ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/10/12

From Adobe's AI-powered Snap Fixes to Tesla's Texas-sized Supercomputing: Dive into a Buffet of Bold ByteSize Breakthroughs!

Hello there tech enthusiasts! Buckle up because we're delving into another day of riveting updates in AI, low code and tech. Thrilling advancements are afoot, and we're overflowing with excitement as we bring to you the latest scoop on Adobe's AI-powered Photoshop, Microsoft's AI tools transforming the healthcare sector, and Tesla's in-progress Dojo AI supercomputer. Hold onto your transistors, stop adjusting your antenna, we're about to take flight in the world of tech!

But before we soar high, let's focus a bit on today's blockbuster - Adobe's Photoshop Web. Honestly, who doesn't want their own personal AI assistant handling the grunt work of photo editing? Adobe's AI tools groove to the beat of efficiency and we're all for it. The only caveat is the question on everyone's tongue - the safety of our selfies from turning extraterrestrial. Watch this space for more photo-editing drama!

As the AI tug of war between corporations accelerates, we witness Microsoft upping their game in the healthcare sector deploying AI tools like Fabric and Azure AI. A sincere bravo to their ambition, but we wonder what Siri and Alexa think about this? Meanwhile, Texas, strap on your cowboy boots for Tesla's new Dojo AI supercomputer. Here's hoping it doesn't provoke Skynet's jealousy!

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News & Articles

  • (Link) Introducing Photoshop Web: Unleashing AI-Powered Photo Editing: Adobe has launched a new web version of Photoshop that comes packed with exciting AI tools powered by Firefly. These tools use the power of artificial intelligence to make your photo editing experience even more intuitive and efficient. So say goodbye to those tedious manual edits, and let Photoshop's AI do the work for you! It's like having your own personal photo assistant. Let's just hope it doesn't become too powerful and start editing our selfies to make us look like aliens!

  • (Link) Microsoft's Revolutionary AI Tools Transform Healthcare Efficiency: Microsoft is stepping up its game in the healthcare sector with the introduction of new AI tools. These tools, called Microsoft Fabric and Azure AI, are designed to assist doctors by helping them deal with the massive amounts of medical data. With these new tools, healthcare organisations will be able to consolidate and interpret data more efficiently, allowing doctors to provide better care to their patients. It looks like Microsoft is making technology the best medicine!

  • (Link) Tesla Unleashes AI Powerhouse in Texas: Dojo Supercomputer: Tesla is set to build a new facility in Austin, Texas for its Dojo AI supercomputer, with a planned investment of over $1 billion by 2024. This powerhouse will be used to train Tesla's AI models and could even offer resources for sale in the future. Get ready for some serious AI action in the Lone Star State! And remember, everything's bigger in Texas, including Tesla's AI ambitions.

  • (Link) Sony's AI Research: A Multidimensional Approach to Uncovering Bias: In this 5-minute read, Sony's AI research highlights the need for a more comprehensive approach when testing AI bias related to skin color. They propose a "multidimensional" measurement that considers not just lightness and darkness but also red and yellow hues. This is important as current scales may overlook biases against specific ethnic groups. While some advocate for simpler systems like the Monk Skin Tone Scale, Sony suggests using the CIELAB color standard. Google and Amazon are now reviewing these findings. Time for AI to become a true color expert!

  • (Link) Revolutionary AI Voice Dubbing: Make Hollywood Dreams Reality!: ElevenLabs has just unveiled their latest breakthrough in technology: AI voice dubbing! This cutting-edge feature allows you to magically replace voices in videos with the power of artificial intelligence. Now you can have Morgan Freeman narrate your home videos or even dub yourself into your favorite movie scenes. The possibilities are endless! Finally, we can all live out our dreams of being Hollywood stars...sort of. Who needs paparazzi when you can have AI voice dubbing?

  • (Link) Unveiling the Global AI Chip Collaboration: Concerns Arise: In a unique collaboration between Saudi Arabia and China, concerns have been raised about access to AI chips. As these countries join forces, the worry arises that they may control the flow of these powerful chips, affecting global access. With AI becoming increasingly important, the world is left pondering the future of this technology. Will we all be at the mercy of Saudi-China chip domination? Let's hope they don't start a chip war!

