ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/10/26

From OpenAI's Postcards & Apple's AI Splurge to Global AI Alerts: Dive into Tech Dramas & Discoveries on Atometrix ByteSize!

Hey there, tech-heads! Welcome to another Alive and Thriving episode of Atometrix ByteSize where we sink our bytes into all things AI, low code and tech! It's going to be a whirlwind journey down the rabbit hole of modern technological wonderment. Buckle up as we explore news from OpenAI's game-changing developer updates, to Apple's chunky AI investments, and even mull over Demis Hassabis' call for a global response to AI risks. Oh, and of course, it wouldn't be us without sharing captivating tech stories, innovative tools, and introductions to AI solutions!

Let's start, shall we? OpenAI and Apple are really stepping up their game! I mean, who wouldn't want to be in a world where AI sends us a postcard from the future and we're finally making big money in our pyjamas? But beware, the global AI hoo-ha requires more attention than your neglected plant over there (yes, we see it). Talking about risks, things are not sunshine and rainbows at OpenAI's end - yep, the AI biggie is under competitive pressure. Move over, drama series! We have gripping tech tales to narrate!

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News & Articles

  • (Link) OpenAI Unleashes Game-Changing Updates for Developers: OpenAI is set to make some major updates that will make developers' lives easier and their pockets heavier. By adding memory storage and new vision capabilities, OpenAI aims to significantly reduce the costs and time associated with creating AI-based applications. Excitingly, these updates will be unveiled at OpenAI's first-ever developer conference on November 6th. Get ready to dive into the future of AI development! And don't worry, these updates won't break the bank, unlike that time you bought that unnecessary gadget.

  • (Link) Urgent Global Response Needed to Address AI Risks: In a 4-minute read, Demis Hassabis, CEO of Google's AI unit, stresses the urgent need for a global response to address the risks of AI, similar to how we tackle the climate crisis. Hassabis suggests establishing an oversight body, like the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, to effectively address the potential dangers of AI. While acknowledging AI's immense benefits, he emphasises the vital importance of international attention to mitigate potential risks. So, let's hope we can keep both AI and the planet in check!

  • (Link) Apple's $4.75 Billion AI Server Investment: Elevating Technology: According to reports, Apple is set to splash a whopping $4.75 billion on AI servers in the next few years. They're really investing in the power of artificial intelligence! It looks like Apple is on a mission to take their technology to the next level. Who knows, maybe Siri will become the next supercomputer!

  • (Link) Lenovo and NVIDIA Unleash Hybrid AI Solutions: Lenovo and NVIDIA have joined forces to bring us some exciting hybrid AI solutions! These solutions are designed to help businesses adopt GenAI and deploy custom generative AI applications across different platforms. Whether it's edge, on-premise, or in the cloud, they've got you covered. So get ready to unleash your creativity with this powerful combo! 🚀 And remember, with great AI power comes great responsibility to not let your laptop plan world domination.

Code & Engineering

  • (Link) Cola: Boosting Visual Reasoning with Clever Vision-Language Models: This article introduces Cola, a clever system that enhances visual reasoning with the help of vision-language models. Using a large language model, Cola coordinates different vision-language models (VLMs) to improve our ability to reason visually. It's like having a virtual assistant for your brain! So next time you need a little extra help with visual thinking, just call on Cola. No, not the beverage, the smart system! 😉

  • (Link) Supercharge Your AI with DeepSparse: Lightning-fast Neural Network Inference!: DeepSparse is a clever tool that uses sparsity to speed up neural network inference on your CPU. It's like giving your computer a turbo boost! With DeepSparse, your AI processes will run faster and more efficiently than ever before. Say goodbye to long waiting times and hello to lightning-fast results. Your computer might even get jealous of how quickly DeepSparse gets things done!

  • (Link) AgentTuning: Enhancing Language Models for Superior Performance: Have you ever wanted to fine-tune your Language Models (LLMs) to make them even better? Well, now you can with AgentTuning! This GitHub Repo allows you to tweak your LLMs by using interaction trajectories from various agent tasks. It's like giving your models a personal touch. So go ahead, give your LLMs a makeover and watch them shine! Just make sure they don't ask for a spa day afterwards.

  • (Link) Hono: The Fast, Efficient, and Customisable Web Framework: Hono is the ultimate web framework for the Edges, designed to be fast and efficient. It boasts a small size and works on any JavaScript runtime. With built-in middleware and support for custom and third-party middleware, Hono offers flexibility and customisation options. Plus, its super-clean APIs and first-class TypeScript support make development a breeze. Give Hono a try and say goodbye to slow web frameworks! Who needs sluggish when you can have speedy?

