ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/11/08

DevDay's Stellar Blastoff: OpenAI's GPT-4 Goes Turbo, DIY AI Frontiers Unlocked, and a Legal Shield for the Stars – Your Tech Cosmos Awaits!

Hello there, technophiles, AI aficionados, and code connoisseurs! Are you ready for your daily dose of tech-savvy talk? Today, we're revving-up the rocket engines to blast off into the wondrous universe of AI updates courtesy of our friends at OpenAI, and their jaw-dropping showcase at this year's DevDay! Among a galaxy of announcements, we'll be voyaging past the stellar GPT-4 Turbo, halting at the tantalisingly innovative GPT Builder and store, and finishing with a smooth reentry into OpenAI's fresh 'Copyright Shield' to guard against those pesky legal hitches.

Getting into the nitty-gritty of DevDay 2023, OpenAI’s custom GPT builder was the headline-stealing spaceship, and boy, was she a beaut! Allowing anyone to customise and share their own AI assistants with the ease of assembling a Lego spaceship opening up a vast galaxy of possibilities for DIY AI enthusiasts. Spaceships aside, the upgraded GPT-4 Turbo amped with a whopping 128K context window is like fitting your gaming PC with turbo-boosted graphics- it's an entirely new language generation experience. Don't miss out on the full voyage through the captivating revelations of DevDay, and remember, seat belts are optional, but the thrills are guaranteed! Enjoy the zero-gravity float through the cosmos of OpenAI's wondrous innovations, you're in for an astronomical treat!

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News & Articles

  • (Link) OpenAI's Dev Day: Unveiling Innovative Language Models and More!: Open AI's dev day was absolutely fantastic! Sam Altman introduced an impressive new language model and announced multiple models for API. There was even a fun conversation with Satya about OpenAI and Microsoft. They are launching a GPT store, where you can access various AI models and tools. To protect customers, they have introduced a copyright shield to prevent legal issues. Plus, there's GPT-4 Turbo, a new and improved version of ChatGPT. And the best part? You can now create your own custom versions of ChatGPT. OpenAI is making AI more accessible and fun for everyone. And just when you thought things couldn't get any better, they dropped a bombshell! It was a day full of surprises and excitement. 🎉 Now, who's up for some popcorn?

  • (Link) Unlocking the Cosmic Wonders: the AI Exploration: In this fascinating article, xAI explores the exciting world of building AI that can comprehend the universe. They delve into the mind-boggling mysteries of black holes, dark matter, and cosmic expansion. With their cutting-edge technology, xAI aims to unlock the secrets of the cosmos. So, get ready to embark on a cosmic journey with xAI and witness AI unraveling the wonders of the universe. Who knows, maybe even aliens will reveal themselves!

  • (Link) Kai-Fu Lee's Game-Changing Open-Source AI Rival: In a surprising move, tech guru Kai-Fu Lee has unveiled a new open-source rival to ChatGPT. This development is set to shake up the AI landscape, offering users an alternative to the dominant player. With Lee's expertise and innovation, could we be witnessing a true revolution in the chatbot world? Get ready to say goodbye to ChatGPT's monopoly; it's time for some healthy competition!

  • (Link) Google Empowers Research to Secure AI: A Heroic Initiative: Google is ramping up efforts to improve the safety and security of generative AI by expanding its Vulnerability Rewards Program (VRP) to include AI. This move encourages researchers to focus on AI safety and find potential vulnerabilities. As part of their initiatives, Google is also working on enhancing AI supply chain safety through open-source efforts and utilising the Secure AI Framework and the Google Open Source Security Team. With these measures in place, Google aims to protect against threats like model tampering and data poisoning. It's like having a superhero team defending the AI world!

Insights & Papers

  • (Link) Ethics of AI: Unmissable Insights from Galloway and Bengio: Join the exciting Ethics of AI event for free! Scott Galloway and Dr. Yoshua Bengio will be sharing their insights on the ethical implications of AI. Don't miss out on this opportunity to dive into this fascinating topic and get a glimpse of the future. RSVP now and let your curiosity be your guide! Oh, and did we mention it's free? So, can you really afford to miss it?

