ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/11/10

AI's Creative Crescendo: Copilot’s Coding Capers, Samsung's Tech Tsunami, Meta’s Ambitious Alliance, and YouTube's Directorial AI Debut – ByteSize Unpacks Today's Digital Delights!

Welcome, tech enthusiasts, to another edition of Atometrix ByteSize! We're buzzing with tech-news-caffeine today, serving up updates hot off the virtual press on AI, Low Code, and all things tech! Today, we unravel Copilot’s AI feats at GitHub Universe, Samsung Gauss’ innovation revolution, Meta’s big steps into the AI industry, and YouTube’s AI-powered transformation of video experience! Now those are headline teasers you want to read more about, right?

Now imagine your regular development hub but pumped up with steroids, and voila, you have GitHub Copilot, a hub transformed into every developer's AI dreamland! An AI-fuelled workflow that says adios to manual labour? Sign me up, Captain! Oh wait, it's "Copilot." Samsung Gauss is not just a homage to a science genius, it's a whole new wave of Samsung tech aiming to jazz up productivity and sprinkle some innovation pixie dust on consumer products, too. Talk about cheeky robots stealing human jobs - in the best way possible! Meanwhile, Amazon is playing catchup with Olympus AI, and me thinks the tech gods might just bless us with world domination handled by Alexa herself. Meta collaborating with Hugging Face for an AI-boosted start-up accelerator is as exciting as that celebrity wedding everyone’s talking about. And then we have YouTube creating AI filmugraphers, bringing a new twist to the age-old debate of AI versus humans: who rules the director's chair? Alright, Spielberg might not be out of a job just yet. But hey, aren't these the kind of updates that make you want to dance the robot?

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News & Articles

  • (Link) GitHub Universe Unveils AI-Powered Developer Hub: Introducing GitHub Copilot!: GitHub Universe is buzzing with excitement as the platform reveals its transformation into an AI-powered developer hub focused on GitHub Copilot. With a range of new Copilot products and features, developers can now seamlessly integrate AI into their workflow. Get ready for a future where coding gets even smarter! Plus, who needs a magic wand when you have GitHub Copilot!

  • (Link) Samsung Gauss: Revolutionising Productivity and Unleashing Innovation: Samsung has introduced its new generative AI system, Samsung Gauss. This system includes language, code, and image models and is currently being used to enhance employee productivity. However, Samsung plans to expand Gauss to be used in consumer products as well. Get ready for a new wave of Samsung technology! And with Gauss around, who knows what amazing things Samsung will come up with next?

  • (Link) Amazon's Olympus AI: Powering the Tech Landscape: Amazon is making strides in the field of artificial intelligence with the development of its own 'Olympus' AI. With this move, Amazon aims to catch up to tech giants like Microsoft and OpenAI. By harnessing the power of AI, Amazon is taking one step closer to dominating the technology landscape. Soon enough, they might be taking over the world! Just kidding... or am I?

  • (Link) Meta and Hugging Face Unite for Accelerating AI Innovation: In an exciting collaboration, Meta has joined forces with Hugging Face to launch a startup accelerator program. The aim? To boost the use of open source AI models. This partnership promises to revolutionise the AI industry and bring forth amazing innovations. Let's embrace this technological hug and see what incredible things lie ahead! Don't worry, there's no need to squeeze too tightly.

  • (Link) Meta Bans AI Political Ads: Return to Persuasive Strategies: Again on the topic of Meta, in a move towards increasing transparency and accountability, Meta has decided to put a stop to political advertisers using generative AI ads tools. This means that political campaigns will now have to find other ways to grab our attention and convince us of their promises. No more AI magic tricks, it's time for some good old-fashioned persuasion! Maybe they'll resort to using carrier pigeons next? Just kidding, but it's certainly an interesting development.

  • (Link) Revolutionary AI Transforming YouTube's Video Experience: YouTube is currently experimenting with new generative AI features, aiming to enhance user experience. These exciting developments could potentially revolutionise the way videos are created and consumed. Who knows, soon we might even have an AI director for our YouTube masterpieces! Talk about technology taking over the show.

