ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/10/05

From LinkedIn's Jarvis Joys to Amazon's Sneaky Spells and Nvidia's Tech Titan Tussle: Dive into a ByteSize World of AI Antics and Pizza Perks!

Welcome, welcome, humans and AI bots who've turned up! You are reading Atometrix ByteSize, your daily slice of tech toppings, coding conundrums, and thought-provoking AI trends. Today, we've got an amazing assortment of articles loaded with some serious tech awesomeness. Propel yourself into the future with LinkedIn's new AI tools that promise to level up your professional success, delve into tech titan's sneaky strategies with Amazon's Project Nessie, and get a taste of high-tech with Domino's AI-powered pizza ordering! And that's not all folks, hang on as we explore the boss move of Nvidia challenging AWS and ride along with the universal robot education revolutionising the way robots learn.

If you could actually smell intrigue, this podcast would reek of it. LinkedIn pulling off an Iron Man feat with it's AI-powered professional success tools feels a bit like Jarvis suddenly becoming everyone's personal career coach. I doubt LinkedIn's AI will crack Tony Stark's dry humour, but hey, who doesn't want their resumes to be a bit more super powered? And speaking of superpowers, Amazon (our resident Dr. Strange) was playing the sneaky game with its Project Nessie, testing how high it could push prices before other retailers reacted. Crafty, Amazon, we didn't take you for a mischief-maker. Also, one can't help but be enthralled by the audacious moves of Nvidia marching into AWS's territory. Is this the beginning of the Clash of the Tech Titans? Be sure to tune in, because winter is DEFINITELY coming, AWS.

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News & Articles

  • (Link) LinkedIn Unveils Powerful AI Tools for Enhanced Professional Success: LinkedIn has announced the introduction of new AI tools across its platform. These tools will assist users in various areas, such as creating better job postings, enhancing candidate recommendations, and providing better insights for sales professionals. With these advancements, LinkedIn aims to help individuals and businesses achieve their goals with greater precision and efficiency. So, whether you're looking for your dream job or trying to grow your business, LinkedIn's AI tools have got your back! Now, how about using AI to help us find the perfect GIF for every occasion?

  • (Link) Amazon's Project Nessie: Unveiling the Sneaky Price Strategy: In this engaging article, it has been reported that Amazon had a secret weapon up its sleeve called Project Nessie. This algorithm was used to cleverly test how high Amazon could push prices before competitors caught on. It would slyly inflate prices and then monitor if other retailers would do the same. If they didn't, Amazon would swiftly return to normal prices. Although Amazon stopped using Project Nessie in 2019, it's just one of the cheeky tactics that the FTC has accused the e-commerce giant of employing. Who knew Amazon had a sneaky side?

  • (Link) Microsoft's AI Ambitions: Outshining Google & Unleashing Creativity!: In this fascinating interview, Microsoft CTO Kevin Scott spills the beans on Bing's mission to outshine Google and the exciting world of AI art. Dive into the world of Microsoft's AI efforts, explore hardware infrastructure, and get a glimpse of what the future holds for AI and creativity. Plus, discover some mind-blowing tidbits you didn't know about Microsoft! Stay tuned for some seriously cool insights. And remember, Google, Microsoft is coming for you!

  • (Link) Domino's & Microsoft: Pioneering High-Tech Pizza Ordering: Domino's and Microsoft have joined forces to create an exciting new AI-powered pizza technology. This partnership will revolutionise the way we order our favourite cheesy goodness. Using advanced AI algorithms, this tech will analyse your past orders and preferences to personalise your pizza choices. Now you can sit back, relax, and let the AI do the hard work! Who knew ordering pizza could be so high-tech? Just make sure the AI doesn't develop a craving for pizza too!

  • (Link) Nvidia Challenges AWS: Battle of the Giants Begins: Nvidia is making a bold move by expanding its presence in the domain of Amazon Web Services (AWS). With this strategic move, Nvidia is ready to push the boundaries and challenge the established player. Watch out AWS, Nvidia is coming for you! Cue the battle of the giants. Who will win? Only time will tell. But one thing's for sure, this is going to be one heck of a showdown!

Insights & Papers

  • (Link) Scaling up Learning: Unleashing Universal Robot Education: This article explores the exciting challenge of scaling up learning across various types of robots. With a range of robot models and capabilities, finding ways to teach them all effectively can be tricky. From humanoid robots to industrial machines, there's a need to develop learning methods that can be applied universally. But fear not, because with a little creativity and a lot of perseverance, we'll soon have robots taking over the a good way, of course!

  • (Link) Unleashing the Power of Multi-modal LLMs: Language & Image Recognition Combined!: In this fascinating article, we dive into the world of Multi-modal Large Language Models (LLMs) and how they are being fine-tuned to tackle specific tasks. While these models are great at many things, like understanding language, they sometimes struggle with identifying objects in images. However, fear not! Researchers have come up with a clever solution to this problem by converting object locations into text and training the model accordingly. Now, our LLMs will be masters at both language and image recognition. Who said machines can't do it all? 😉

  • (Link) Revolutionising 3D Scene Reconstruction for Self-Driving Cars: In this 16-minute read, you'll discover an exciting new method called PC-NeRF that is revolutionising the way large 3D scenes are reconstructed, especially for self-driving cars. By combining two modules, this method ensures detailed and accurate 3D models, even when some data is missing. So get ready to dive into the world of efficient large-scale 3D scene reconstruction. And hey, who knows, maybe you'll find some missing puzzle pieces along the way!

