ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/11/02

AI Art Triumphs, Alibaba's AI Leap, Quora's Bot Bonanza, SAP-Stanford's Brainy Bond: ByteSize's Techno-Trailblazing Tour!

Welcome aboard all you tech-trailblazers, code-crackers, and pixel-pushers! Brace yourselves for another thrilling journey through the technoverse in today's edition of Atometrix ByteSize. Today's menu includes a spicy judicial ruling favouring AI art, Alibaba's daring lunge in the AI race, a boost for bot builders on Quora, and an academic love story between SAP and Stanford. And that's just the appetiser!

Now, hold onto your coding cap and adjust your geek glasses because our quantum ride is about to accelerate to maximum warp. We're traveling from pixel galleries in the realm of AI art litigation, all the way to the cosmic shores of the AI race, with Alibaba's beastly rocket ship, Tongyi Qianwen 2.0, leaving a trail of stardusted awesomeness! Speaking of awesomeness, want to chitchat with chatbots and cash in? Well, Quora's Poe has just turned your geeky dreams into a money-making reality! But wait, there's more! The tech titan SAP has just found a new bestie in Stanford, sparking an intellectual bromance that promises some bangin' innovations. I mean, who doesn’t love a good geek meet-cute?

Hold on tight because after today’s ByteSize adventure, even your coding socks will be blown off!

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News & Articles

  • (Link) Artists' Copyright Claims Dismissed: AI Art Prevails: In a legal battle over generative AI art, artists have suffered a setback as a federal judge dismissed most claims in a lawsuit against Midjourney and DeviantArt. The artists claimed that the art generators were using their images without permission. However, the judge found deficiencies in the accusations of copyright infringement. While this may be a blow for the artists, it seems the AI is off the hook – for now. Let's hope the next round of the battle brings some artistic justice!

  • (Link) Alibaba Powers Ahead in AI race with Tongyi Qianwen 2.0: Alibaba is stepping up its game in the AI arena with the launch of its upgraded model, Tongyi Qianwen 2.0. This powerful tool is set to rival giants like Amazon and Microsoft, especially in generative AI applications like ChatGPT. Alibaba is ready to take on the competition and conquer the AI world. Watch out, tech behemoths, Alibaba means business!

  • (Link) Quora's Poe Delivers Profitable Bot Creation for All!: Have you ever wondered how those AI chatbots on Quora are created? Well, wonder no more, because Quora's own AI chatbot platform, Poe, has just introduced a creator economy. Now, bot creators can get paid for their hard work! It's like turning bot-making into a profitable hobby. So, get ready to have some bot-tastic conversations and make some money on the side! Who said chatting with bots couldn't be fun and rewarding?

  • (Link) SAP Joins Forces with Stanford for Innovations: Guess who's teaming up with an academic powerhouse? SAP! The tech giant has joined the Stanford HAI corporate affiliate program, forming an exciting partnership. This collaboration is set to bring about some awesome developments and innovations. Who knows, we might even see some genius SAP-powered solutions coming out of Stanford soon. Talk about a dynamic duo! It's like Batman and Robin, but with software. Let the brainiacs unite!

Insights & Papers

  • (Link) MPVSS: Streamlining Video Segmentation with Smart Predictions: In this fascinating study, researchers unveil a clever method called MPVSS, designed to simplify the process of segmenting video content. By honing in on key frames and using them to predict masks for other frames, MPVSS reduces the computational load, making video semantic segmentation a more efficient task. So, say goodbye to tedious segmentation and hello to a smarter and snappier video analysis process. Lights, camera, less computation!

  • (Link) Unlocking the Potential: GPT-4V Revolutionises Medical Image Analysis: In this fascinating article, researchers delve into the world of Medical Visual Question Answering. They explore how the powerful GPT-4 with Vision (GPT-4V) performs when faced with questions about medical images like X-rays and CT scans. Prepare to be amazed as you discover the potential of AI in healthcare. Beware, though - GPT-4V might not be able to prescribe you a remedy for your next cold!

  • (Link) Enhancing AI: Exploring Explicit and Implicit Prompting Methods.: In this article, we explore two approaches to prompting in the world of AI. We delve into the differences between explicit and implicit prompting methods and how they can enhance the effectiveness of AI systems. So, whether you prefer a straightforward approach or a more subtle one, there's something for everyone in the world of AI prompting. Who said machines can't be creative?

Code & Engineering

  • (Link) Revolutionising Visual Encoders: Unveiling the Power of Multi-modal LLMs: In this article, researchers explore the world of Multi-modal Large Language Models (MLLMs) and make some exciting discoveries about visual encoders. By studying CLIP and DINO models, they find certain features that work wonders for detailed visual tasks. They then introduce their own creation, COMM, which combines the best of both models. Get ready to dive into the world of Multi-modal LLMs and see how they're improving in leaps and bounds. And hey, who doesn't love a little model fusion to create something even better?

  • (Link) TESTA: Efficient Video Analysis Made Easy: Want to speed up the process of understanding long videos? Look no further than TESTA! This project introduces a clever method to combine similar frames and patches, making video analysis more efficient. TESTA not only reduces computational load but also improves performance in matching paragraphs to videos and answering questions. It's like finding a shortcut to video comprehension! Now you can say goodbye to those never-ending videos and hello to quick answers. 🕵️‍♀️🎥 (But don't worry, no more spoilers!)