  • (Link) Microsoft Unleashes Free AI Power for Startups!: Great news for startups! Microsoft is revamping its startup program to offer an exciting addition: a free Azure AI infrastructure option. This means that high-end GPU clusters will now be available at no cost, allowing startups to harness the power of AI technology. It's like having a supercomputer at your fingertips! Startups can now dive into the world of artificial intelligence without worrying about expensive infrastructure costs. Talk about a game-changer! Microsoft is certainly keeping the startup community in mind with this generous update. Who said AI couldn't be accessible for all? Keep those innovative ideas coming, startups!

  • (Link) Google's Advanced AI: Your Personal Search Assistant: Google has announced that its advanced artificial intelligence technology will now be available to users around the world. The new AI system, which powers Google Search, aims to deliver more accurate and relevant search results. By using natural language processing and machine learning, it can understand complex queries and provide better answers. So, whether you're looking for the best pizza place in London or the latest football scores, Google's AI is here to help! Say goodbye to endless scrolling through search results. It's like having your own personal search assistant. So go forth and explore the vast depths of the internet with a little help from Google's AI. Just be careful not to get lost down a rabbit hole of cute cat videos!

Insights & Papers

  • (Link) The Unfolding Evolution: Towards Artificial General Intelligence: In a fascinating new study, researchers from DeepMind have outlined the stages of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). AGI refers to the development of a machine that possesses general intelligence similar to humans. The study breaks down AGI into three important stages: narrow AI, broad AI, and AGI. It's like watching a technology evolution unfold before our eyes! Soon, we'll have AI that can do anything... well, almost anything.

  • (Link) Unlocking Efficient Sentence Embedding: The SCT Advantage: In this article, you'll dive into the fascinating world of efficient learning for sentence embedding. Discover how Cross-View Training (SCT) can give a boost to small language models, allowing them to generate incredible sentence embeddings that rival those of larger models. Not only does this optimise performance, but it also saves on computational resources. Get ready to unlock the secret to powerful, efficient sentence embedding! And remember, with SCT, size doesn't always matter 😉.

Code & Engineering

  • (Link) Unlocking Vision: Mastering OpenAI's Powerful Image Recognition API: Learn how to make the most of the OpenAI vision API in this informative article! Discover the step-by-step process of running inference on images, video files, and even webcam streams. This powerful tool will bring a new level of vision recognition to your projects. Get ready to see the world through AI-powered eyes! Plus, with this API, you'll never have to worry about missing any important details in those holiday photos again. It's time for your projects to have a vision upgrade!

  • (Link) DARE method: Maximising BERT's potential without retraining.: Discover the awesome DARE method that can supercharge language models like BERT without the hassle of retraining. This GitHub repo unleashes the power of enhancement, letting you seamlessly integrate new functions into a single model for better performance in linguistic tasks. Say goodbye to inefficiency and hello to language model greatness! It's like giving BERT a turbo boost, but without the need for a pit stop.

  • (Link) Meet CogVLM-17B: The Multimodal Marvel with 10 Billion Parameters!: Introducing CogVLM-17B, the impressive multimodal model with a whopping 10 billion vision parameters and 7 billion language parameters! This open vision language model is a high achiever, acing standard benchmarks and receiving top marks in human evaluation. Finally, a model that excels in both visual and linguistic tasks! Who said machines couldn't be talented?

  • (Link) Level up with Langroid: Effortlessly create powerful agents: Get ready to level up your multi-agent programming skills with the Langroid framework! This fantastic Python library, inspired by the Actor framework, allows you to effortlessly create LLM-powered agents. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, Langroid has got your back. So why wait? Dive into this GitHub repo and let Langroid take your agent programming to new heights! It's time to unleash your inner agent!

Tools & Products

  • (Link) Transform Your Articles with Vidiofy's Captivating Video Reels!: Vidiofy is a fantastic tool that allows you to quickly transform articles into captivating video reels. Say goodbye to dull text and hello to dynamic visuals! This handy platform takes the hassle out of creating engaging video content. Just imagine the possibilities - your articles brought to life with eye-catching animations and stunning graphics. Vidiofy is like a magician for your words, turning them into spellbinding videos. Who needs Hogwarts when you've got Vidiofy? Prepare to be amazed!