  • (Link) Unmasking AI Deepfakes: Techniques to Spot Fake Videos: In this fascinating article, CBS News explores the world of AI deepfakes and the challenges of identifying them. With the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence, it has become increasingly difficult to distinguish between real and fake videos. But fear not! The experts at CBS News have uncovered some clever techniques to unveil these sneaky deepfakes. So next time you see a video that seems too good to be true, remember, not everything is as it appears in the world of AI! Stay vigilant and keep those eyes peeled. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. And maybe a little bit of skepticism too!

  • (Link) NeurIPS 2023: A Glimpse into AI's Thrilling Future!: Get ready to dive into the fascinating world of NeurIPS 2023! In this 45-minute read, you'll be treated to juicy highlights from the conference. Discover the latest cutting-edge research and developments that have already been eagerly embraced by the community. Trust me, this is like a time machine that fast-forwards you straight into the future of AI! So grab a cuppa, put your brainy hat on, and let's get geeky. And don't worry, we won't test you on anything afterwards!

Code & Engineering

  • (Link) DALL·E-3: Unlocking Visual Magic with AI Innovation!: The article discusses the latest updates on DALL·E-3, a powerful AI system that generates unique images from text descriptions. It explores the improved capabilities of DALL·E-3, including its ability to handle more complex input descriptions and produce higher quality images. With this advanced technology, DALL·E-3 is transforming the way we create visuals. It's like having an artist who can bring any idea to life, except this artist is a computer! So, get ready to witness the magic of DALL·E-3!

  • (Link) Realtime BakLLaVA: Llamas Master Computer Vision Skills: This article introduces Realtime BakLLaVA, a fascinating project that combines llamas and computer vision. Using the BakLLaVA model, a program called llama.cpp can now describe what it sees in real time. Now, llamas have gone from being adorable animals to tech-savvy assistants. Who knew llamas were so good with code?

  • (Link) Unleashing BestGPTs: Elevate Your AI Text Generation: AgentOps has compiled a list of the top-ranked OpenAI GPT models, known as BestGPTs. These models have been ranked based on their performance and capabilities. Whether you're looking to generate creative content or seek answers to complex questions, these BestGPTs will surely impress. So, say goodbye to mediocre language models and hello to the best of the best in AI-generated text. Trust me, you won't be disappointed!

  • (Link) Discover and secure AI models with Giskard: Giskard is an open-source testing framework for LLMs and ML models. It automatically detects vulnerabilities in AI models, ensuring performance biases, data leakage, spurious correlation, hallucination, toxicity, and security issues are addressed. With Giskard, you can get your model to production quickly and safely. Install it via GitHub or try it out in Colab. Get ready to put your models to the test! Just remember, Giskard is here to find the vulnerabilities, not your hidden insecurities!

Tools & Products

  • (Link) Detangle: Your AI-Powered Legal Document Decoder: Detangle is a smart tool that helps you make sense of those confusing legal documents. It uses AI technology to analyze contracts, agreements and other legal texts, highlighting key information and providing easy-to-understand summaries. No more headaches from deciphering legalese! With Detangle, you'll finally understand what that fine print really means. It's like having a personal translator for the legal world. Now you can confidently say, "I've got it all sorted, thanks to Detangle!" With this handy tool, unraveling legal jargon has never been easier. So, no more getting lost in the legal maze - Detangle's got your back!

  • (Link) Introducing Penny: Your Shopping Guru for Smarter Savings!: The article introduces Penny, a fantastic online AI shopping assistant that's here to save you both money and time! With Penny by your side, you'll never miss out on great deals again. This helpful AI will search for the best prices, find coupons, and provide personalised recommendations tailored just for you. Say goodbye to overspending and hello to savvy shopping with Penny! She's like having your own personal shopping guru. Now you can shop smarter and maybe even treat yourself to a little extra something with the money you save. Go Penny!

