ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/10/20

Jazzed-Up AI Browsing, Adept's New Tricks & a Cybertruck Zoom: Tech's Sizzling Spotlight on Atometrix ByteSize!

Hello, tech enthusiasts! Welcome to another intriguing episode of Atometrix ByteSize. Today is all about the spicy blend of AI, low code, tech- and more! Brace yourselves for a gripping journey as we cover everything from OpenAI's ChatGPT and its browsing feature, to revolutionary collaborations in AI-factory building and some exciting updates on Tesla's electrifying Cybertruck. We've got it all, so buckle up and get ready to be intoxicated with tech tidbits!

Now let's sink our teeth into OpenAI's ChatGPT and its eagerly anticipated browsing feature, Browse With Bing, that's now officially out of beta testing. Can we just applaud OpenAI for constantly keeping us on our disco dancing toes? And talk about AI being a party popper among traditional models; Adept having unleashed a multimodal LLM model that's as simple as a morning jog but powerful enough to outperform its fancily-dressed counterparts. Oh boy, this dog's got some new tricks!

So, here's what I think about the content in today's fresh-baked tech loaf. OpenAI deciding to pull up their sleeves and hop onto the browsing train just got our AI conversations a whole lot jazzier. Looks like 'Browse With Bing' is on a high adrenaline run to make our chatter more informed and exchange more convenient. And to those shade-throwing sceptics who doubt the capabilities of simplicity, Adept is throwing down the gauntlet with its wonderfully simple yet powerful multimodal LLM model. This goes to show, you don't always need confounding codes and complex analysis to outshine. Sometimes, simplicity holds the crowning glory. So folks, let the tech frenzy begin!

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News & Articles

  • (Link) OpenAI's ChatGPT and DALL-E 3: Empowering AI Enthusiasts: Great news for AI enthusiasts! OpenAI's ChatGPT's exciting feature, Browse With Bing, is officially out of beta testing. Now you can enhance your conversations with ChatGPT by effortlessly browsing the web for information. Additionally, OpenAI is keeping the hype alive by introducing DALL-E 3, the latest version of their image generation model, which is now in beta. Get ready to unleash your creativity and take image creation to the next level with DALL-E 3. OpenAI never fails to keep us on our toes!

  • (Link) Adept Unveils Revolutionary Multimodal LLM Model: Empowering Simplicity: Get ready for a groundbreaking release from Adept! They've just unveiled a brand new multimodal LLM model that is incredibly simple yet impressively powerful. In this article, you'll discover how Adept put this model to the test and learn some fascinating details about it. Brace yourself for a model that performs like a superstar and leaves other models in the dust. It's time to take your understanding to a whole new level with Adept's innovation. Who needs fancy image encoders anyway? Adept's got it covered!

  • (Link) Nvidia and Foxconn Unite for Revolutionary AI Factories: Nvidia and Foxconn have joined forces to build "AI factories" that will revolutionise the world of autonomous vehicles and industrial robots. These cutting-edge factories will greatly accelerate the development of artificial intelligence, leading us into an exciting future. Who knows, maybe these AI factories will even produce robot rock stars!

  • (Link) Tesla's Cybertruck: New Delivery Date Sparks Excitement: Tesla has finally set a new date for the delivery of its much-anticipated Cybertruck after missing the first one. The first batch of Cybertrucks will be handed out during an event at the Gigafactory in Austin, Texas, on November 30. Despite facing delays, Tesla still maintains its goal of producing a whopping 250,000 Cybertrucks annually by 2024. While other automakers have jumped on the electric pickup truck trend, the Cybertruck continues to generate excitement. Looks like Tesla is making up for lost time - better late than never!

  • (Link) Amazon Unveils Robotic Assistants for Faster Deliveries: Amazon is introducing new robots to its fulfillment centres to help speed up delivery, but definitely not to replace humans. These robots will work alongside workers, assisting with tasks such as sorting and moving containers. Amazon assures us that they are not trying to create a robot takeover. Watch the video in the article to see the new system in action. It's like something out of a sci-fi movie, but rest assured, humans are still in charge... for now.

