ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/11/01

Apple's M3 AI Reveal, Empathic Algorithms, and Ad-free Scrolls: ByteSize's Whirlwind of Tech Twists, Emotional Bots, and AI Halloween Haunts!

Hello and welcome to today's edition of Atometrix ByteSize, the newsletter that delivers daily tech news in a tiny package, bite-size just like our name suggests. We are absolutely buzzing with excitement today as we have some real high-tech artichokes to dissect! Today we're covering everything from Apple's AI prowess with the new M3 chips to AI-powered UI personalisation and even Spooky Halloween costumes inspired by AI. Now that's a mix you don't get every day!

Diving right in, the first piece we have to discuss is all about Apple stepping up its game in the AI sector with the new M3 chips (finally, right?). But, as they say, better late than never! On another note, get ready for a heart-to-heart with your AI assistant as the team behind Stable Diffusion launches the Open Empathic Project. Now AI might just know when you've had a rough day even before your spouse does! As for our poor friends at X, Elon Musk's original purchase price just halved. We feel your pain, folks. On the social media front, Facebook and Instagram are launching ad-free subscriptions for all our European friends, because who doesn't love having a peaceful scroll without interruption? Lastly, Google Maps is giving us all a reason not to get lost, unless it’s in the matrix of AI-powered navigation and crowd predictions. You see, technology can be our best friend and our worst enemy (a lot like that GPS voice that refuses to shut up)!

As the tech world spins faster than earth on its axis, the revolving doors of innovation just keep swinging, hinting at a future where empathy in AI is as commonplace as ads on your Facebook timeline. So, whether we'll be chatting up intelligent algorithms or decoding human emotions through a screen, one thing is certain - the future sure looks exciting. But before we delve into AI's emotional quotient, can we just take a moment to acknowledge Apple's persistent 'fashionably late' entry into the world of AI with the M3 chips? As they say, 'Better late than never!'

On a lighter note, even with a heavy load of algorithms and computations (and the occasional plummeting stock value), humour seems to have found a place in our tech-obsessed hearts. I mean, aren't we all just relieved that AI can't laugh at our bad puns…yet? But hey, even if the future does bring empathetic AI, let's just hope it comes with a sense of humour too! Now, without further ado, let's jump into this kaleidoscope of tech news, emotionally intelligent AI, and Apple's somewhat delayed but always dramatic entrance into the artificial intelligence arena.

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News & Articles

  • (Link) Apple's Game-Changing AI: Bold Moves with M3 Chips: Apple is making a bold move into the world of AI with its latest hardware release. The new Macs, equipped with the powerful M3 chips, signal Apple's commitment to embracing artificial intelligence. These chips specifically cater to AI and machine learning developers, thanks to their impressive GPU stack. So, get ready to see Apple's AI game on a whole new level! And remember, with Apple, fashionably late is always their style, even in the AI journey!

  • (Link) Open Empathic Project: Enriching AI with Emotional Intelligence!: The team behind Stable Diffusion has just launched the Open Empathic Project, an exciting initiative focused on enhancing emotion-detecting capabilities in open-source AI systems. Their goal is to create more authentic and meaningful AI-human interactions. Imagine a world where our AI assistants can truly understand and respond to our emotions. Get ready to bring a touch of empathy to the AI realm! Plus, who knows, maybe in the future they'll even be able to offer us some emotional support!

  • (Link) X's Value Plummets, Employees Receive Equity Stake: According to a recent report, X's value has dropped to less than half of what Elon Musk initially paid for it. In a surprising turn of events, X employees received equity in the company at a valuation of $19 billion, which puts it at a 55% discount to Musk's original purchase price. However, there's a catch - these equity stakes are in the form of restricted stock units, meaning the employees will have to wait for a liquidity event to sell them. On the bright side, at least they'll have more time to brainstorm their next billion-dollar idea over a cup of tea.

  • (Link) Facebook and Instagram Launch Ad-Free Subscriptions in EU: Facebook and Instagram are rolling out a new paid subscription service in the EU that will remove ads from their platforms. For just €9.99 per month on the web and €12.99 per month on iOS and Android, users can enjoy an ad-free experience. This move comes in response to concerns raised by the EU about Meta's ad targeting and data collection practices. Don't worry though, if you prefer to stick with the free access that includes ads, it will still be available. Just remember, an ad-free life comes with a price tag, but at least it means you won't have to see those annoying ads anymore!

