ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/10/18

"From Stack Overflow's Drama to BlackBerry's AI Resurgence: A ByteSize Dive into Tech's Tumultuous Waters & Wondrous Waves!

Welcome, fellow tech enthusiasts, to another episode of Atometrix ByteSize! Prepare to set sail on the information superhighway as we delve into the latest updates in AI, low code, and technology. This crunchy ByteSize daily will be taking you on a virtual whirlwind tour, covering all corners of the tech world, from Stack Overflow's dramatic restructuring to LinkedIn's AI adoption, new AI-powered creations from BlackBerry and YouTube, and even a peek into the workshop of the AI puzzle masters at Meta!

Get ready to feast on a buffet of tech-related titbits and updates. An array of diverse stories awaits you - a sprinkle of tech-world drama here (anyone said Stack Overflow?), a dash of AI revolution there (LinkedIn, we see you!), all seasoned with a generous dose of futuristic chip manufacturing (Hello, Nanotronics!). So, grab your popcorn, sit back, and brace yourself for a thrilling roller coaster ride through innovation central. Let's keep our fingers crossed that this intriguing journey doesn't leave us as puzzled as a Rubik’s cube! We'll dig into these layers of technological wizardry and hopefully come out the other side just a bit wiser, or at the very least, thoroughly entertained!

And while we’re on an opinion swing, let’s take a moment for BlackBerry. Remember them? Apparently, they are back (not with the handsets, sorry old school fans) with groundbreaking AI technology to keep our data safe! Now you don't just have a digital assistant creeping on your schedule, you have an AI bodyguard too. What’s next? AI dog walkers, AI teeth brushers? Exciting, isn’t it?

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News & Articles

  • (Link) Stack Overflow: Resilience Amidst Restructuring for Innovation: Have you ever relied on Stack Overflow to solve a coding conundrum? Well, brace yourself for some surprising news. After the disruption caused by ChatGPT, Stack Overflow has had to make some tough decisions. They recently laid off 28 percent of their staff. However, fear not! Stack Overflow's CEO assures us that the company is still on track for profitability and they're committed to bringing us innovative products. Let's hope they don't need to outsource any coding solutions to ChatGPT. That could get interesting!

  • (Link) LinkedIn Embraces AI: Streamlining Services Leads to Job Cuts: LinkedIn is making a move towards AI technology and unfortunately is also following the same path as Stack Overflow, which means some jobs have been cut. In an effort to streamline and enhance their services, the company is embracing the power of artificial intelligence. While it's a step forward for the platform, it's never fun to see job losses. Let's hope the impacted employees can now pursue their dream of becoming AI trainers or robot whisperers!

  • (Link) Revolutionising Chip Manufacturing: Nanotronics Unveils AI-Powered Cubefabs: New York-based industrial AI company, Nanotronics, has set an ambitious goal to construct hundreds of chip factories using prefab parts and artificial intelligence (AI). Their innovative Cubefabs system utilises AI to remove the need for specialised expertise, allowing individuals without semiconductor knowledge to work at these facilities. With only about 30 employees required per facility, most of the infrastructure can be conveniently packed into shipping containers. Get ready for a future where chip factories are built like giant LEGO sets!

  • (Link) Meta: The AI Puzzle Masters Revolutionising Development: In this amusing and insightful article, we explore Meta's one-of-a-kind method of tackling AI development, which seems to baffle Wall Street investors. While some struggle to grasp the value of Meta's open-source approach, tech enthusiasts liken it to the genius behind Linux. Who knew AI could be as puzzling as a Rubik's Cube? It's clear that Meta is playing the game in its own unique way. They truly are the AI puzzle masters!

  • (Link) BlackBerry Introduces AI Security Assistant for Ultimate Protection: BlackBerry is bringing AI to the world of cybersecurity with its new AI security assistant. This cutting-edge technology aims to protect users from potential threats by using artificial intelligence to analyze patterns and detect suspicious activities. Now you can have a digital bodyguard that keeps your data safe, and who knows, maybe even brings you a cup of tea!

