ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/10/27

From 'Perplexing' Google Rivals & the UK PM's Robot Rundown to Github's Million-Member Milestone: Navigating AI's Action-Packed Alley with Atometrix ByteSize!

Hello, tech enthusiasts and AI buffs! Welcome to another thrilling edition of Atometrix ByteSize. Fasten your seat belts, because today we're taking a joyride through the bustling world of AI, low code, and tech. From curious AI-powered search engines set to overthrow Google to the Prime Minister giving advice on how to dodge a robot apocalypse – it's all in a day's work for us here at Atometrix!

Oh, and brace yourselves folks! There's a plucky startup named Perplexity that's showing some serious moxie, as they're aiming to go toe-to-toe with Google in the online search space. Can you imagine?"Perplex it!" instead of "Google it"? But don't get too excited, Google isn't going down without a fight. They've got a few new tricks up their sleeves, unveiling countermeasures to combat AI forgeries. Basically, Google is helping us look those crafty, photo-fiddling AIs in the eye and saying, "AI see you!"

It seems like Github Copilot is proving to be everyone's coding crush, as news reveals it has over a million paying users. Seems, Microsoft has found the coding equivalent of Cupid's arrow! Intel, on the other hand, is serving up some serious competition vibes - sorry, OpenAI! And amidst all the AI hustle and bustle, the UK Prime Minister has decided to weigh in (we wonder if she had an AI draft her speech). Meanwhile, a host of other tech updates await us - from scholarly perspectives on PDF management to mind-blowing AI innovations that could revolutionise tech as we know it. So sit tight, folks, and prepare to be tech-lightened!

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News & Articles

  • (Link) Perplexity's AI-powered search engine poised to disrupt Google: AI startup Perplexity has received a significant boost with a new round of funding led by IVP, valuing the company at a staggering $500 million. Using artificial intelligence, Perplexity aims to take on Google in the online search space with its AI-powered search engine and iOS app. With an annual recurring revenue of $3 million, Perplexity is certainly making waves in the industry. Forget "Google it", soon we might be saying "Perplex it" instead!

  • (Link) Google Introduces Image Authentication to Detect AI Manipulation: Google has unveiled three new methods to help users verify the authenticity of images and sources online. By analyzing image metadata, users can now determine if an image has been manipulated or enhanced by artificial intelligence. This exciting development will enable users to better discern between real and altered images. So now, you can spot the fakes and say "AI see you!"

  • (Link) Github Copilot: Empowering Developers with AI-Powered Coding Assistance: Microsoft's Github Copilot has reached a significant milestone with over a million paying users! This AI-powered coding assistant is winning the hearts of developers worldwide, helping them write code faster and more efficiently. With such a massive user base, it's clear that Github Copilot is making a real impact in the coding community. It seems Microsoft has hit the jackpot with this brilliant tool—now, if only it could help us write emails too!

  • (Link) Intel Accelerates AI Advancements to Challenge OpenAI: Intel is stepping up its game in the AI world by expanding its efforts to help companies build chatbot applications that rival OpenAI's ChatGPT. With its new investment in deep learning software company, Alea Labs, Intel aims to provide advanced tools and technology to developers. This move proves that Intel is determined to catch up with the AI frontrunners. Looks like Intel won't settle for being an AI laggard anymore!

  • (Link) Prime Minister Calls for Responsible AI Revolution: In this article, the Prime Minister of the UK urges the world to embrace the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) while also being mindful of the risks. She emphasises the need for global responsibility when it comes to harnessing AI's powers and ensuring that it benefits humanity. Let's face it, the Prime Minister wants us to make the most of AI without accidentally summoning a robot uprising. Safety first, people!

Insights & Papers

  • (Link) Enhanced PDF Search: Simplifying Retrieval of Long Documents: In this article, Adobe Research tackles the challenging task of retrieving information from long, structured PDF documents. They have developed a tool that allows users to easily search and retrieve specific content by either focusing on the document's structure or its text. To encourage further research, Adobe has also released a benchmark dataset. It's like they're saying, "PDFs, we've got your retrieval needs covered!" 📚🔎

Code & Engineering

  • (Link) Revolutionising Recommendations with RLMRec: an AI Breakthrough!: This exciting project introduces RLMRec, a framework that combines LLMs with recommender systems, making recommendations even smarter! By capturing the deeper meanings of user behaviors and preferences, RLMRec enhances the quality of recommendations and takes personalisation to a whole new level. Check out the GitHub repo for all the details and get ready to be amazed by the power of LLMs in boosting recommendation systems. It's like having a super-smart virtual assistant at your fingertips! Plus, who knows, RLMRec might just recommend your next favourite book or movie. Exciting stuff!

  • (Link) Enhance AI Accuracy: Introducing SpellTest, the Ultimate Testing Tool!: Check out the SpellTest GitHub Repo for a cool AI-to-AI testing tool! It's specifically designed for LLM-based applications, helping developers ensure their AI models are performing at their best. With SpellTest, you can put your AI to the test and catch any potential spelling errors (and maybe even give the spellchecker a run for its money!). It's a testing tool that takes the words "AI" and "accuracy" to a whole new level!