  • (Link) Google Maps: AI-Powered Navigation and Crowd Predictions.: Google Maps is embracing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance its mapping capabilities. With the help of AI, Google Maps is now able to accurately predict the most popular times to visit a particular place, display more detailed street signs, and even identify crowded areas. This new feature is set to make navigating and exploring cities a breeze. So, forget about getting lost or ending up in a sea of people, Google Maps has got your back! Just make sure you don't rely on it too much and end up in a funny situation!

Insights & Papers

  • (Link) Unleashing GPT-3.5 Turbo: Revolutionising Chat Conversation with Powerful Language Model: A Microsoft research group has introduced GPT-3.5-turbo, a powerful language model with 20B parameters. This turbo-charged version is a downsized version of the original 175B parameter model known as ChatGPT. It remains unclear whether retraining or distillation was involved. With such a boost, this language model is ready to take chat conversations to the next level! Just imagine the endless possibilities of witty banter and clever comebacks it can provide.

  • (Link) Unleashing the Power of AMD GPUs for Training Language Models: In this 17-minute read by MosaicML, they dive into the world of training large language models using AMD GPUs. They explore the benefits and potential of AMD's graphics processors and share valuable insights on how they can be used to supercharge the training process. So, if you're curious about how AMD is shaping the future of training language models, this article is definitely worth your time! Plus, who knows, you might just discover some tricks you can use to train models faster than ever before. Time to unleash the power of those GPUs!

  • (Link) Accelerate Computer Vision with CLIP's Embeddings Analysis: In this fascinating article, you'll dive into the world of embeddings in computer vision. These nifty machine-readable lists of numbers serve as a way to represent data. The article explores how to obtain and analyze embeddings using a neural network. Get ready to level up your computer vision game with CLIP! Plus, the author throws in some dimensionality reduction tricks to keep things interesting. Don't blink, you might miss a pixel or two!

Code & Engineering

  • (Link) Whisper: Revolutionising Audio Transcription with Lightning Speed: OpenAI's Whisper Large v2 model in their GitHub repository, "Insanely Fast Whisper," is capable of transcribing 300 minutes of audio in less than 10 minutes. This technology is incredibly efficient and can save a significant amount of time. It's like having a super speedy transcription assistant at your disposal. Now you can focus on more important tasks while Whisper transcribes your audio. Time to say goodbye to long hours of manual transcription! Just whisper your audio to Whisper and watch the magic unfold. You'll be amazed at how fast it works!

  • (Link) Enhance Azure OpenAI with Azure OpenAI Logger: The Azure OpenAI Logger is a nifty project that makes it a breeze to add observability to your Azure OpenAI instance. By using an API Management instance as a proxy and funneling logs, requests, and responses to an Application Insights instance, you'll have a comprehensive view of what's happening. Plus, it even saves a prebuilt query to a workbook for quick access to logs. Who knew logging could be this fun?

  • (Link) Boost Your Coding Game with Magnetic Language Models!: Have you ever wished you could effortlessly incorporate massive language models into your Python code? Well, your wish has been granted with Magnetic! This awesome GitHub repo allows you to seamlessly integrate large language models, making your code even smarter. It's like giving your Python code a PhD in language! So go ahead, level up your coding game with Magnetic and conquer the world...of words, that is!

  • (Link) Exploring AI and Reinforcement Learning: Recreating OpenAI's Innovation: Get ready to dive into the world of artificial intelligence and reinforcement learning with this engaging article! Join the HuggingFace team as they take on the challenge of reproducing OpenAI's groundbreaking RLHF repository from 2019. Find out how these pioneers pushed the boundaries of AI and discover some of the first RLHF concepts. Trust us, this read is worth every minute! And hey, who knows, maybe you'll be inspired to create your own AI masterpiece afterwards!

Tools & Products

  • (Link) FlowRL: AI-powered UI Personalisation for the Stylish: The article introduces FlowRL, a cutting-edge product that offers real-time UI personalisation, all thanks to the power of AI. With FlowRL, users can experience a personalised user interface that adapts to their preferences and needs. Say goodbye to generic designs and say hello to a user interface that is tailored just for you. Get ready to have your UI experience taken to the next level with FlowRL. Who knew AI could be so stylish?

  • (Link) GenVid: Effortless AI-powered SaaS Demo Videography: GenVid is a cool new tool that uses AI to help you create awesome SaaS demo videos in a breeze. No need to spend hours editing and recording, just let GenVid do the hard work for you. It's like having a virtual video producer in your pocket! Trust me, your demos will look amazing. Lights, camera, GenVid! 🎥 (Just kidding, there are no actual lights or cameras involved!)