  • (Link) Spotlight Moments: AI-Powered Ads Make Cultural Connections: YouTube has unveiled a clever new ad tool called Spotlight Moments, which uses the power of artificial intelligence to allow brands to target specific cultural events. This means that companies can now create personalised and engaging ads that align perfectly with special moments that people are passionate about. It's like having your own virtual hype man for your brand! So get ready to make your ads shine brighter than ever before. In other words, you can now advertise your brand during the Super Bowl halftime show - just kidding! But this new tool is definitely something to get excited about.

Insights & Papers

  • (Link) Revolutionising Object Detection: SupFusion Unleashes Safer Roads: In this 14-minute read, you'll discover the innovative technique called SupFusion, which brings LiDAR and camera systems together to improve the detection of objects like cars and pedestrians. The authors have cracked the code on enhancing their collaboration, paving the way for safer roads and more effective autonomous vehicles. Strap yourselves in, folks, because SupFusion is taking LiDAR-Camera detection to a whole new level! Let's wave goodbye to the days of missed objects and welcome a future with sharper detection. Keep your eyes on the road, and maybe even catch a glimpse of SupFusion's superpowers in action! 😄🚗

  • (Link) Revolutionising Technology with Precise Head Pose Estimation: In this intriguing read, you'll discover how researchers have cracked the code to estimate head positions with precision, no matter how someone's head is tilted or turned. This breakthrough opens the door to a whole new range of technological applications. So, whether you're building futuristic gadgets or just want to impress your friends with some mind-boggling knowledge, this article has got you covered! Remember, with great head pose estimation comes great power... and some seriously cool tech tricks!

Code & Engineering

  • (Link) Libgen: A Valuable Resource for Language Model Enthusiasts: This article discusses the controversial dataset, Libgen, which is commonly used by researchers to improve language models. Although its commercial use is still debated, this dataset provides valuable insights into data quality. So, if you're a language model enthusiast, Libgen might just be worth checking out. Just remember to stay on the legal side of things!

  • (Link) Ex-MCR: Making Multimodal Learning Easy and Paired Free!: If you're tired of "paired data" cramping your style when it comes to multimodal learning, then this GitHub repo is for you! Introducing Ex-MCR, a nifty method that cleverly learns unified contrastive representations for multiple modalities without the need for those pesky paired data samples. With top-notch performance in audio-visual retrieval and 3D object classification tasks, Ex-MCR is here to make your multimodal learning dreams come true. Check it out and say goodbye to data-pairing woes! And remember, with Ex-MCR, you'll never have to worry about being "paired" up again - unless it's for a game of tennis, of course!

  • (Link) Exploring the Power of ChatGPT's AI Instructions: This fascinating GitHub repository takes us behind the scenes of ChatGPT's system messages and explores how they can impact custom instructions. If you've ever wondered about the inner workings of AI language models, this is the place to be! Get ready to dive into the world of instructions and see how they shape our AI companions. It's like peeking into their secret code... but don't worry, we won't tell anyone!

  • (Link) Unleash Audio Magic: Introducing Stability AI's Mind-Blowing Tools!: Get ready to dive into the world of stable audio tools with Stability AI! This article highlights their training and inference code, which is designed to generate mind-blowing audio models. Whether you're a music lover or an aspiring sound engineer, these tools are going to be your new best friend. So, brace yourself for some seriously impressive audio magic! Who needs a magic wand when you've got Stability AI?

Tools & Products

  • (Link) Revolutionise Language Modeling: A Cutting-Edge Conference Await: Attention language enthusiasts and ML researchers! Get ready for a brand new conference dedicated to the exciting field of language modeling! With the growing interest in this area, existing conferences are struggling to keep up with all the amazing papers flooding in. But fear not, this new conference, orchestrated by renowned scientists, offers a fresh and fantastic platform for your groundbreaking publications. So, dust off your keyboards and join the linguistic revolution! Together, let's unravel the mysteries of language. Just make sure you don't bring any typos, we've already got enough language models for that!