Tools & Products

  • (Link) Zaplify: The Ultimate Networking Game Changer You Need!: Get ready to revolutionise your networking game with Zaplify! This nifty tool allows you to effortlessly personalise your LinkedIn and email outreach. No more generic messages that get lost in the abyss of unread notifications. Zaplify's automation feature will save you time and make sure your messages stand out from the crowd. Say goodbye to impersonal connections and hello to meaningful interactions. With Zaplify, networking has never been so easy, or fun! So, let's connect and shine together! 🌟

  • (Link) Munch: Unleash Your Videos' Captivating Highlights: Munch is a fantastic tool that allows you to extract the most exciting and powerful clips from your long-form videos. No more scrolling through endless footage to find the highlights! With Munch, you can easily capture and share those engaging moments that will captivate your audience. Say goodbye to boring videos and hello to bite-sized content that leaves a lasting impression. So, get ready to munch on some incredible clips and make your videos shine!

  • (Link) Join Shield AI's Team and Fuel Your Engineering Career: Shield AI is currently looking for a talented Continuous Improvement Engineering Intern to join their team. This internship offers an exciting opportunity to work in a fast-paced and innovative environment, where you will be part of developing cutting-edge technologies. If you're passionate about making a difference and want to gain hands-on experience in the field of engineering, this internship is for you! Apply now and take the first step towards an exciting career in continuous improvement engineering. Just remember, continuous improvement also applies to your coffee-making skills!


  • (Link) The AI Revolution: Innovations and Controversies in Music: This article dives into the battle surrounding AI-generated music and features insights from the CEO of Spotify and musician Grimes. From the potential threats to creativity to the exciting opportunities for artists and the music industry, this piece uncovers the ongoing debate. Find out who's teaming up with AI and who's not, and learn how the future of music could be shaped by algorithms. And remember, in this music war, it's all about hitting the right notes! #BeatsVsBots


  • (Link) The Power of Emotional Labor: A Human Advantage: In this quick read, discover how emotional labor sets us apart from AI. We all know that showing up with a smile and a handshake is something that AI just can't quite manage yet. So next time you feel like complaining about having to put on a happy face, just remember that you have a skill that robots envy! Keep smiling, humans!

  • (Link) Quantum Computing: A Leap Towards the Future!: Atom Computing has announced the development of a groundbreaking quantum computer with over 1,000 qubits. Although individual qubit operations have a high error rate, the computer can run multiple smaller algorithms simultaneously to increase the chances of accurate results. With its previous system operating on only 100 qubits, Atom Computing proves that its technology can scale rapidly. Get ready to take a quantum leap into the future! Just don't expect it to solve all your problems in a snap – errors still exist in the quantum realm.

  • (Link) Baffling Bots: AI and Human Art Conundrum: In a hilarious yet slightly concerning turn of events, it seems that even the smartest bots can't tell the difference between AI-generated art and human-created masterpieces on Etsy. Despite their advanced algorithms, these bots are left scratching their virtual heads when it comes to distinguishing the two. So, for all you budding artists out there, now might just be the perfect time to sneak your AI creations onto Etsy and fool the unsuspecting bots! Just don't let them in on the secret.

  • (Link) OpenAI's Competitive Edge Challenged: Strategies for Survival: OpenAI, a prominent AI company, is facing pressure in their corporate sales as customers seek out cheaper alternatives. Some are turning to Microsoft directly, while others are opting for open-source options. It seems like OpenAI needs to step up their game to stay competitive. Maybe they should consider a two-for-one deal or throw in some freebies to win back their customers! 🎉

Art of the Day

“Mesmerizing surrealism view of a white elephant standing in front of parallel mirrors, infinity life, long shot, vibrant light, Carla Sutera Sardo and Peter Lik photography” By @momsuca

And there you have it, folks! We've byte-sized our way to the other side of the AI and tech world today. From OpenAI's game-changing updates to bots who struggle to spot a Picasso from a printer, we've been through it all. I mean, who knew looking at Etsy could be so intellectually baffling for our bot buddies? In any case, thank you for plugging in to your daily scoop of AI and tech goodies with us here at Atometrix ByteSize. Remember, in a world upgrading faster than your smartphone, stay curious, stay techy, but most importantly, stay ByteSized! Same place, same time tomorrow. Over and out!

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