  • (Link) Experience the Ultimate AI Playground with Lamgbotz!: The article is about Lamgbotz, a platform that allows users to explore and interact with their favourite AI agents and assistants. It offers a fun and engaging way to learn more about these virtual helpers and their capabilities. So, whether you're curious about Siri, Alexa, or any other AI companion, Lamgbotz has got you covered. It's like a virtual playground for AI enthusiasts. Trust me, with Lamgbotz, you'll be chatting with your AI buddies in no time! Let the virtual party begin! 🎉

  • (Link) Create captivating videos with Ozone: your ultimate tool: The article discusses Ozone, a platform that allows users to create captivating short-form videos. With its user-friendly interface and various editing tools, Ozone makes video creation a breeze. Whether you're a social media enthusiast or a professional content creator, Ozone has everything you need to produce high-quality videos that will grab your audience's attention. So, get ready to become the next big video star with Ozone's help. Lights, camera, action! Don't forget to bring your popcorn!


  • (Link) Open Source and AI: Shaping the Future: This article explores the current state of open source software and predicts how artificial intelligence (AI) will continue to shape the landscape in 2023. Discover the latest trends, innovations and challenges facing the open source community. From the increasing adoption of AI in various industries to the growth of open source projects, this article offers a fascinating glimpse into the future. Get ready to dive into a world where open source and AI come together to create amazing possibilities. And remember, the future is open source-tacular!

  • (Link) Google DeepMind's Groundbreaking Framework Measures AGI Progress: In a bid to keep track of the ever-evolving world of artificial intelligence, Google DeepMind has come up with a fascinating framework called "Levels of AGI". By assessing performance and generality, they aim to set a standard and measure progress towards achieving AI that rivals human capabilities. With the recent prediction of AGI being a reality by 2028, it seems like we're in for an exciting future. Who knows, maybe robots will even start booking their own holidays soon!

  • (Link) NVIDIA's Eos: Breaking AI Training Speed Barriers: NVIDIA, the tech giant, has broken its own record in AI training with its latest masterpiece, Eos. Eos has proven to be a champion in speeding up the process of training AI models, leaving its predecessors in the dust. With this achievement, NVIDIA has once again proven why it's at the forefront of AI innovation. Looks like the future is bright for Eos and NVIDIA! Who knew smashing records could be so much fun?

  • (Link) Revolutionising the Skies: Google's Electric Airship Prototype: The world's largest aircraft, Google co-founder Sergey Brin's Pathfinder 1 prototype electric airship, is ready to take off for a series of test flights over Silicon Valley. It will then head to Ohio, where an even bigger airship is being constructed. With plans for disaster relief and zero-carbon passenger transportation, this innovation is set to revolutionise the skies. Move over, Hindenberg! It's time for some high-flying adventures.

  • (Link) The Unfiltered Realities of Being a Software Engineer: This 12-minute read reveals the hard truths about being a software engineer that no one tells you. Forget about the pizza parties and remote work - this article dives into the reality of the job. From college not fully preparing you, to rarely getting exciting projects, and having to work with incompetent colleagues, it's a no-holds-barred look at the industry. But hey, at least you'll always have coding to keep you company!

  • (Link) Revolutionising Contract Negotiations: AI Liberates Lawyers' Workload: Luminance, a British AI firm, has made a groundbreaking achievement in contract negotiations. They have created an AI system that can handle contract negotiations on its own, freeing up lawyers to focus on more important tasks. This innovation promises to streamline the workload of legal professionals. Who knew robots could be such good negotiators?

Art of the Day

“hand drawn heart with smiley face on it, chalk, no background” By @django9000

And that's a byte! Folks, we've reached the end of our tech-savvy journey for today. Thanks for hanging in there with me, and for bringing all your awesome attention and curiosity to this edition of Atometrix ByteSize. We'll return with another roundup of AI gems, low code innovations, and techy tidbits. Until then, stay plugged in, keep exploring, and remember — in a world teeming with big data and massive systems, keep it ByteSize!

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