better Data for Improved Performance: This article explores an innovative approach to improve the training of Language Models (LLMs) by using better data. By cleaning up the data used for training, the study aims to ensure that LLMs are tested fairly and work more reliably. So, get ready to say goodbye to those quirky LLM responses and hello to more accurate interactions. With better data, LLMs are on their way to becoming the superheroes of natural language processing! You'll be amazed at the difference it makes. Seriously, it's like LLMs went from Clark Kent to Superman!

Code & Engineering

  • (Link) Revolutionising Language Models: Meet LongQLoRA, Unleashing Extended Context!: Introducing LongQLoRA, a cool new tool that takes Language Models (LLMs) to the next level! With Efficient Context Extension, LLMs can now comprehend longer sequences, making them even more powerful. This GitHub repo has all the details you need to explore this exciting development. Say goodbye to limitations and hello to extended context in LLMs! It's like giving them a super-sized brain!

  • (Link) Unlocking Visual Potential: Language Models Revolutionise Image Processing: Did you know that language models can also be great at visual tasks? Researchers found that large language models, originally designed for text, can actually help process images and videos too! By using these models, they were able to achieve better results in various visual tasks. Who knew language and visuals could go hand in hand? Talk about a multi-talented AI!

  • (Link) VimGPT: Revolutionising Web Browsing with AI-powered Efficiency!: The article introduces VimGPT, a powerful tool that combines the capabilities of GPT-4V and Vimium to enhance web browsing. Imagine having a virtual assistant navigate the internet for you, using Vim shortcuts and the intelligence of GPT-4V. With VimGPT, you can experience a whole new level of productivity and efficiency while browsing the web. It's like having a personal Genie who knows all the shortcuts! "Your web browsing will never be the same again!"

  • (Link) Experience the Best of Ollama Models with OllamaC!: "Introducing OllamaC, the ultimate macOS app for all your Ollama model interactions! With OllamaC, you can seamlessly access and engage with the fantastic world of Ollama models on your Mac. Whether you're a professional or just a llama enthusiast, this app is perfect for you. Say goodbye to boring interactions and hello to a whole new level of Ollama fun! Try it out today and let your inner llama shine. 🦙 And remember, no drama, just Ollama!"

Tools & Products

  • (Link) Revolutionise your videos with GPT4v's AI voiceover!: Introducing the GPT4v app by Taishi! This amazing app allows you to have an AI voiceover for your videos. Gone are the days of boring voiceovers - now you can make your videos come alive with the power of artificial intelligence. From entertaining vlogs to informative tutorials, let GPT4v bring your videos to the next level. Time to give your videos the voice they deserve! Just don't blame us if the AI starts demanding its own dressing room.

  • (Link) Shop effortlessly with Image AI Search: A visual revolution!: This article talks about the exciting world of Image AI search, where you can now search for ecommerce products simply by using an image. No more hunting for words to describe what you're looking for! It's like a visual treasure hunt - just show the AI a picture, and it will find the perfect match for you. Say goodbye to endless scrolling and say hello to a shopping revolution. Now you can shop till you drop without even typing a single word. Just make sure to show the AI a clear picture and not your blurry selfie! Happy shopping and happy searching! wink

  • (Link) Julius AI: Supercharge Your Data Analysis in Minutes!: The article talks about Julius AI, a tool that can supercharge your data analysis and transform hours of tedious work in Excel into just a few minutes. With Julius AI, you can efficiently crunch numbers, explore insights, and make informed decisions without the hassle. It's like having a personal assistant for your data! So say goodbye to manual calculations and hello to a smarter, faster way of analysing data with Julius AI. After all, who needs Excel when you have Julius! 🤖✨


  • (Link) The Ethical Perils: Competition's Dark Side in AI: In this fascinating article, the dark side of competition in AI is explored. It delves into the potential dangers and ethical dilemmas that arise when companies are solely focused on outdoing each other in the world of artificial intelligence. Warning: this article may leave you questioning the future of AI and maybe even looking over your shoulder for our robot overlords. Just kidding... maybe.

  • (Link) GPT: The Profitable AI Transformation for Writers: According to this article, it seems like GPT (which stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer) will be more profitable than Substack, a popular platform for newsletters. So, if you've been investing your time and effort in writing on Substack, it might be worth considering giving GPT a go. You never know, maybe your AI-powered writing buddy will become your new money-making machine. Who would have thought? Time to brush up on your AI banter!


  • (Link) Unveiling 2023 DevOps Insights: AI's Impact & Beyond: The 2023 State of DevOps Report by Google Cloud and LinearB is here to answer some burning questions. Are all those lofty DevOps ideals actually making a difference? And is AI starting to have an impact on software team productivity? This exciting report brings together research from over 36,000 professionals worldwide, covering everything from key outcomes and performance benchmarks to the impact of AI and cloud infrastructure. Get ready to dive into the world of DevOps and discover some fascinating insights. And hey, it's free, so why not grab a copy and boost your DevOps knowledge?

  • (Link) AI Revolutionises Alzheimer's Research: Scans Reveal Disease Indicators: In an exciting breakthrough, researchers have developed AI technology that can read brain scans and identify genes associated with Alzheimer's disease. By combining genomics, brain imaging, and AI, scientists can uncover indicators that are closely connected to specific genes. This discovery is particularly significant as it offers a more efficient way to sift through vast research databases and produce consistent results. Who knew AI could be brainy? This innovation could potentially be extended to other diseases with visible brain images. Now that's using your noggin!

  • (Link) Predictions for Transformative AI: 4 or 40 years?: Get ready for a mind-boggling ride into the future! In this fascinating article, experts take a guess at how long it will be before we see transformative AI in action. Will it be a mere 4 years or a whopping 40? The predictions will leave you pondering the possibilities while you wait for your robot butler to bring you tea. Because who wants to do it themselves, right?

  • (Link) AI Supremacy Showdown: OpenAI vs. Google for Talent: The battle for AI supremacy is heating up as OpenAI and Google compete for top talent. OpenAI is tempting researchers from Google with lucrative pay packages and a promise of a tripled valuation. With big bucks on the line, it's a real-life AI thriller! Who will come out on top in this high-stakes talent war? Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion! cue suspenseful music

  • (Link) The Reign of Open-Source AI Kings Begins!: Step aside, because there are new royalty in town - the kings of open-source AI! This article introduces us to the latest stars in the world of artificial intelligence, with their cutting-edge open-source projects. From machine learning to natural language processing, these innovators are taking the AI realm by storm. All hail the kings of open-source AI, bringing us closer to a smarter future! Long live the AI monarchy...or should we say, AI-kings!

Art of the Day

“a white bird in the sky by Tove Jansson,” By @taktikus

And just like that, we're hitting the pause button on this tech-infused rollercoaster ride. Thanks to all you tech enthusiasts for tuning into another exciting edition of Atometrix ByteSize. Always remember, whether it's about Google's mammoth LLM training, Samsung's multilingual wizardry, or even the regal reign of open-source AI Kings, staying updated IS staying ByteSized! So until our next episode, keep your tech goggles on and continue to shine in a world that's constantly evolving, one byte at a time!

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