ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/09/21

Superhero Coders, Google’s Showstopping Assistant & Neuralink's Cyborg Search: All Aboard the Tech Express for a ByteSize Blast of Tomorrow's Tantalizing Treasures!

Welcome, welcome! You’ve tuned into another daily treat of Atometrix ByteSize. Hold on to your hats because we've got a veritable feast of AI, low code, and tech nuggets coming your way. In today's episode, we'll be dabbling in everything from OpenAI's latest safety oracles to Google’s dazzling upgrades to its AI assistant, and even peek into the intriguing world of Elon Musk's Neuralink and its groundbreaking trials. That's right, folks, we’re on the tech express and there’s no getting off now!

Kicking things off, the OpenAi Red Teaming Network has swooped in, not in capes but in code, promising the AI public safety from their AI models that are more powerful than a locomotive. Watch out world, there’s a new superhero team and they fight in binary. Moving over to Google, it’s just given Bard, the “Houdini of assistants”, slick new upgrades that could outshine your personal assistant’s entire CV. But remember, it may schedule your meetings but beating you at chess still remains uncharted territory. So, at least we humans still have that going for us, right? Lastly, the Neuralink, like a tech version of “America’s Got Talent” is on the lookout for its first human test subjects. If you fit the bill and have secretly harbored 'cyborgian' dreams, maybe you should be reaching out. Just remember, with great power comes great responsibility, and maybe a slight headache.

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News & Articles

  • (Link) Introducing OpenAI's Reliable AI Risk Evaluation Experts!: OpenAI has just unveiled its secret weapon: the OpenAI Red Teaming Network! This incredible team of experts will be working tirelessly to evaluate and address any potential risks that come with their powerful AI models. With their expertise, OpenAI aims to ensure that their technology is both safe and reliable. So, it looks like the "red team" is here to save the day - AI style!

  • (Link) Meet Google Bard: Your Enhanced AI Assistant!: Google Bard, the AI assistant, has been upgraded to read emails, plan trips, and double-check answers. It now supports over 40 languages and can integrate with other Google services. Bard Extensions allow real-time data retrieval for flight and hotel information, YouTube suggestions, and more. Rest assured, your data in AI conversations won't be viewed by humans or used for training. So, get ready to have a smart assistant that's always one step ahead! Just remember, Bard might not beat you at chess... yet.

  • (Link) Neuralink Seeks First Human Test Subjects for Revolutionary Trial: Neuralink, Elon Musk's brain-computer interface company, is on a mission to find its first human test subjects for a groundbreaking trial. The trial aims to test Neuralink's technology in helping individuals with paralysis control devices. Specifically, they are looking for people with quadriplegia or ALS, who are over 22 and have a reliable caregiver. This trial is different from Musk's ambitious brain computer project that has been the talk of the town. So, if you've always dreamt of being a cyborg, here's your chance!

Insights & Papers

  • (Link) Unlocking the Power of 6T Multilingual Tokens: In this exciting article, we dive into the world of 6T multilingual tokens! Google's impressive dataset, CulturaX, is a treasure trove of trillions of multilingual tokens that are set to supercharge our language models. With this new resource, we can expect even more accuracy and fluency in our multilingual AI systems. Get ready to take a linguistic adventure like no other! Don't worry, we promise no googly eyes on the tokens!

  • (Link) Unlocking the Depths: A Breakthrough in 2D Image Analysis: Have you ever looked at a 2D image and wished you could see its depth? Well, researchers have come up with a clever method to make depth estimation more flexible. They have found a way to separate the camera details from the picture's content, making it easier to guess the depth in different situations. Now, we can finally unravel the hidden dimensions of our favourite photos and bring them to life! Who knows, maybe we'll discover some secret treasures hidden in the depths. Just watch out for any hidden pirate booty!

  • (Link) CulturaX: A Multilingual Feast for Language Models: Get ready for a linguistic feast! CulturaX is here to satisfy your language cravings with its enormous and diverse multilingual dataset. With a whopping 167 languages included, this dataset is a treasure trove for large language models. Say goodbye to messy data, because CulturaX provides a clean and organised collection that will fuel the development of language models like never before. So, let's dig in and unravel the beauty of languages together! And remember, there's always room for more words, right?

Code & Engineering

  • (Link) PIPS2: The Ultimate Real-Time Point-Tracking System: Have you ever wanted to track hundreds of points in real time? Well, look no further than PIPS2! This amazing point-tracking system can not only track points with pixel-level precision, but it's also robust enough to handle basic occlusions and fast motion. With this GitHub repo, you'll have the power to track points like a pro. So, say goodbye to blurry footage and hello to accurate tracking! PIPS2 has got you covered. And remember, when it comes to tracking, PIPS2 is on point! wink

  • (Link) LayoutNUWA: Transform Your Designs with Stunning Language Models: Check out this cool new method called LayoutNUWA! It makes online designs more eye-catching and user-friendly by using language models to transform coding instructions into amazing layouts. Say goodbye to boring visuals and hello to engaging designs! Your website will be the envy of the internet. Just don't forget to add some sparkles and unicorns to really make it pop! 💫🦄

  • (Link) Unveiling the Spellbinding Art of Background Removal: In this article, you'll discover the fascinating world of background removal in high-frequency (HF) transformers. Matting, the technique of creating a black-and-white mask to extract important parts of an image, is the star of the show. Prepare to be amazed as you delve into the process used for foreground and background segmentation, with a special mention of how this relates to the portrait mode on your smartphone. It's like magic, but with pixels! And who doesn't love a little bit of magic in their lives?

