ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/10/13

ChatGPT's Friend Quest, OpenAI's Billionaire Dreams, and Dropbox's Efficient Boost: Dive Deep into a Tech Buffet Beyond Imagination!

Welcome, welcome, and welcome again to our tech enthusiasts and those who are just a click away from becoming one! We are ultra-hyped to shoot some fresh tech juice your way bringing the spicy and delicious flavours of AI, low code, and bleeding-edge technology updates. Today, we are ready to unpack a scrumptious tech buffet of AI supercharges with OpenAI, Dropbox's new smart moves, some space-grade AI concerns, and an enlightening journey from being financed by AI to talking like one!

So brace yourself to delve into our first serving - the ups and downs of ChatGPT's Mobile App journey. Now, who doesn't want a friend who endlessly listens to your rants and has the perfect counter-argument? ChatGPT has indeed maxed out its friend list generating an eye-popping $4.58M in revenue last month. Yet, it seems the AI buddy needs to seek new friends across the globe! Maybe it's time for ChatGPT to be a little more outgoing, just like it's good old techie friend OpenAI. Hop onto the rollercoaster ride of OpenAI's big reveal at their upcoming developer conference, aiming to call out to all budget-conscious developers. Let's cross our collective geeky fingers hoping OpenAI hasn't co-plotted with Tony Stark in rolling out a billionaire's software!

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News & Articles

  • (Link) ChatGPT's Mobile App Generates $4.58M Revenue, Seeks Expansion: Exciting news for ChatGPT's mobile app as it racked up an impressive $4.58M in revenue last month! However, it seems like the growth might be hitting a bit of a snooze button. Perhaps ChatGPT has reached the point where everyone who wants to chat with it has already jumped on board. Time for ChatGPT to find some new friends! 🎉

  • (Link) OpenAI's Budget-Friendly Developer API Launching Soon with Advanced Features: OpenAI is making big moves to entice developers with lower costs. Set to launch next month, the updated API will include memory storage and vision capabilities. These new features will be announced at OpenAI's inaugural developer conference on November 6th. By offering enhanced access to their models, OpenAI hopes to attract more developers and achieve its ambitious goal of reaching $1 billion in revenue by 2024. Let's hope they're not planning on charging a billion pounds for their API, or we'll all have to start robbing banks!

  • (Link) Dropbox Revolutionises File Storage with Smart AI Features: Discover how Dropbox is taking on the challenge of artificial intelligence (AI). The article explores how Dropbox is leveraging AI to enhance its file storage and collaboration platform. With innovative features like Smart Sync, which intelligently prioritises and organises files, Dropbox is revolutionising our digital workflows. Find out how Dropbox is embracing AI to make our lives easier and more productive. And no, AI won't replace our coffee breaks just yet!

  • (Link) Space Force Halts AI Creativity for Security: Space Force has temporarily paused the use of generative AI due to security concerns. The technology, which is used to generate content such as reports and training materials, is being evaluated to ensure that it does not pose any risks. It seems like even in space, security is a top priority! Maybe the AI was getting a little too creative with its space adventures.

Insights & Papers

  • (Link) Mistral 7B: The Mighty Tiny Powerhouse Mover: This article takes a closer look at the Mistral 7B model, a tiny powerhouse that caught everyone's attention with just a tweet! Despite its small size, this model outperforms many larger ones. While the pre-training dataset isn't discussed, the article dives into the technical contributions and architecture with some fascinating insights. So, grab a cuppa and get ready to geek out over this impressive model. And remember, good things come in small (but mighty) packages! 🚀

  • (Link) Cutting-edge technique enhances smart models' memory capabilities: In this fascinating article, we delve into the world of "continual learning," where models strive to learn new things without forgetting the old ones. Focusing specifically on text classification, researchers have come up with a fantastic technique called InfoCL that helps models improve their memory and minimse errors. So, this means no more "oops, I forgot!" moments for these smart models. Now, if only we could remember where we put our keys... 😄

  • (Link) Decoding AI Language: Enhancing Naturalness in Sentences: In this fascinating article, researchers tackle the challenge of making AI-generated sentences sound natural. They discovered that the order in which ideas are presented to the models greatly impacts the quality of the sentences. Among the programs tested, BART-large proved to be the top performer, proving that sometimes bigger isn't always better. It seems like AI has a sense of style too! Now, if only it could teach us how to craft the perfect sentence... 😉

Code & Engineering

  • (Link) Transform ChaGPT History to Organsed Markdown Files: Have you ever wanted to convert your ChatGPT history into a more readable format? Well, thanks to this nifty Python script, you can now transform your ChatGPT history and data export into neatly formatted Markdown files. No more struggling to make sense of messy logs! Just run the script and voila – organised and easy-to-read files at your fingertips. Now you can relive those hilarious conversations and insightful exchanges. It's like magic, but with code! So, get ready to tidy up your ChatGPT memories and let the Markdown files work their charm. Who knew data could be this fun?