  • (Link) Introducing ReactAgent: The Future of Creative React Development: Get ready to meet ReactAgent, the experimental autonomous agent that is bringing a new level of creativity to React development! Using the mighty GPT-4, ReactAgent can generate and compose React components based on user stories. It's like having your own personal React assistant! Say goodbye to manual coding and hello to the future of React development. Just remember not to ask ReactAgent about its plans for world domination, unless you want some interesting answers!

  • (Link) Polyfire: The Ultimate AI Backend for Developers: Polyfire is an amazing all-in-one managed backend for AI apps that developers will love. With its powerful features and easy-to-use interface, it's the perfect tool to bring your AI projects to life. Get ready to make some magic happen! And if you thought AI couldn't get any cooler, just wait until you see what Polyfire has in store! Get ready to have your mind blown!

  • (Link) OpenAPI DevTools: Simplify Development with Real-Time Specifications: OpenAPI DevTools is a nifty Chrome extension that makes life easier for developers. By generating OpenAPI specifications in real time from network requests, it simplifies the process of converting requests into a specification. With just a click, you can generate an OpenAPI 3.1 specification for any website or app. It's like magic, but for developers! Now you can spend less time on tedious tasks and more time on the fun stuff. Happy coding! Oh, and don't forget your wizard hat!

Tools & Products

  • (Link) Graphlit: Supercharge your market intelligence with Reddit and Azure AI!: This article introduces Graphlit, a platform that allows you to create market intelligence apps using Reddit and Azure AI. With Graphlit, you can gain valuable insights from Reddit's vast amount of data, combined with the power of Azure AI. It's like having your own personal market analyst, but without the hefty price tag. So crank up your business intelligence and start building those winning strategies! Just remember, with great power comes great market domination!

  • (Link) Boost Productivity with Bardeen: The No-Code Automation Solution: Bardeen is a fantastic no-code automation tool that can supercharge your productivity. This clever tool allows you to automate your workflow without needing to write a single line of code. Say goodbye to monotonous tasks and hello to more time for the things you love! With Bardeen, you'll be able to streamline your processes and work like a productivity superhero. And best of all, no coding skills required! So why wait? Start automating and enjoy the benefits of Bardeen today. Seriously, it's a game-changer!

  • (Link) Unveiling AI's Hidden Secrets: Data Provenance Initiative.: The Data Provenance Initiative is set to revolutionise the world of AI by conducting a thorough audit of the datasets used to train large language models. This exciting initiative aims to ensure the transparency and reliability of AI algorithms. Say goodbye to mysterious black boxes and hello to trustworthy AI systems! It's time to unravel the secrets behind our favorite language models and see what they've been learning. Who knows, maybe they'll reveal some interesting hidden talents!


  • (Link) The Fascinating Evolution of AI: A Tech YouTuber's Insights: In this article, Marques Brownlee, the popular tech YouTuber known as @mkbhd, discusses the inflection points of AI. He dives into the different advancements in AI technology and how they have impacted our lives. From voice assistants to self-driving cars, Brownlee takes us on a journey through the exciting world of AI. So, be prepared to have your mind blown by the incredible possibilities that AI has to offer. Oh, and don't worry, the robots haven't taken over... yet!


  • (Link) Unveiling the Revolutionary Potential of AI Across Industries: In this quick three-minute read, Snowflake's Ahmad Khan shares his insights on the five areas of AI opportunity. As the buzz around AI settles down, it's time to uncover the real potential in this exciting field. Discover how AI can revolutionise industries like healthcare, retail, finance, manufacturing, and customer service. Khan leaves us with plenty to ponder and ultimately declares himself as "AI's biggest fan" - who can resist that title?!

  • (Link) Balancing Startup Dreams: Riches or Impact?: In this engaging 17-minute read, the author explores the conflicting desires of founders - to either become rich or to make a positive impact on the world. The article delves into the pressure of venture capitalists seeking startups that can generate substantial revenue, often overlooking bootstrapped companies. With a humorous twist, it seems like startups must choose between being rich or being left behind.

  • (Link) Revolutionary AI Innovation: Neural Net Masters New Words!: This article introduces an exciting AI breakthrough that will blow your mind! Researchers have developed a neural net that can actually understand and use new words in different contexts, just like humans. It's like having a language-savvy robot by your side! So next time you're struggling to find the right word, maybe this AI can help you out. Talk about having a virtual thesaurus at your disposal! 🤖💬 But remember, it's always good to double-check with a human.

  • (Link) London's Ultimate Hackathon: Unleash Your Innovation Skills!: Get ready for the ultimate hackathon experience in London! The Anthropic Hackathon, in collaboration with Cerebral Valley and Balderton, is coming to town. It's the perfect opportunity for tech enthusiasts and innovators to showcase their skills and come up with unique solutions to real-world problems. Whether you're a coding pro or just starting out, this event is for you. So, mark your calendars and get ready to hack your way to success! Don't worry, no actual hacking involved – just tons of fun and creativity!

Art of the Day

“design an open hand in the style of pablo picasso” By @nikcoles

And that's how the quantum computer crunches it, folks! We've reached the last byte of another edition of Atometrix ByteSize. Thanks for riding along with us on this digital rollercoaster, exploring the exhilarating world of AI, low code, and other tech trends. We hope you're leaving a smidge smarter, a dash astonished, and a whole lot entertained. Remember, no matter how mind-boggling the AI updates get, it's always better to stay ByteSized. Until we meet again, keep it wired, keep it wonderful, keep it ByteSized!

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