  • (Link) Shoelace: Empowering Web Development with Versatile Components: Shoelace is a super cool website that offers a library of web components that can work with any framework or CDN. It's like a treasure chest full of customisable goodies, complete with a snazzy dark theme. Oh, and did we mention it's also super accessible? They definitely had inclusivity in mind when creating this masterpiece. And if you're a React fan, you're in luck because Shoelace has first-class support for it. Plus, they even threw in built-in localisation because they know how much we all love speaking different languages. So, go on and check out Shoelace, they've got everything you need to make your website shine. And maybe even your shoes too!


  • (Link) OpenAI's Dev Day: Unveiling Powerful Language Models: OpenAI's dev day was a blast, with Sam Altman unveiling a powerful new language model. He also announced several other models that will be available through API. Altman even had a fun chat with Satya, teasing about OpenAI and Microsoft. It got deep and philosophical before the big revelation. Stay tuned for the exciting details! 🍿 And remember, nothing says "AI" like a mind-blowing language model!


  • (Link) Unveiling AI Data Pipeline Attacks: Defend with Code!: In this enlightening article, you'll uncover the sneaky tactics of AI data pipeline attacks that often catch the cyber security community off guard. But fear not, as the post also provides code to help you combat these attacks in the future. So, get ready to dive into the world of data well poisoning and other ingenious tricks! Remember, knowledge is power, even in the world of AI hacking. Who knew machines could be so mischievous?

  • (Link) Unmasking Cruise: Raising Questions on Autonomous Vehicle Deception: In this intriguing article, we delve into the world of autonomous vehicles and the potential for deception. Cruise, GM's driverless car company, is under scrutiny for relying on remote operators instead of truly autonomous technology. This raises eyebrows about the true capabilities of self-driving cars and sparks calls for transparency and investigation. Are we witnessing the Theranos of AI? Read on to find out! And let's hope this doesn't turn into a "car-nival" of deception.

  • (Link) Revolutionary AI Plugins Expose Surprising Security Weakness: In this fascinating article, we delve into the world of generative AI plugins and their unexpected vulnerabilities. It turns out that these plugins can be used to launch an attack similar to SQL injection, all through an infected Google Doc. Although Google has since patched the issue, it's mind-boggling how a security researcher was able to extract other users' prompts. Talk about a sneaky way to get some inside information!

  • (Link) Unlock Your Research Potential with Google's Scholar Program: Google is giving early career researchers the opportunity to join their team and work on their research projects. The research scholar program offers postdoc-level researchers the chance to be part of a supportive community with access to valuable resources. So, if you're a budding researcher looking to make a mark, this could be your chance! Who knows, maybe you'll discover the secret to the perfect cup of tea for Google's office.

  • (Link) Unveiling the Architectural Marvels of a One-Person Tech Startup: In this fascinating article, you'll discover the intricate world of architecture behind a one-person tech startup. From load balancing to cron job monitoring, this post covers it all. Learn how to handle payments and subscriptions like a pro. It's like building a house, but with lines of code instead of bricks. Buckle up, because you're in for a wild ride! And don't worry, we won't ask you to balance on a tightrope while coding. We'll leave that to the circus performers!

  • (Link) The Surprising Impact of Pay Transparency on Job Seekers: In the world of job hunting, pay transparency is on the rise and it's causing quite the stir. While it hasn't led to major changes in average wages, employers are now going the extra mile to entice job seekers. They are not just flaunting their cash benefits and perks, but also offering flexibility options. It's like a competition where companies are trying to outdo each other with their offerings. So, not only can you make more money, but you can also enjoy some sweet perks along the way. Talk about a win-win!

Art of the Day

And that's it, tech-heads, the byte has bitten! We've reached the end of another jam-packed Atometrix ByteSize edition, crushing through AI news just like Hulk smashes through walls. Thank you for lending us your ears and mind, and for strapping your seatbelts in on this wild ride between the past and future of technology. Remember, in the fast-paced world of AI, staying ByteSize is not just about portions, it's about thinking compact, processing fast, and absorbing what really matters. So, until our next digital rendezvous, stay tech-thirsty, stay inspired, and above all, stay ByteSize.

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