ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/10/30

OpenAI's Superhero Moves, Reddit's Data Drama, and Biden's AI Blueprint: A Digital Dive Beyond the Rabbit Hole with Atometrix ByteSize!

Hola, tech enthusiasts! Welcome to another fun-filled edition of Atometrix ByteSize, where AI and low code are not just jargon, but a rollercoaster ride! Buckle up as we uncloak the latest happenstances in the AI universe, from OpenAI's new defensive stance against tech apocalypse, to Reddit's bold demand for paid data access, all the way to the exciting AI-powered developments around the corner. We’re about to take the red pill and dive headfirst into this AI wonderland, because who needs a rabbit hole when you’ve got a high-speed data connection, right?

Now, post-dive, let’s turn on our empathy chips and delve deep into the heart of the matter. OpenAI seems to have transformed into the AI superhero we didn’t know we needed, swooping in to save the day with its Proactive Defence. And in the realm of politics, AI has taken the presidential seat, metaphorically speaking, with Biden's groundbreaking AI executive order. With policies set to shape the future of AI, we're hoping for at least one paragraph that sanctions an annual 'Robo Rave'. Meanwhile, Reddit is playing hard to get, denying Google (and others) a free peek under its voluminous data cloak. But Google isn’t just sitting idle, they're extending their Bug Bounty Program to tackle these potential AI attacks. As for Amazon? They're turning up the AI volume to eleven. Is it all hype or a strategic move to stay ahead in the AI race? Only time will tell. And knowing the pace of AI evolution, that time-window isn’t going to be very long!

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News & Articles

  • (Link) OpenAI's Proactive Defence: Safeguarding Humanity from AGI: OpenAI is taking charge and getting prepared for the risks that come with Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) by forming a brand new team. This team will tackle potential threats like cyber security breaches and even nuclear disasters. They're not taking any chances! With OpenAI leading the way, we can rest assured that AGI won't catch us off-guard. Get ready for technology to save the day...or maybe just hand us a cup of tea!

  • (Link) Revolutionary Executive Order sets groundbreaking AI guidelines: The Biden Administration is gearing up to unveil an exciting new executive order on artificial intelligence! This order will play a crucial role in establishing guidelines for the adoption of AI in federal agencies and tackling any concerns associated with AI advancements. Get ready for some groundbreaking policies that will shape the future of AI in the US! And who knows, maybe they'll even throw in a robot dance party as part of the announcement. Keep those circuits crossed!

  • (Link) Reddit Takes a Stand: Demanding Paid Data Access: In a surprising move, Reddit has fired a warning shot at Google by threatening to block its search crawlers. The popular online community is demanding that generative AI companies pay for access to its data, and if they refuse, Reddit may shut the door on Google too. This comes amidst a growing trend of news organisations taking action against AI companies' data scraping practices. Looks like Reddit is saying "no free rides" to the tech giants! Watch out, Google!

  • (Link) Google Expands Bug Bounty Program to Secure AI: Google has announced that it is extending its Bug Bounty Program to now focus on generative AI attacks. This means that researchers and experts can now identify and report any vulnerabilities in Google's AI systems. With this expansion, Google is ensuring the security and integrity of its AI technology. So, if you're a tech whiz with a knack for finding bugs, here's your chance to contribute and earn some cool rewards! Just don't let the AIs take over the world, okay?

  • (Link) Amazon Amps up AI Efforts to Stay Ahead: In its recent earnings reports, Amazon has ramped up the AI hype with buzzwords like Bedrock and CodeWhisperer. They want to showcase their efforts in generative AI and shake off any doubts of lagging behind Microsoft in the AI race. It's like they're shouting, "Hey, we're all about cutting-edge artificial intelligence, people!" Let's hope they don't start using words like "RoboGenius" or "SupremeAIOverlord" next. Who knows, robots might start running the show sooner than we think!

Insights & Papers

  • (Link) Unveiling GPT-4V: The Next OCR Superstar: In this fascinating article, we dive into the world of GPT-4V, a powerful Multimodal Model, to see just how well it fares in the realm of Optical Character Recognition (OCR). The paper takes us on a journey as we explore its abilities in reading scenes, deciphering handwritten texts, and comprehending intricate document structures. Join us as we unravel the secrets behind GPT-4V's OCR prowess. You won't want to miss it! And hey, who knows, maybe GPT-4V will be the next OCR superstar!

  • (Link) LLM-FP4: The Coolest Way to Compress Language Models!: Come and dive into the world of language models as researchers introduce LLM-FP4, a fancy technique to compress those big models. They turn the weights and actions into 4-bit floating-point values after training. It's like making a large sandwich fit into a tiny lunchbox - impressive! With this new method, language models can save space without losing their power. Who knew compressing could be so cool?

Code & Engineering

  • (Link) Introducing Next.js 14: Unleashing Exciting Updates!: Get ready for the Next.js 14 update, packed with exciting changes! This article takes you through the new features, including partial prerendering and stable Server Actions. Plus, there's a free course to help you make the most of it all. Be aware, though, there are a few breaking changes and deprecated features. But hey, change is good, right? Time to level up your Next.js game!

  • (Link) Conquer Complex Math Problems with ToRA: Your AI Math Superhero!: Have you ever struggled with challenging mathematical reasoning problems? Fear not! ToRA (GitHub Repo) is here to save the day. ToRA is a group of Tool-integrated Reasoning Agents that can interact with tools to solve those perplexing problems. Say goodbye to your math woes and hello to mathematical triumph! Just remember to thank your new AI math superhero. They love a good pat on the virtual back!

