ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/10/11

From Nvidia's No-Show and Google's Doctoring Deeds, to Disney's Trickster Tech Gaffe - Dive into a Whirlwind of AI Antics!

Hello, hello, tech enthusiasts, and welcome to Atometrix ByteSize, your daily bite of all things AI, low code, and, most importantly, tech-riffic! Throw away those antiquated print newspapers; we've got all the fresh tech news straight out of the oven, mouth-wateringly ready for your sonic feast. Today we'll glide through a cosmos of updates, covering Nvidia's cancelled AI summit, Google's health-specific AI, Disney's AI poster debacle and even a peep into the future of senior care with DUOS AI!

Let's dive into the sea of our first topic, where NVIDIA plays truant with their Tel Aviv Summit, raising a hurricane of safety concerns. Oh, those safety-zealous robots! Over to Hinton's red alert on the potential threats poised by AI. Does he mean to say we're moments away from Terminator's 'Judgement day'? Well, remember to pack your anti-robot spray folks! Swing by Google's next big thing in healthcare, the shining knight that’s replacing guesswork and introducing groundbreaking innovations. Isn't it impressive how Google has been doing more doctoring than actual doctors lately? Then there's Disney’s AI Loki Poster. The AI version of the God of Trickery facing backlash for killing creativity? Oh, the irony!

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News & Articles

  • (Link) Nvidia Cancels Tel Aviv AI Summit, Security Concerns Rise: In a surprising move, Nvidia has decided to cancel its highly anticipated AI summit in Tel Aviv. The abrupt cancellation has left many disappointed, but it seems that Nvidia is not alone in its concerns about security. Other companies are also ramping up their security measures. Looks like even in the world of AI, safety always comes first. Perhaps the robots are starting to take security a bit too seriously!

  • (Link) Renowned Scientist Urges Caution: AI's Potential Threats: The article discusses the latest warning from the renowned scientist and "Godfather of AI," Geoffrey Hinton, about the potential dangers of artificial intelligence. Hinton emphasises the need for caution, as AI could potentially surpass human capabilities and negatively impact society. However, let's hope that AI's ambitions don't lead to a robot takeover anytime soon!

  • (Link) Google's Groundbreaking AI Revolutionises Healthcare with Precision: Google has unveiled its new healthcare-specific generative AI, which is set to revolutionise the healthcare industry. This advanced technology has the ability to generate patient data, results and even potential treatment options. Imagine a world where healthcare providers can access accurate and personalised information at the touch of a button! With this AI, doctors and patients alike will benefit from faster and more precise diagnoses. Goodbye guesswork, hello groundbreaking innovation. Who needs a crystal ball when you have Google's healthcare AI?

  • (Link) Disney's AI Poster for Loki Sparks Artistic Debate: Disney has received backlash over their use of AI in creating a poster for Loki. Critics argue that using artificial intelligence takes away from the creativity and originality of human artists. While some find it fascinating, others are unhappy with the increasing reliance on AI in the creative industry. Looks like even the God of Mischief can't escape a little controversy!

Code & Engineering

  • (Link) Pipeless: Streamline App Development with Magic-like Computer Vision: Pipeless is an exciting open-source computer vision framework that allows you to create and launch apps in no time, without the hassle of dealing with multimedia pipelines. With Pipeless, you can put your focus on building and deploying amazing applications, while leaving the complexities of multimedia pipelines behind. Say goodbye to worries and hello to seamless app development! It's like having a magic wand for computer vision. Abracadabra!

  • (Link) Jet-Setting Journeys: Exploring the World with Llama 2 and Grammars!: Join the adventure with Llama 2 and Grammars as they embark on a jet-setting journey! This exciting article takes you through their globetrotting escapades, where they visit beautiful destinations, encounter new cultures, and have fun along the way. So, pack your bags and get ready to explore the world with Llama 2 and Grammars. Don't forget a passport for your llama! 🦙🌍 - Just kidding, llamas don't need passports!