Insights & Papers

  • (Link) Revolutionising Robotics: Mastering Human-to-Robot Motion Transfer: In this fascinating read, researchers have cracked the code on human to robot motion retargeting. By harnessing the power of deep learning, they've found a way to transfer human movements onto robots. No more need for specialised hardware and calibration - it's all in the (robot's) genes now! Who knows, maybe video-based motion capture will soon have our robots busting out some slick moves on the dance floor. The future is looking groovy, folks!

  • (Link) Advancing Video Understanding with FAVOR: Supercharging Language Models: In this intriguing article, researchers have developed a clever way to boost the understanding of videos using large language models. They've created FAVOR, a technique that combines audio and visual details at the frame level, giving these models a deeper understanding of what's happening on screen. It's like giving them a pair of super-powered eyes and ears! With FAVOR, video understanding is taken to a whole new level. Now, let's just hope they don't start judging our Netflix binge-watching habits!

  • (Link) Unlocking Mathematical Wizardry: Enhancing Language Models' Math Reasoning: In this fascinating article, researchers delve into the world of large language models (LLMs) and their mathematical reasoning abilities. They explore the use of data augmentation techniques to enhance the LLMs' skills and even create a new dataset called AugGSM8K. With their innovative new model, MuggleMath, the researchers aim to boost the math reasoning capabilities of LLMs. Get ready to witness the magical results of MuggleMath and its impact on LLMs' mathematical prowess. Accio mathematical skills!

Code & Engineering

  • (Link) AucArena: Testing Language Models' Auctioneering Skills, Impressive Results!: Introducing AucArena, a simulation platform that puts Large Language Models (LLMs) to the test in the exciting world of auctions. This innovative tool allows researchers to evaluate the performance of LLMs in dynamic and strategic auction settings. Initial results are impressive, showcasing the models' abilities in budgeting and long-term planning. Who knew language models had hidden auctioneering talents? "Going once, going twice, sold to the talking robot in the corner!"

  • (Link) Boost Your Software Development with OpenAPI-Stack: Streamlined, Reliable, and Powerful!: OpenAPI-Stack is a cool collection of libraries and tools that make full-stack software development a breeze! With an API Design First philosophy, it ensures that your API contracts are always accurate and reliable. It also offers features like type safety, validation, testing, and collaboration tools. This stack has been thoroughly tested in production, so you know you're in good hands. Get ready to unleash your coding prowess with OpenAPI-Stack! Just don't forget to put that developer cape on!

  • (Link) Introducing Morph Code Index: Your AI-Powered Coding Wizard!: The Morph Code Index is an awesome AI-native open-source semantic code search engine. It helps developers find the right code snippets quickly and easily. No more digging through endless lines of code! Just type in what you need, and the Morph Code Index will do the rest. It's like having a coding wizard right at your fingertips. Abracadabra, your coding problems disappear! 🧙‍♂️

  • (Link) Boost Your Mistral 7B Experience with QLoRA: In this article, we dive into the world of Mistral 7B and learn how it can be further enhanced with the help of QLoRA. Discover the power of fine-tuning and how it can take Mistral 7B to new heights. So get ready to level up your Mistral 7B experience with a touch of QLoRA magic. It's like giving your favourite car an upgrade, but for chatbots! Because who doesn't want a turbocharged Mistral 7B? Let's rev those engines! 🚀

Tools & Products

  • (Link) Fliki: Revolutionising Video Creation with AI Technology: The article is about Fliki, a tool that makes video creation easier and faster using AI technology. With Fliki, you can create stunning videos in a fraction of the time. No more struggling with complicated editing software or spending hours searching for the perfect clips. Fliki does it all for you! So say goodbye to long hours of editing and hello to effortless video creation. Lights, camera, Fliki!