  • (Link) Introducing GPT Pilot: Revolutionising App Development Effortlessly!: Get ready to have your mind blown by GPT Pilot! This awesome AI-powered dev tool is here to revolutionise app development. With GPT Pilot, developers can simply describe the app they want to build, and voila! The tool will create the entire app from scratch, asking for a little clarification along the way. It's like having a personal assistant for app development. Check out the video demo in the repository and prepare to be amazed. Who needs a magic wand when you have GPT Pilot? It's app development made easy!

  • (Link) Revolutionise pixel matching with RGM: an innovative, versatile approach.: Check out the GitHub repo for a groundbreaking approach to pixel matching in images called RGM (Robust Generalist Matching). This deep learning model is versatile, working well with both sparse and dense pixel matching. By using a cascaded GRU module and a new large-scale dataset, RGM takes image analysis to new heights. So, if you're ready to match pixels like a pro, this repo is a must-see! Trust me, your images will be thanking you. 😉

Tools & Products

  • (Link) ResolveAI: Transforming Support Ticket Resolution with AI: ResolveAI is a fantastic product that can help you resolve 50% of your support tickets in no time! With its amazing AI capabilities, it can instantly provide solutions to common customer queries, saving you valuable time and effort. Say goodbye to long queues and hello to happy customers! It's like having a magical support fairy at your disposal! Who needs a genie in a lamp when you have ResolveAI?

  • (Link) Speakeasy: Effortless API Integration for Enterprise-Ready Integrations: Learn how Speakeasy can make your API integrations enterprise-ready with type-safe SDKs, comprehensive documentation, and Terraform providers. With its seamless integration into your CI/CD process, Speakeasy automatically creates API surfaces that your users will love. And the best part? It's cost-effective too! Try Speakeasy for free today and give your API users the delightful integration experience they deserve. So, why build and maintain it yourself when Speakeasy can do it for you? Cheers to effortless API integration!

  • (Link) Conquer the Open-Source World with!: is a fantastic website that gathers user-friendly open-source projects in one place, making it a breeze for anyone to dive into the world of open-source. It removes the intimidation factor and provides a platform for beginners to get involved. So, whether you're a coding newbie or a seasoned pro, has got you covered. It's like a one-stop-shop for open-source goodness. Join the community and unleash your coding skills! And remember, with, the open-source world is your oyster. "Go forth and conquer!"


  • (Link) Gaming Transformed: AI Revolutionizing the Player Experience: In this article, Max Child explores the exciting world of gaming in the AI era. He dives into how gaming is evolving and adapting to the advancements in artificial intelligence, bringing new and immersive experiences to players. Get ready to level up your gaming skills as Max uncovers the innovative ways that AI is revolutionising the world of gaming. So grab your controller and get ready to game like never before – AI style! Don't worry, the AI won't beat you too easily...hopefully!

  • (Link) AI Revolutionises Product Strategy: Expert Insights and Guidance: In this insightful article, Paul Adams, Chief Product Officer of Intercom, explores the impact of AI on product strategy. Adams highlights how AI is transforming the way we build and design products, offering exciting opportunities in personalisation and automation. With his expert insights, he provides valuable guidance on how businesses can leverage AI to stay ahead in the game. So, get ready to embrace the AI revolution and make your product strategy smarter than ever before! Just remember, with great power comes great AI-ponsibilities!


  • (Link) Scaling Startups: The Power of Unscalable Strategies: Have you ever wondered how startups go from zero to success? Well, according to Paul Graham (PG), the secret is doing things that don't scale. This Hacker News thread explores the unscalable tasks that founders must tackle to make their startups take off. From manually recruiting users to putting in the hard work before things can get going, it's all about going the extra mile. So, if you're starting a startup, don't be afraid to get your hands dirty! Remember, sometimes you have to do things that don't scale to make it big. Now, let's go and conquer the startup world!

  • (Link) The Future of AI: Thrilling Progress and Bold Speculations: In this fascinating 11-minute read, Ilya Sutskever, the brilliant chief scientist at OpenAI, shares his thoughts on the future of AI. He talks about how ChatGPT has exceeded everyone's expectations, proving that what we once believed would never happen is actually happening at lightning speed. So buckle up, because the future of AI is looking both exciting and slightly terrifying. And who knows, maybe we'll soon have AI-powered flying cars... or maybe not, but one can dream, right?

  • (Link) Barking Breakthrough: Spot the Robot Dog Communicates Effectively!: In a barking mad breakthrough, Boston Dynamics has taught its robot dog, Spot, to talk! Using advanced AI technology, Spot can communicate with humans and other robots by relaying important information. Now you can have a good old chat with a robot dog – just don't expect him to fetch your slippers!

  • (Link) Mark Zuckerberg's AI Rescue from Metaverse Pit: In a hilarious turn of events, artificial intelligence has come to the rescue of Mark Zuckerberg as he finds himself trapped in a metaverse-size hole. Thanks to AI, he has been safely extracted, much to everyone's relief. Who knew that even tech giants could use a helping hand from their own creations? Next time, maybe he'll stick to virtual reality instead of falling into virtual pitfalls!

Art of the Day

“macro hyper zoom lens, zoomed in at a small mechanical hummingbird, metalic a shimmery colours, portrait focus on the bird, blurry background, photorealistic, 8k” By @kingrava

And there you have it, folks! Another ByteSized edition packed with all the techy delights you could ever wish for. A thousand thank you's to everyone who tuned in to get their daily dose of AI, low code, and tech updates. It appears that the AI world is becoming more dramatic than a Netflix series. Who could've predicted Spot the dog learning how to talk, or a daring AI rescue mission in the Metaverse? Certainly, not your ordinary tech developments. Remember to stay ByteSized and remember, 'in the tech world, anything byte-sized is perfect-sized!' Until tomorrow, adios amigos.

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