  • (Link) Revolutionary AI Image Detector with 99% Accuracy!: OpenAI is working on something super cool - an image detector with an astounding 99% accuracy! Can you believe it? This clever AI can identify images correctly almost every time! It's like having a superpowered Sherlock Holmes for pictures. Say goodbye to blurry images and mistaken identities in your photo collection! It's a fantastic development that will make browsing through pictures a breeze. Who knows, maybe it can also spot hidden treasures in old paintings!

Insights & Papers

  • (Link) Unlocking Instabilities: Reproducing & Fixing Large Models with Miniatures: In this fascinating article, researchers explore the challenges of studying large models and their instabilities. They propose a clever solution: using small models to reproduce these instabilities. By doing so, they are able to test and confirm the effectiveness of various fixes commonly used in the field. It's like using a miniaturised version of a problem to understand and solve its larger counterpart. So, if you're ever stuck in a predicament, maybe try shrinking it down to pocket size first! 🕵️‍♀️🔬

  • (Link) Revolutionise Speech Recognition with Zipformer: Faster, Smarter, Better!: Get ready to zip through speech recognition with Zipformer! This innovative transformer is not only faster, but it also takes up less memory and outperforms the popular Conformer. Say goodbye to slow and clunky speech recognition systems; Zipformer is here to save the day! With this impressive technology, you'll be transcribing in no time. So, get ready to speed up your ASR game with Zipformer - it's time to transform the way we recognise speech! And remember, slow and steady wins the race - unless you have Zipformer on your side!

Code & Engineering

  • (Link) Mujoco 3: Unleashing Unprecedented Speed and Realism!: Get ready to level up your virtual physics experience with the latest release of Mujoco 3! This high-speed simulator is here to provide unprecedented stability and speed that will leave you in awe. Say goodbye to lag and hello to a smoother, more realistic simulation. Buckle up, because things are about to get thrillingly fast in the world of Mujoco! But don't worry, we promise the only thing crashing will be your competitiveness.

  • (Link) Unlocking 3D Object Detection: Introducing MonoSKD: Discover MonoSKD, a revolutionary method for 3D object detection using just a single image. With MonoSKD, you can bridge the gap between LiDAR and RGB-based models, making object detection more efficient than ever before. Say goodbye to the limitations of multiple images and hello to a new era of detection possibilities. Get ready to dive into the world of MonoSKD and unlock a whole new dimension of object detection! It's time to see 3D in a whole different light!

  • (Link) BitNet: Empowering Sustainable Language Models with Efficiency: Researchers have come up with BitNet, a cutting-edge design for language models that reduces energy consumption and memory usage significantly. This means that we can now build more efficient models that require less power and storage. With BitNet, the future of language models will be both sustainable and powerful. It's like having a language model on a diet, but without losing any of its intelligence!

  • (Link) Decode the Magic: Beginner-Friendly Guide to System Design: Looking to dive into the mysterious world of system design? Look no further! This GitHub Repo is here to save the day with its visual guide explaining complex systems in a way that even a tech newbie can understand. Whether you're prepping for an interview or just curious about how things work behind the scenes, this guide has got you covered. From communication protocols to microservice architecture, they cover it all, making it a must-have for any aspiring tech enthusiast. So, grab a cup of tea, sit back, and get ready to uncover the secrets of system design! And remember, understanding code is like understanding magic, but without the help of a wand.

Tools & Products

  • (Link) Aivia: Your All-In-One Solution for Secure AI Assistants: Discover the amazing world of Aivia, a platform that offers private and secure artificial intelligence solutions for businesses. From Chat GPT 3 Turbo to Chat GPT 4, Google AI, and Web Search, Aivia has it all in one place. Say goodbye to juggling multiple platforms, and say hello to convenience and efficiency. With Aivia, the future is at your fingertips! Plus, who doesn't want their very own personal AI assistant?