  • (Link) Knibble: Your AI-powered knowledge base and joke master!: The article discusses Knibble, an AI-powered knowledge base that aims to provide users with accurate and helpful information. With its advanced AI technology, Knibble can quickly search through vast amounts of data and provide users with relevant answers to their queries. Forget about endlessly scrolling through search results, Knibble is here to save the day! Just ask a question and let the clever AI do the rest. Time to say goodbye to information overload and hello to hassle-free knowledge hunting! Oh, and did I mention that Knibble also tells the best jokes? Get ready for some laughs along with your answers!


  • (Link) Whip up delicious dishes with this recipe chatbot!: In this exciting article, the authors take us on a journey of building a recipe chatbot using cutting-edge technologies like Langchain, OpenAI, and Supabase Vector. They share their insights, challenges, and successes in creating a chatbot that can help us whip up delicious dishes with a virtual assistant. Get ready for some recipe fun with this chatbot, where cooking meets technology! Who needs a personal chef when you have a bot that can do it all?


  • (Link) Unlocking the Power of AI-Driven Apps: The Next Evolution: This article is all about the next evolution of AI-powered software that goes beyond chat bots. It's all about apps that use LLMs (language and knowledge models) to actually get work done. The ebook covers everything from prompt engineering and LLM logic to major frameworks and fine-tuning. It even delves into topics like legal implications and app design patterns. Get ready for the apps of tomorrow and grab your free copy today. Don't miss out, because you don't want to be left in the Stone Age of AI!

  • (Link) Revolutionise Your SaaS Business with AI: 8 Clever Strategies: Discover 8 clever ways SaaS companies are using AI to stay ahead of the game. From automating tasks to writing code, AI is revolutionising how we analyze customer data and build products. Embrace this technology to boost your efficiency and outpace your competition. Don't get left behind in the AI race! Remember, if you snooze, you lose!

  • (Link) Challenges and Innovations Surrounding GitHub Copilot's Cost: GitHub Copilot, the AI-powered coding assistant, may be affordable for users at $10 per month, but it's costing Microsoft twice as much. The company faces an average loss of $20 per user per month, with certain users generating expenses of up to $80 monthly. Microsoft's decision to charge more for AI capabilities in Microsoft 365 Copilot could be an attempt to cover these costs. To further mitigate expenses, the company is developing in-house AI chipsets for their data centres and promoting the adoption of Neural Processing Units. Perhaps AI can write a code to save Microsoft some money!

  • (Link) Unlocking Immortality: The Digital Afterlife Industry Unveiled!: Step into the spooky world of the digital afterlife industry! This fascinating industry is all about recreating deceased individuals using the data they've left behind. Imagine having a virtual version of your great-grandma, complete with her witty comments and signature tea recipe! The possibilities are endless, and it's both awe-inspiring and eerie at the same time. So, if you're curious about what the future holds for our digital legacies, grab a cuppa and dive into this thought-provoking read. Just be sure to leave your ghostbusting gear at the door!

  • (Link) Revolutionising Urban Traffic: Google's AI Green Light: Google's Project Green Light is using AI technology to reduce traffic congestion in cities worldwide. By analyzing data from Google Maps, the program determines the most efficient timing for traffic lights, minimising idle time and reducing the need for braking and accelerating. This innovative solution promises smoother journeys for drivers and a greener environment for all. So next time you're stuck in traffic, just remember, Google's got your back!

  • (Link) 2023 AI Report: Insights, Predictions, and Future Trends: Get ready for the future of AI with Kaggle's latest 2023 AI report! Packed with insights and predictions, this report is a must-read for anyone interested in the exciting world of artificial intelligence. Learn about the latest trends, advancements, and potential applications of AI. So grab a cuppa and dive into the fascinating world of AI - the future is here! Just make sure the robots don't take over your tea-making duties!

Art of the Day

“Groaning lisa painting” By @drappledapple

And that's all she wrote for today, folks! Another daily dose of juicy AI, low code, and tech bytes wrapped up nicely for your listening pleasure. We hope you enjoyed the journey as much as we loved guiding you through it. We are feeling byte sized after all that, hope you do too. Stay tuned, stay techy, and remember above all, stay ByteSized! Until next time, mic drop and out!

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