  • (Link) Unleash your creativity with Local AI Stack: Building AI Apps Simplified!: Are you ready to dive into the world of local AI apps? Look no further than the Local AI Stack GitHub Repo! This awesome repository provides you with a starter kit to create your very own AI app for document Q&A. And the best part? It's completely free! With the power of Ollama for inference, LangChain for LLM orchestration, and Next.js for app logic, you'll be building AI apps like a pro in no time. So why wait? Start exploring the endless possibilities of local AI today! And remember, the only limit is your imagination (and maybe the amount of coffee you've had)!

  • (Link) Boost Productivity with LangChain's Ready-to-Use Templates!: LangChain Templates is a fantastic resource for anyone in the production industry. It offers a collection of reference architectures that are ready to be implemented. With these templates, you can save time and effort by using tried-and-tested designs. LangChain has got your back, providing you with the tools you need to succeed. So, no more reinventing the wheel - let's get those creative gears turning! Trust me, you'll be templates-ing your way to success in no time!

Tools & Products

  • (Link) Unlock Your Endless Creative Potential with AI: is an exciting AI platform that has a knack for creating unique and imaginative designs. This clever tool can generate original artwork, logos, and even fashion designs, all with a touch of AI magic. Say goodbye to creative block and hello to endless possibilities! With, you'll have a whole world of creative inspiration at your fingertips. It's like having a genius artist as your personal assistant. Time to bring your imagination to life! And who knows, maybe one day AI will even design the perfect outfit for those Monday mornings – we can dream, right?

  • (Link) Trickle: Find Screenshots Effortlessly with AI-powered Search: Trickle is an AI-powered tool that turns screenshots into searchable gems. No more endless scrolling through your phone to find that one important image. With Trickle, you can easily locate any screenshot by simply searching for keywords. It's like having a personal assistant for your screenshots! Say goodbye to the screenshot chaos and hello to organised bliss. Trickle, the clever image detective, is here to save the day! Just don't ask it where you left your socks, it may not be that good.

  • (Link) Gems: Your Instant Knowledge Treasure Trove: The article is about a tool called Gems that provides ready-to-use answers for all your knowledge needs. With Gems, you can quickly find the information you're looking for without wasting time searching through endless resources. It's like having a treasure trove of answers at your fingertips! So say goodbye to information overload and hello to instant knowledge. Gems truly is a gem of a tool! Just don't ask it for relationship advice, it's not that kind of gem!


  • (Link) Deploy Your Model with Replicate: Unleash Its Potential!: Learn how to deploy your model on Replicate for seamless, efficient inference. This article guides you through the process, ensuring your model is up and running in no time. Once you've mastered this technique, you'll be unleashing your model's potential like a boss! So, let's get those algorithms dancing on Replicate!


  • (Link) Preventing Rogue Superintelligence: Safeguarding AI's Alignment with Humanity: In this fascinating article, OpenAI's co-founder and chief scientist Ilya Sutskever discusses the importance of preventing rogue superintelligence. While the development of advanced AI models like GPT is exciting, Sutskever emphasises the need to ensure that AI remains aligned with human values. He anticipates a future where humans and AI can merge, but stresses the importance of developing procedures to control and guide AI technology. So, while we may be headed towards a world of superintelligent machines, we can rest easy knowing that brilliant minds like Sutskever are working hard to keep everything in check. And who knows, maybe one day we'll all have our own personal AI sidekicks!

  • (Link) Tech-Savvy Upgrade: AI Amplifies Hackers' Sneaky Phishing Tactics: In this exciting article, we learn that hackers are taking things to the next level by using AI to enhance their phishing tactics. With AI's power, these cybercriminals are becoming even more cunning and their attacks even more successful. Brace yourself, because phishing just got a tech-savvy upgrade! Remember to stay vigilant against those pesky hackers, they're getting smarter...and sneakier!

  • (Link) The Decline of Business Flywheels: Unveiling the Threats: In this enlightening article, "Death Of A Flywheel," you'll discover why the once-powerful business flywheels are experiencing a decline. Factors like market saturation, changing customer preferences, competition, regulations, and incentives all contribute to their demise. But fear not! The article also emphasises the importance of spotting and tackling these threats head-on. So grab a cuppa and dive into the fascinating world of spinning flywheels! Just remember, no actual flies were harmed in the making of this article.

  • (Link) AI Expert Slams Big Tech's Misleading Tactics: In a cheeky twist, AI expert and Google Brain co-founder, Andrew Ng, has accused Big Tech companies of being a bunch of fibbers. According to him, they are exaggerating the risks of AI to squash competition and introduce stricter regulations that could potentially dampen the open-source community. Looks like someone's trying to cast a spell of fear over the industry, but will they succeed? Only time will tell, my friend.

  • (Link) Don't Build Your Startup Without Striking Gold!: This quick read reminds us not to rush into building a company before we've struck gold. Startups are like miners searching for that shiny nugget of success. Once they find it, they transform into established businesses. So, if you're still in the gold-seeking phase, keep digging and don't get too ahead of yourself! Just remember, it's all about finding that hidden treasure. And maybe a bit of luck too!

Art of the Day

“a drawing of a sentient amoeba-like being in space.” By @theyeetcannon

And with that technicolor explosion of nifty nuggets, we're calling it curtains on today's edition of Atometrix ByteSize. Big thanks to all you tech aficionados for lending us your ears and joining this thrilling joyride through AI's latest shiny trails. Remember - in this colossal tech cosmos, staying informed is cool but staying ByteSized is even cooler. So until tomorrow's tech tryst, keep feeding your nerd neurons and stay wonderfully ByteSize-d!

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