  • (Link) Atlanta's Inaugural AI Hackathon: Unleash Innovation & Master Artificial Intelligence!: Get ready Atlanta tech enthusiasts, because Georgia Tech is hosting the city's first-ever AI hackathon from November 17th to 19th! This exciting event will bring together brilliant minds to tackle challenges, create innovative solutions, and push the boundaries of artificial intelligence. Don't miss out on the chance to be part of this groundbreaking event and show off your AI skills. Get your code on and let's hack our way into the future! And remember, the only marathon worth running is a hackathon.

Tools & Products

  • (Link) Empowering AI Engineers through Open-Source Support and Collaboration: The AI Engineer Foundation is an open-source, non-profit organisation that aims to support and empower AI engineers. They provide resources, tools, and a community for AI enthusiasts to learn and collaborate. Joining this foundation means joining a passionate group of nerds who are obsessed with all things AI. So, if you're ready to dive into the exciting world of artificial intelligence, this is the place to be. Don't worry, we won't judge you if you start speaking in binary!

  • (Link) Polymathic AI: Unleashing the Multidisciplinary Power of Artificial Intelligence: Polymathic AI is on a mission to create a brainy AI that can tackle all sorts of scientific data. By developing foundation models, they're looking to find common ground across different disciplines. Who knew AI could be a jack of all trades? I wonder if it's mastered the art of making the perfect cup of tea too! 🍵😉

  • (Link) Harness the power of Summit: Your AI life coach: The article is about Summit, an AI life coach that helps you reach your personal and professional goals. With Summit on your side, you can tackle anything and strive for success. Give it a try and see how it can transform your life. Remember, reaching your goals has never been easier with a little help from Summit. Who needs a real-life coach when you've got Summit?


  • (Link) AI Engineer Summit 2023: Unleashing the Future: Join the livestream of Day 1 at the AI Engineer Summit 2023, where the brightest minds in AI will come together to share their knowledge. Get ready for fascinating discussions, cutting-edge technology demos, and valuable insights that will shape the future of AI. Don't worry, robots won't be taking over the event...or will they? cue dramatic music


  • (Link) Revolutionary AI Platform Transforms Senior Care Solutions: DUOS AI is revolutionising senior care by connecting seniors with personalised and efficient care solutions. With its advanced technology, DUOS AI ensures that senior citizens receive the support and services they need while maintaining their independence. This innovative platform is changing the game for seniors, making sure they get the care they deserve. So, no more worries about finding the right care for your loved ones, DUOS AI has got you covered! Now, all we need is an AI that can fetch tea and biscuits for them too!

  • (Link) Tech Giants' Quest: Finding AI's Profitable Pot: Big Tech is on a mission to find the pot of gold at the end of the AI rainbow. They are trying out different strategies to make money from AI tools and services, without losing out. It's like a game of hide-and-seek, but with algorithms instead of people. Watch out for these tech giants as they navigate their way through the AI maze!

  • (Link) ChatGPT's Lucrative Mobile Success: $4.58 Million Revenue!: ChatGPT is raking in the cash on mobile! Open AI's mobile app brought in an impressive $4.58 million in revenue in September. However, it seems like the growth is starting to slow down. But hey, who can complain when your app is making millions?

  • (Link) IBM CEO's Apology: Repairing Controversial AI Job Loss Remarks: In this article, we learn that the CEO of IBM is in full damage control mode following some controversial comments about AI job losses. It seems that his remarks stirred up quite a fuss, and now he's trying to smooth things over. Poor guy, maybe he should let the AI handle his PR next time!

Art of the Day

“this animation uses colorful lines and dots, in the style of light teal and dark magenta, science academia, swirling vortexes, intel core, kintsugi, scientific diagrams, ue5” By @dileepa

Well, that's all we have time for today folks! It's been another techie roller coaster, filled with AI escapades, low code sorcery and the taste of byte size treats. We've programmed our way through menageries of news, traversed through tech territory, and even made a brief pitstop in the land of the loki, all in the name of keeping you a step ahead. Thank you for listening to Atometrix ByteSize. Remember, always stay curious, always ask questions, but most of all – always stay ByteSized! Until next time, keep your bytes light and your coding bright. Catch you on the tech side!

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