  • (Link) Munch: Unlocking the Best Moments for Engaging Videos: Munch is a fantastic tool for all you video creators out there! It helps you extract the most exciting and attention-grabbing clips from your long-form videos. Say goodbye to sifting through hours of footage! With Munch, you can quickly find those moments that will wow your audience and keep them hooked. It's like having a personal video editor at your fingertips. So go ahead, Munch away and make your videos shine! 🍿 Just be sure not to get too munchy while you're at it.


  • (Link) Apple Unleashes Game-Changing AI Power with M3 Chip: Apple is taking their AI game to the next level with the release of new Macs powered by M3 chips. These custom-made chips are designed to embrace artificial intelligence and are a dream come true for AI/ML developers. With a powerful GPU stack, these Macs will surely make AI tasks a breeze. It's safe to say Apple is leaving no stone unturned when it comes to integrating AI into their products. After all, they always like to keep M3 an effective secret weapon! 😉


  • (Link) Apple's Journey in the AI Race: Catching Up?: In this quick read, we delve into Apple's position in the AI race. While the tech giant has been known for its innovative products, it seems like it's lagging behind when it comes to AI advancements. Compared to rivals like Google and Microsoft, Apple's AI/ML team is facing doubts. Can they catch up? Stay tuned and see if Apple's got some AI tricks up its sleeve!

  • (Link) Safeguarding the Future: AI Experts Call for Preemptive Precautions: In a 3-minute read, AI legends Yoshua Bengio and Geoffrey Hinton, along with other top experts, have suggested a framework to tackle the risks associated with AI. They're urging companies and governments to allocate a third of their AI research funds towards safety measures. It's like having an insurance policy for robot takeovers – better safe than sorry! Let's hope they didn't consult the Terminator for advice on this one!

  • (Link) Navigating the Dynamic AI Infrastructure Landscape: A Thrilling Race: In this quick 2-minute read, we dive into the ever-evolving world of AI infrastructure. With hardware advancements and intense competition, the landscape is constantly shifting. Research, feedback cycles, and other factors also play a role in the changes. It's a fast-paced environment, just like a game of musical chairs, where everyone is scrambling for the best spot to sit!

  • (Link) Insights from Stack Overflow Job Report: Navigating Developer Careers: This article dives into Stack Overflow's Job Report, which gives us some fascinating insights into how developers are navigating their careers. It seems that new developers are hopping from one job to another more frequently than their more experienced counterparts. Perhaps it's because the tech industry can be unpredictable and they're looking for more stability. So, if you're a developer, don't be surprised if you're doing more hopping than hustling!

  • (Link) Unveiling the Secrets of Thriving Solo Entrepreneurs: This article spills the beans on the secrets of successful one-person startups. From speedy shipping to embracing failure, these indie hackers have cracked the code to making it big. They make small bets, dust themselves off after setbacks, and have marketing skills that could make Don Draper blush. So, if you're dreaming of starting your own empire, grab a cuppa and learn from the best. Who knows, maybe you'll be the next one-person wonder! But remember, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

  • (Link) Unleash Your Creativity: Spooky Halloween Costumes Powered by AI: Get ready to spook up your Halloween with ChatGPT! This article shares some incredible ideas on how you can create a spooky Halloween costume using the power of AI. Whether you want to be a mystical witch, a terrifying vampire or a spooky ghost, ChatGPT has got you covered. So, why wait? Unleash your creativity and let's make this Halloween the most unforgettable one yet. And remember, with ChatGPT's help, even ghosts will be jealous of your costume!

  • (Link) Former Googlers Revolutionise VC: Leading Innovation and Success: Discover how a venture capital firm, founded by ex-Googlers, is making a splash in the investment world. From supporting legal tech companies to backing projects that use AI for pharmaceutical discovery, they are at the forefront of innovation. With their knowledge and experience, this firm knows how to pick winners. Who needs a crystal ball when you have former Googlers?

Art of the Day

“A highly similar abstract mountain painting with only the color white, without any other colors” By @emp9527

And there we go, signing off from another epic edition of Atometrix ByteSize. However, like all good things, even this has to end but fret not, we'll be back again tomorrow with another byte of technology goodness! A huge thanks to all of you ByteSizers for tuning in and keeping your passion for tech alive and kicking. Remember, stay curious, stay innovative, but above all, stay ByteSized! Don't let those inflated AI models get to your heads. Until next time, keep it byte-sized and sassy, tech nerds!

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