  • (Link) Enhancing Language Models: Introducing Thoughtful Pause Tokens: This article explores a clever technique called "pause tokens" that can be used to train language models to pause and think before they speak. By adding these tokens during the training process, models can learn to generate more thoughtful and accurate responses. So, next time you chat with a language model, remember that it's taking a moment to gather its thoughts before replying. Just like we all should! 😄

Code & Engineering

  • (Link) Level Up your Raspberry Pi with OnnxStream!: Are you a tech-savvy Raspberry Pi enthusiast? Then you'll love OnnxStream! This nifty program allows you to run Stable Diffusion 1.5 on your Raspberry Pi Zero 2. It's like giving your mini computer a major upgrade. So get ready to unlock new and exciting possibilities with OnnxStream. Time to level up your Pi game! 🎮

  • (Link) Unlock Your Coding Superpowers with FastStream: Simplify Event-Driven Tasks!: FastStream is a Python framework that allows you to easily create asynchronous services that work with event streams. It's like a superpower for developers who want their code to handle event-driven tasks with ease. So, if you're tired of wrestling with complex event interactions, give FastStream a go. It's like having a personal event handling assistant, without the coffee runs!

Tools & Products

  • (Link) Google's Groundbreaking Robot: Mastering 160,000+ Tasks!: In this entertaining and informative article, Google reveals its latest breakthrough in robotics: a generalist robot policy. Unlike traditional robot policies that are task-specific, this new algorithm allows a single robot to perform an astonishing 160,000+ different tasks! With over 55 billion parameters, this policy is taking adaptability to a whole new level. Get ready for a robot that can do it all, from serving coffee to solving complex puzzles. Who knows, maybe one day it'll even clean your room!

  • (Link) Introducing Collato (Product): The Ultimate AI Content Assistant: Get ready for a game-changing AI assistant called Collato (Product)! This nifty tool is designed to help product teams find, summarise, and even generate new content using their own amazing product knowledge. With Collato (Product) by your side, creating engaging and informative content has never been easier. Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to a new era of productivity. This assistant is so smart, it practically has its own team of little robots helping out. Prepare to be amazed! Cue dramatic robot noises

  • (Link) Boost Efficiency with Dystr: The AI-Powered Engineering Hub: Dystr is an AI-powered engineering hub that uses autonomous Agents to make your work easier. It's a cloud environment specifically designed for data analysis and storage of engineering materials. With its built-in AI capabilities, Dystr can automate tasks and lighten the workload of engineers, allowing them to concentrate on their core responsibilities. Join the likes of Google, Valve, Meta, and SpaceX by trying out Dystr today! Plus, they even offer free credits to get you started. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity!


  • (Link) A.I.: Transforming the Workweek for the Better: In a recent interview with Bloomberg, JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon shared his prediction that artificial intelligence (AI) will revolutionise our workweek, allowing us to enjoy the luxury of a 3.5-day schedule. He expressed his optimism about the new technology, highlighting that while AI may replace certain jobs, it also brings with it the creation of exciting new roles. Apparently, AI is not only here to work but to help us find a better work-life balance too! So, wave "hello" to more free time and "goodbye" to the full 9 to 5 grind. Time to start planning some extended weekends!

  • (Link) Challenges of AI Job Distribution: Tech Hubs Dominate: According to a recent study, despite the open-source AI movement, most generative AI jobs still remain concentrated in big tech hubs. In fact, over 60% of job postings in the field were found in just 10 major tech cities. This calls for interventions and research programs to spread the AI love to different parts of the world. Time for AI to pack its bags and explore new territories!

  • (Link) AI Revolutionises Hurricane Forecasting: Faster and Accurate!: Did you know that AI is getting better at forecasting hurricanes? That's right! Models from companies like Nvidia, Huawei, and DeepMind are analysing historical atmospheric data to predict the path of hurricanes, like Hurricane Lee. These AI models can deliver results in just minutes, making them even faster than conventional models. So, say goodbye to waiting hours for a forecast. With AI, the future of hurricane forecasting looks brighter and quicker! And who knows, maybe AI will even predict when hurricanes take a sudden detour to the nearest ice cream truck!

  • (Link) MrBeast Exposes Dangerous Deepfake Scam - Stay Alert!: In a recent warning, popular YouTuber MrBeast has flagged an AI deepfake scam that could trick people. Deepfakes use AI technology to create convincing videos by manipulating someone's face onto another person's body. MrBeast urges everyone to stay vigilant and not fall for these tricks. Remember, things aren't always as they seem online! Be careful, or you might just find yourself in a deepfake prank.

  • (Link) Level up your AI with TÜV SÜD's Certification Program: Get ready for the EU AI Act 2024 with TÜV SÜD's AI Quality Certification Program! This program combines compliance with excellence, helping businesses navigate the complex world of AI. With TÜV SÜD's certification, you can ensure that your AI systems meet the highest quality standards. So, get ahead of the game and give your business the AI certification it deserves. Don't let your AI program be left in the digital dust! Now you can have peace of mind and a certified AI system that's top-notch. Time to take your AI to the next level!

  • (Link) Unlocking the Potential: Monetising Open-Source AI Technologies: This article explores different business models for open-source AI, as well as the concept of brand moats. It discusses how companies can monetise open-source AI technologies and build sustainable, competitive advantages. So, whether you're a tech enthusiast or a curious entrepreneur, this read offers insights into the fascinating world of open-source AI. Just remember, building an AI empire may require more coffee and less sleep!

Art of the Day

“a funky pattern of green and gold hues, 32k uhd, picasso, indian culture.” By @tyrizzlekicks

And there you have it folks, the end of yet another insightful edition of Atometrix ByteSize. Thank you for lending us your ears while we dive into the intriguing world of AI, Low code, and Tech. Remember, a byte of knowledge a day keeps the existential dread away. So, keep riding this digital wave with us, stay tuned, stay engaged and most importantly, stay ByteSized! Until next time, remember while the universe may be expanding, your knowledge of AI doesn’t have to! Stay curious, tech-lovers!

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