  • (Link) Unlock Innovation: LastMile AI Empowers Engineers with Easy AI Development: The article is about LastMile AI, an incredible platform designed specifically for engineering teams to develop artificial intelligence (AI) applications. With LastMile AI, engineers can easily harness the power of AI to create innovative solutions. Plus, the platform offers extensive features and tools to make the AI development process a breeze. So, why wait? Strap on your virtual rocket shoes and get ready to explore the exciting world of LastMile AI! And no worries, we promise no rocket science is involved!

  • (Link) Centenarian: Achieve Peak Performance and Longevity with Wearable Data: This article explores the concept of Centenarian, a unique coaching platform that combines performance and longevity coaching with wearable data. By analysing your wearable data, Centenarian helps you optimise your health and fitness routines to improve your overall well-being. With this innovative platform, you can unlock the secrets to a longer and more fulfilling life. Who knew your smartwatch could be your personal health guru? Time to get coaching and live to 100 (or more)!


  • (Link) AI Developers Miss Mark on Transparency: Stanford HAI Report: According to Stanford HAI's Foundation Model Transparency Index, major developers of AI models lack transparency in providing information about their societal impacts. The highest score in transparency was achieved by Meta's Llama 2 at 54%, followed by BloomZ and OpenAI's GPT-4. However, overall, none of the models scored particularly high. Concerns were raised about issues such as data sources, societal impact, and potential biases. So, while the AI models are big, they're not quite transparent enough - it's like trying to see through a foggy window!

  • (Link) Mayor Harnesses AI Multilingual Power for Inclusive Messaging: In a bid to better connect with non-English speaking communities, the Mayor of New York City is turning to the power of AI. By using automated phone calls, or "robocalls," in various foreign languages, the mayor hopes to reach a wider audience and address their needs. Who knew that even robots can be multilingual? 🤖 #InclusionIsKey

  • (Link) Rapper Outsmarts Lawyer with Hilarious AI Critique: In this lively article, a rapper hilariously criticises a lawyer's arguments in favor of using AI. The rapper brings wit and sarcasm to the debate, showing that sometimes human creativity and emotion can't be replicated by an algorithm. It's a lyrical takedown that will leave you laughing and questioning the role of AI in our lives. And remember, even robots can't drop sick beats like a rapper!

  • (Link) EU Proposes Stricter Regulations for Powerful AI Models: The EU has set its sights on the big guns of the AI world by proposing stricter regulations for the most powerful generative AI models. With a three-tiered approach, they aim to ensure better accountability and transparency. It's like putting an extra lock on the door of the brainiest robots! Let's hope they don't become too smart for their own good.

  • (Link) Unlocking Visual Thoughts: An Algorithm Decodes Brain Activity: Imagine a world where we can peek inside someone's mind and see the images they are thinking about. Well, researchers are getting one step closer to making this a reality! A new study has developed an algorithm that can decode images directly from brain activity. By mimicking the way our brain's neurons respond to visual stimuli, these artificial neurons give us a glimpse into the visual thoughts of individuals. It's like having a superpower to read minds, but let's use it for good, not mischief!

  • (Link) Empowering Education with AI: A Transformative Collaboration: The American Federation of Teachers has joined forces with GPTZero, an AI identification platform. Together, they are aiming to utilise the power of artificial intelligence to assist in various tasks. However, some may argue that AI detectors are not fully reliable. But hey, who knows, maybe this partnership will surprise us and prove the doubters wrong!

Art of the Day

“Create an image showcasing the power of AI” By @atometrix (This was done in ChatGPT with DALL-E 3)

And there we have it ByteSizers – we’ve come to the end of another jam-packed episode of Atometrix ByteSize. We’ve beam-coded you the latest updates in AI, low code and tech right to your earbuds! I can practically hear your brain cells high-fiving each other. A huge thank you for lending us your ears and remember, stay curious, stay tech-ed and of course, stay ByteSized! Until next time, adios from ByteSize HQ, where the Wi-Fi signal never drops and the coffee never ends.

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