ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/10/23

AI Espionage, Voice Clones & Legal Showdowns: From North Korea's Tech Ambitions to YouTube's Soundalike Saga on Atometrix ByteSize!

Welcome, tech fanatics, to a new episode of Atometrix ByteSize, where your daily workout for the brain is our number one priority! Strap yourselves in as we embark on an exhilarating journey deep into the realms of AI, low code, and all things tech. Today's episode is jam-packed like a bursting jelly doughnut, covering stories about North Korea stepping up their cyber-attack game with AI, YouTube getting personal with AI voice clones, Alibaba and Tencent feeding the AI innovation beast, and Universal Music Group giving a whopping copyright infringement punch to an AI startup. Oh, and did we mention a superhuman AI chip by IBM?

Now, let's plunge headfirst into this tech-laden treasure trove, starting with some grim but intriguing news about North Korea leveraging AI to launch potential cyber threats globally. Ah, North Korea, seems like they've traded in their nuclear ambitions for the buzzy world of AI hacking - perhaps they've been binge-watching too much Mr. Robot. Meanwhile, YouTube is shaking things up with its plan to introduce personalised AI voice clones, opening up the exciting possibility of having virtual assistants that sound just like you, or in some cases, like the dialogues from a self-help book.

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News & Articles

  • (Link) North Korea's AI Cyber Attacks: A Global Threat: North Korea is stepping up its cyber attack game by experimenting with artificial intelligence (AI). The reclusive nation is reportedly using AI to develop more sophisticated and powerful cyber attacks. This could potentially pose a significant threat to global cybersecurity. Looks like North Korea is not just known for its nuclear experiments anymore, they are now getting into the world of AI hacking!

  • (Link) YouTube to Introduce Personalised AI Voice Clones: YouTube is reportedly working on creating AI voice clones for its platform. These AI voice clones would give users the opportunity to have their own personalised virtual assistant that can respond to their commands using their own voice. This exciting development would add a new level of interactivity and personalisation to the YouTube experience. Just imagine having your own virtual assistant who sounds just like you! Soon, you might even start giving yourself advice - a conversation with yourself has never been easier!

  • (Link) Revolutionary IBM Chip Turns AI into Superhuman Intelligence: This exciting article reveals how IBM has developed a groundbreaking chip that mimics the human brain to supercharge artificial intelligence (AI). By drawing inspiration from the structure of our own grey matter, this chip can process huge amounts of data more efficiently than ever before. It's like giving AI a turbo boost! Watch out world, the robots are getting smarter – are you ready to be outsmarted by a computer?

  • (Link) Music Powerhouses Sue AI Startup Over Copyright Infringement: Universal Music Group, along with Concord and ABKCO, is suing AI startup Anthropic for copyright infringement. They claim that Anthropic's chatbot, Claude, is using their lyrics without permission. It's a battle of the bots!

  • (Link) Google's gen-AI: empowering users to find government welfare schemes: Google has introduced a new feature in India to assist users in searching for government welfare schemes. By utilising gen-AI (general artificial intelligence), Google aims to provide relevant and accurate information to those in need. This tool will make it easier for individuals to access and understand the various available government assistance programs. Who said technology can't lend a helping hand? Thanks, Google! Give me a high-five next time you find a welfare scheme!

  • (Link) Alibaba and Tencent Join Forces to Fuel AI Innovation: In an exciting move for the world of AI, tech giants Alibaba and Tencent have come together to invest a whopping $340 million into the AI startup Zhipu. This injection of funds will surely propel Zhipu to new heights and enable them to further develop their cutting-edge artificial intelligence technologies. With Alibaba and Tencent backing them, Zhipu is set to make waves in the AI industry. Who knew investing in AI could be this exciting?

Insights & Papers

  • (Link) DALLE-3: Unveiling an AI Powerhouse's Incredible Abilities!: Get ready to be amazed by the incredible performance of DALLE-3! This research paper reveals all the secret ingredients behind its extraordinary abilities. From a synthetic caption generator to enhanced modeling with latent diffusion, and even improved metrics for faithfulness, style, and coherence, DALLE-3 has it all. So, if you're curious about what makes this AI powerhouse tick, this article is a must-read! Just make sure you've got 24 minutes to spare, or you could ask DALLE-3 to summarise it for you in a nanosecond... if it has a sense of humour!