Tools & Products

  • (Link) Boost Productivity and Stay Organised with TimeOS: TimeOS is an amazing AI product that helps you take meeting notes and manage your schedule. It's like having your own virtual assistant! With TimeOS, you can say goodbye to the hassle of manually jotting down notes and trying to remember important details. Let this smart tool handle it all for you, so you can focus on what really matters. So, why stress about keeping track of everything when TimeOS has got your back? It's like having a wizard by your side!

  • (Link) Querio 1.0: Simplifying AI Analytics for All: Querio 1.0 is here to make AI analytics a breeze for teams of all sizes! With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, anyone can dive into data analysis and extract valuable insights. No more struggling with complex algorithms or hiring expensive experts. Querio 1.0 is your go-to tool for data analysis. So, get ready to crunch those numbers and uncover hidden patterns. Who said analytics couldn't be fun? Well, definitely not Querio 1.0!

  • (Link) OpenArt: Unleashing AI's Creative Potential in Art: OpenArt is an AI image generator that uses the power of artificial intelligence to create stunning and unique artworks. With the ability to blend different styles and techniques, this tool showcases the endless creative possibilities that AI can bring to the art world. Whether you're an artist looking for inspiration or simply want to admire the beauty of AI-generated art, OpenArt is definitely worth checking out. Just remember, this AI won't ask you to hang its masterpieces on your fridge!


  • (Link) Bard Extensions: Your One-Stop Solution for Google's Services: Google has unveiled a cool new feature called Bard Extensions that lets you access all the useful information from their various tools and services, like Gmail, Docs, Drive, Maps, YouTube, and even Flights and Hotels. Now you can stay connected and get all the info you need in one place. It's like having a personal assistant, but with more Google magic. Time to get Bard-ing! 😄

  • (Link) Maximising Performance: Fine-Tuning Large Language Models demystified: In this article, the authors delve into the topic of fine-tuning large language models. They discuss the factors to consider when deciding whether or not to fine-tune a model, as well as the best practices for the fine-tuning process. With plenty of useful tips and insights, this article is a must-read for anyone interested in maximising the performance of their language models. So, go ahead and fine-tune your knowledge on fine-tuning! After all, the art of language models deserves a fine-tuning of its own, right?


  • (Link) Tech Giants Unite to Standardse Accelerator Programming: The Unified Acceleration Foundation is on a mission to create a universal standard for accelerator programming. This means that companies like Arm, Fujitsu, Google Cloud, and many other tech giants are coming together to simplify and streamline the way accelerators work. Unfortunately, it seems like Nvidia didn't make the guest list for this exclusive club. I guess they'll have to accelerate their efforts to catch up!

  • (Link) Revving Towards the Future: Toyota's EV Roadmap: In an effort to catch up on EV battery technology, Toyota has unveiled its roadmap to sell 3.5 million EVs by 2030. The company is focusing on four different battery solutions, including a solid-state battery, and is working on reducing the height of its battery packs. With these plans, Toyota is determined to regain its competitiveness in the EV market. Get ready to see Toyota zap its way to the front of the pack!

  • (Link) DeepMind's AI Revolutionising Genetics by Predicting Harmful Mutations: DeepMind, the renowned AI research lab, has made another breakthrough! Their latest achievement involves using artificial intelligence to predict harmful gene mutations. This incredible technology has the potential to revolutionise the field of genetics and help us better understand our DNA. With DeepMind's help, scientists can now identify dangerous gene mutations more efficiently, leading to improved diagnosis and treatment. Looks like even AI wants to help us stay genetically fit!

  • (Link) Zuckerberg's Philanthropic Push: Revolutionising Healthcare with AI: Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, is using his philanthropic organisation to develop artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of life sciences. This AI technology has the potential to revolutionise healthcare and improve our understanding of diseases. With Zuckerberg's dedication to making positive changes in the world, it seems like he's turning into a real-life superhero! Who needs Batman when we have Zuckerberg?

  • (Link) Cerebral Valley 2: Prepare for Mind-Blowing AI Action!: Get ready for the sequel to Cerebral Valley, the exclusive AI summit that took place in Hayes Valley on November 15! The first event was such a hit that it led to MosaicML being acquired for a whopping $1.3 billion. Who knows what exciting developments await us at Cerebral Valley 2? Get your brains ready for some mind-blowing AI action! "AI enthusiasts, prepare to have your minds blown at Cerebral Valley 2!"

Art of the Day

“3d model of a glass frog in a beautiful turquoise ocean, in the style of translucent layers, light pink and white, shohei otomo, selective focus, made of plastic, baroque animals, macro lens” By @jaceabase

And there you have it, folks, the byte-sized download on all things AI! Oh, wait... Does anyone smell burning silicon? No worries, that's just the wasted processing power of having to end this information-filled dialog. So, sit back, relax, and let the tech trivia marinate. Big thanks to all you coders, silicon slingers and data wranglers out there for tuning in. Remember, you are the RAM to our hard drive and we wouldn’t be here without you. Can't wait to plug back into the motherboard with you tomorrow. Until then, stay byte-sized all you techtastic listeners!

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