  • (Link) LegalNow: AI-Powered Contracts Made Easy and Affordable!: LegalNow is an innovative platform that uses AI to help you draft and review your contracts with the expertise of a lawyer. This smart tool ensures accuracy and efficiency while saving you time and money. No need to worry about making mistakes or missing important details anymore. With LegalNow, you'll have the power of lawyer-level AI at your fingertips. It's like having a legal assistant that never sleeps (or takes coffee breaks)! So say goodbye to contract headaches and let LegalNow work its magic for you. Trust us, you'll never want to go back to doing contracts the old-fashioned way again!

  • (Link) Transform Your Room with AI HomeDesign: Effortless Decor: AI HomeDesign is an awesome platform that makes decorating your room a breeze, thanks to the power of AI. Say goodbye to the days of struggling to find the perfect colour scheme or furniture placement. This clever tool will do all the hard work for you, leaving you with a stunning, personalised space that reflects your style. So go ahead and let your room be the envy of all your friends, courtesy of AI. Who knew technology could make decorating so much fun?


  • (Link) Mastering Time-Based Estimates: Clear and Concrete Guidelines: In this quick 8-minute read, the article takes us straight to the point - estimates are all about time! By using concrete timeframes instead of vague points, we can make estimates much clearer and easier to handle. So, let's skip the abstract and dive into the world of time-based estimates! I won't weigh in on either side of this debate, as it's mor dangerous than taunting Ann Robinson on Countdown!

  • (Link) AI: Maximising Growth, Minimising Inequality: In this enlightening article, we discover how AI could be the secret weapon to escape the clutches of low economic growth and inflation. With generative artificial intelligence on the rise, we have the opportunity to supercharge productivity and unlock new levels of wealth. But let's not forget the potential downside of AI - the risk of leaving some people behind due to job displacement. So, while we embrace the promise of AI, let's also ensure we minimise the impact on inequality. After all, we wouldn't want our robots to be too good at everything, right?

  • (Link) Ghostwriter's Innovative Solution: Licensing Artists' Voices to AI: In a clever move to address concerns about synthetic media, AI creator Ghostwriter has come up with a brilliant solution! In an interview with Bloomberg, they proposed a clearinghouse system where artists can license their voices to AI. This way, we can enjoy all the benefits of AI without worrying about fake voices. Hats off to Ghostwriter for putting their creative spin on things! It's a ghostly-good idea!

  • (Link) Empowering Voice Owners: Getting Consent and Compensation: This article highlights the importance of obtaining explicit consent when licensing someone's voice. It emphasises the need for individuals to have control over how their voice is used and to be properly compensated for its use. So, next time someone asks to use your voice, make sure you give them a resounding "yes"! Your vocal cords deserve to be treated like superstars too.

  • (Link) AI in Trading: Navigating Potential Risks for Investors: In a recent speech, the head of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) expressed concerns about the potential risks posed by artificial intelligence (AI). He warned that AI-driven trading algorithms could potentially cause a market crash, leading to financial chaos. While AI has its benefits, it's important to tread carefully. So, watch out for those mischievous trading bots and their potential for mischief!

  • (Link) Discovering Innovations: A Tech Talk with Nivdia's CEO: Join the Acquired podcast as they sit down with the CEO of Nivdia, Jensen Huang. Get an inside look into the world of technology and hear about Nivdia's latest innovations. It's a conversation you won't want to miss! Tune in and geek out with us. P.S. Don't forget to bring your virtual reality goggles!

Art of the Day

“a stylized butterfly created from strips of fashion magazine articles, colorful, abstract, highly textured, set against dark charcoal paper” By @ShelbyLore

And just like that, we've byte-sized another hearty helping of Artificial Intelligence, low code, and tech news for you. Thanks for joining us today on Atometrix ByteSize. It's been our pleasure to bring you the latest and greatest from the tech sphere. Make sure you stay tuned for tomorrow when we dive back into the Matrix, unveiling more AI news and futuristic tidbits. Until then, keep your data packets bundled, your code clean and always stay ByteSized!

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