  • (Link) Unlocking the Power of Compact LLM: Speed, Savings, Reproducibility!: Looking for a smaller LLM? Well, you're in luck! These compact versions might just outshine their larger counterparts. Why? Because they offer speedy training, don't require any fancy hardware, save you money, reduce latency, are easy to set up, and have the potential for better interpretation and reproducibility. So, why settle for big when you can go small and reap all these benefits? Plus, small is the new big!

  • (Link) DGUA-FAS: The Ultimate Weapon Against Face Spoofing: In this fascinating 4-minute read, researchers introduce a clever solution called DGUA-FAS, designed to tackle the tricky challenges of face anti-spoofing. By using a Transformer-based feature extractor and a clever network, this method effectively deals with both familiar and unfamiliar attacks. It's like having a secret weapon against those pesky face spoofers! Who says technology can't be superhero-like?

  • (Link) An Action-Packed NLP Journey: Unveiling Comprehensive Taxonomy: Are you ready to delve into the exciting world of NLP? This insightful article takes you on a journey through a comprehensive taxonomy that helps us understand how natural language processing (NLP) can be applied to generalisation. Get ready to broaden your NLP knowledge in just 22 minutes! And remember, understanding NLP is a piece of cake... well, maybe not as easy as typing "hello" into a chatbot!

Code & Engineering

  • (Link) XAgent: Your Trusted Sidekick for Revolutionary Problem-Solving!: Check out XAgent, the open-source autonomous agent that can tackle all sorts of tasks! Powered by LLM technology, this experimental agent is here to revolutionise problem-solving. Whether it's navigating mazes or finding the best route, XAgent has got you covered. So why not give it a try and let this agent become your personal problem-solving sidekick? Who knows, maybe it can even help you solve the mystery of the missing socks! 😉

  • (Link) FACTCHD: Fact-Checking Language Models for Accuracy Assurance: In the world of large language models, there's a new benchmark called FACTCHD that aims to test their grasp of factuality. The researchers behind the benchmark want to make sure models like ChatGPT don't spread factually incorrect information, especially in tricky situations. It's all about keeping those language models on their toes and ensuring they give us accurate answers. Let's fact-check the machines! 🕵️‍♂️

  • (Link) Level up your career with free courses and certifications!: Are you looking to boost your skills and expand your knowledge without breaking the bank? Look no further! This GitHub repository is a one-stop shop for free courses and certifications. With a carefully curated list, you can find a wide range of offerings to help you level up in your career. So why wait? Dive in and make your way to professional success – without spending a penny! And remember, the best things in life are free, including certifications! 😉

  • (Link) Experience Limitless Creativity with Dabble Studio's 3D Photography: Dabble Studio is taking 3D models to a whole new level with their innovative 3D to photo feature. Imagine being able to load a 3D model into your browser and virtually shoot it in any scene you can dream up! Whether you want to see a dinosaur on the moon or a unicorn in your living room, the possibilities are endless. Get ready to unleash your creativity and have some 3D photo fun with Dabble Studio! Remember, the only limit is your imagination (and maybe gravity).

Tools & Products

  • (Link) Unleash Your Inner Artist with Vectorpea's Online Studio: Vectorpea is a fantastic online tool that allows you to create stunning vector graphics. Whether you're a designer or just love getting creative, Vectorpea is here to make your artistic dreams come true. With its user-friendly interface, you can start new projects or upload existing content to work on. Plus, it supports various file types and lets you save your work to popular cloud storage services. It's like having a digital art studio at your fingertips! So go ahead, unleash your inner artist with Vectorpea. Who knows, maybe you'll create the next masterpiece! finger-painting skills not required

  • (Link) Unleashing Your Pitching Potential: Conversing with AI: This article talks about a fun and helpful way to improve your pitching skills. It suggests practicing your pitch by chatting with AI assistants like they're your rich uncle or a venture capitalist. It's a clever way to get feedback and refine your presentation. Who knew AI could be such a useful pitching partner? Just make sure they don't steal your brilliant idea!