  • (Link) Supercharges OpenTelemetry: Achieve Optimal Code Monitoring with Open LLMetry: Open LLMetry is a fantastic tool that adds some extra special sauce to OpenTelemetry, allowing you to have full visibility and control over your LLM application. With its handy extensions, you'll be able to monitor and optimse your code like a pro. Forget about chasing down bugs in the dark, because Open LLMetry has got your back! Get ready to level up your observability game and say goodbye to those pesky application issues. It's time to bring some serious slickness to your LLM development! Just don't forget your cape and mask when using this superhero-like tool. Fly high and code like a boss!

  • (Link) Revolutionsing Speech Recognition: Better Accuracy, Fewer Misunderstandings!: Researchers have come up with a clever new way to improve speech recognition. By combining sound information and language data, they've found a way to fix errors in automatic speech recognition systems. This means fewer misunderstandings and more accurate results. It's like having the world's best translator on hand! Now you won't have to worry about your voice assistant mishearing your commands. Finally, someone thought of everything! 😉

Tools & Products

  • (Link) AppManager: The Rescue Agent for Startups' IT Woes: AppManager, the AI IT agent, is here to rescue startups from IT headaches. This clever tool takes care of all your IT needs, from managing servers to troubleshooting issues. Say goodbye to endless tech dramas and focus on growing your business! With AppManager by your side, you can finally say, "IT's handled!"

  • (Link) HoppyCoppy: The AI Solution for Effortless Email and Newsletter Creation: HoppyCoppy is an innovative tool that uses AI to help you create top-notch emails and newsletters in no time. No more agonising over the perfect wording or formatting! With HoppyCoppy, you can generate professional, engaging content with just a few clicks. Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to impressive communications. It's like having a talented copywriter at your fingertips! So why struggle when you can hop on the HoppyCoppy train?


  • (Link) Unraveling the Mysteries of AI Engineering: Key Takeaways: In this entertaining 6-minute read, you'll dive into the fascinating world of AI engineering. Discover why turning a demo into a full-blown product is the real challenge. It's all about dealing with those pesky non-deterministic outputs that can throw developers for a loop. And just imagine getting a different result every time you run your code! Don't worry though, this article has got you covered with the key takeaways from the AI Engineer Summit. So, grab your virtual lab coat and let's unravel the mysteries of AI engineering together. Oh, and don't forget your trusty lucky charm to tame those non-deterministic outputs!

  • (Link) Revolutionary: Monkey's Survival with Genetically Engineered Pig Kidney!: This fascinating article tells the story of a monkey who received a miniature pig's kidney and managed to survive for two whole years! But here's the twist: the pig's kidney was genetically engineered to make it as human as possible. It's like science fiction meets real life! Just imagine if animals could become our organ donors. Talk about a whole new level of piggy-backing!

  • (Link) Unleashing AI's Crystal Ball: Predicting Viral Mutations: This exciting article reveals how artificial intelligence is now being used to predict future viral mutations. By analysing vast amounts of data, AI algorithms can identify patterns and trends that can help scientists get one step ahead of viruses like never before. With AI on our side, it's like having a crystal ball for viral mutations! Who needs a fortune teller when we have cutting-edge technology? 🌟

  • (Link) AI's Real-time Diagnosis: Revolutionising Brain Surgery: This exciting article reveals how artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionising brain surgery by diagnosing brain tumors in real-time during a procedure. The AI technology analyses imaging data to provide surgeons with crucial information to make accurate decisions on the spot. With AI on their side, doctors can now have a digital assistant right in the operating theatre. Who said robots couldn't be doctors, too?

  • (Link) The Global AI Regulation Divide: Ethics and Responsibilities: In this article, we learn about the growing divide among countries when it comes to regulating Artificial Intelligence (AI). While some nations are taking a cautious and proactive approach, others are more lenient. This divide raises important questions about the ethics and responsibilities that come with AI technology. With so many opinions, it seems like even the robots themselves might be confused about what the rules are! Watch out, the AI revolution is just getting started!

Art of the Day

“a picture of an adorable ghost., in the style of visual puns, pink, andrew boog faithfull, bold lettering, magali villeneuve, pop culture references, romantic illustrations” By @conumdrum51

And there you have it folks! All the tech bites, bytes, and nibbles for the day. Your loyal Tech Maestro bids you farewell until our microphones cross paths again tomorrow. Thanks for joining in and letting us fill your brain with some techtastic knowledge. Now, go out there, stay curious, and remember to stay ByteSized! Because hey, why eat an elephant in one piece when you can enjoy it one byte at a time? Giggle away, friends!

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