  • (Link) Master Spoken English with Google’s AI Language Tutor: Google has launched a new tool called Speaking Practice to help people learn English in select countries. This nifty tool will allow users to practice their spoken English skills by participating in conversations with an AI-powered language model. It's like having a virtual English-speaking buddy who can give you valuable feedback and help you improve your pronunciation. So, say goodbye to boring language exercises and hello to a fun way of mastering English! Who knows, maybe soon you'll be speaking English like a native and impressing everyone with your fluency.


  • (Link) Mastering AI Adoption: Insights for Startups and Companies: In this article, Scott Belsky shares his insights on how both startups and established companies can stay ahead of the AI curve. He emphasises the importance of understanding the fundamental principles of AI and incorporating them into business strategies. Belsky provides practical advice on how to approach AI adoption and highlights the significance of human-centric design. So, buckle up and get ready to navigate the exciting world of AI like a pro, before it takes over the world...just kidding!


  • (Link) Apple's iOS 18: Unlocking AI's Creative Potential: Get ready for some AI magic! A juicy rumour suggests that Apple is working on bringing generative AI features to your trusty iPhones and iPads. Imagine the possibilities of having your devices use AI to create and generate content. With iOS 18, Apple might just give your gadgets a whole new level of intelligence. Siri, are you ready for some serious competition?

  • (Link) Voice Analysis: A 10-Second Diabetes Detection Breakthrough: Researchers have developed a 10-second voice test that can potentially detect type 2 diabetes. By analyzing the pitch and intensity of voice recordings, an AI-based program was able to accurately identify diabetic individuals. This quick and innovative method could provide an on-the-spot diagnosis for diabetes. So, next time you call your doctor, they might just diagnose you based on the sound of your voice!

  • (Link) Thrilling Insights: Microsoft's AI Journey and Future Revealed!: Get ready for a thrilling update on Microsoft's vision and progress in the world of artificial intelligence! In his annual letter to shareholders, Satya Nadella talks about how other companies are using Microsoft's AI products and the fascinating journey behind building them. He also gives us a sneak peek into what the future holds. So grab some popcorn and let's dive into the exciting world of AI! And remember, the robots are coming... but at least they'll make life easier!

  • (Link) EnterprisePII: Your Digital Bodyguard Against Data Breaches: Patronus AI has just launched EnterprisePII, which is the first LLM dataset designed to detect business-sensitive information. This innovative solution aims to protect companies from data breaches and ensure the security of private and confidential information. With EnterprisePII, businesses can now stay one step ahead of potential risks and safeguard their valuable data. It's like having a super-smart bodyguard for your digital information! Trust me, you don't want any trolls stealing your secrets.

  • (Link) Unleashing Rocket-Wielding Robo-Dog: US Marines Get Innovative: The US Marine Corps has been doing some seriously cool experimentation by testing a robot dog armed with a rocket launcher. Yes, you heard that right - a rocket launcher. While specific details are scarce, the photos and videos released by the Marine Corps show this robotic pooch in action. If you're looking for something out-of-the-ordinary, you definitely don't want to miss this article. Just be careful not to unleash any robotic dogs near your neighbour's petunias!

Art of the Day

“Within the infinite abyss, where darkness and light entwine,
Galaxies align in symmetry, their stellar arcs intertwine.
Amidst the silent vastness, where secrets of the cosmos reside,
Nature's perfect order prevails, even in the uncharted tide.” By @atometrix

And on that high note, we've officially run out of bytes for today's episode of Atometrix ByteSize. Thanks for sticking with us and for being the amazing tech connoisseur that you are; we couldn't ask for a better audience! No matter where you are or what you're doing, remember to stay byte-sized and keep that love for AI and tech alive. See you on the flipside, tomorrow. Adios!

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