ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/09/20

From Microsoft's 38TB Blunder & TikTok's Deepfake Detectives to Google's Cancer-Spotting Scope & Fry’s AI Vocal Twin: Dive into a Digital Deluge of Daring Doings & Dramas!

Welcome, welcome, welcome to another daily dose of Atometrix ByteSize where we get nerdy about tech so you don't have to! Oh boy, we've scoured every digital rock and turned every virtual bush to bring you the absolute juiciest updates in the world of AI, low code, and tech. Today, we have an absolute smorgasbord of topics diving headfirst into Microsoft's big AI data oopsie, TikTok's AI detective wizardry, and the race between Google and OpenAI for AI-powered vision. But that's just the tip of the silicon iceberg, folks!

Now, rolling up our digital sleeves and digging into the core of today's tech feast, we're starting to question if Microsoft might need to go to AI rehab after their colossal 38TB leak! Oh Microsoft, you absolute butterfingers! But that's not all, no siree! Google is playing doctor with the Department of Defense to create an AI-powered microscope that can spot cancer cells faster than a cheetah. And over in celebrity AI news, beloved actor Stephen Fry’s voice has been weirdly cloned by some Frankenstein AI. GPT-3 is having a bad hair day while confusing its data, aaaaand... TikTok is teaching its app to sniff out AI-generated videos — say whaaat? Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a byte-sized ride!

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News & Articles

  • (Link) Microsoft's Massive 38TB AI Data Leak: Privacy Concerns: Microsoft has experienced a massive data leak, exposing a whopping 38TB of AI data. Uh-oh, that's one big oopsie! 🙈 The incident has raised concerns about privacy and security. If you're wondering where all that data went, well, let's just say it took a wrong turn down the information highway. This treasure trove of information included employee computer backups and messages. Note to self: always double-check those token configurations! I guess Microsoft's AI team learned the hard way the importance of keeping things under lock and key. Just when you thought leaving your keys at the supermarket was bad... Be careful next time, Microsoft!

  • (Link) Google and Department of Defense Innovate Cancer Detection: In a futuristic collaboration, Google and the Department of Defense are joining forces to develop an AI-powered microscope that could revolutionise cancer detection. This supercharged microscope will provide doctors with advanced capabilities to accurately identify cancer cells. Imagine a microscope with its own brain! Looks like even microscopes are getting smarter these days.

  • (Link) UK Antitrust Watchdog Sets Groundbreaking AI Regulations: The UK antitrust watchdog has laid down seven insightful principles for regulating AI, giving us a clear path ahead. These principles will ensure that we can harness the full potential of artificial intelligence while protecting consumers and fostering healthy competition. So, brace yourselves, AI, because the regulators are coming for you! Watch out, Terminator!

  • (Link) TikTok Unleashes AI Detective: Spotting Wizardry in Videos: TikTok is leveling up its game with new tools and technology to label AI content. This means that the app will be able to identify and categorise content created using artificial intelligence. It's like having a personal AI detective on your phone! TikTok just got smarter and more efficient. Now we'll know which videos are powered by AI wizardry...or maybe it's just some really talented cats using advanced technology.

  • (Link) Revolutionising Healthcare: Oracle's Voice AI Assistant Streamlines Workflow: Oracle is bringing its voice AI assistant to the world of healthcare. The technology will allow healthcare professionals to access patient information, schedule appointments, and perform various tasks using voice commands. This is great news for doctors and nurses looking to streamline their workflow and make their lives easier. With Oracle's voice AI assistant, healthcare professionals will be able to focus more on providing quality care to their patients and less on administrative tasks. Finally, healthcare gets a much-needed assistant to help navigate the digital age! Talk about a doctor's best friend!

  • (Link) OpenAI's GPT-Vision: Revolutionising AI-Powered Vision in Competition: In a race against Google, OpenAI is working hard to release its groundbreaking "Multimodal" LLM. With the upcoming launch of Gemini and the possibility of it surpassing GPT-4, OpenAI is determined to stay ahead. They are introducing the innovative multimodal capabilities under the catchy name "GPT-vision." Get ready to see a whole new level of AI-powered vision! It's clear that OpenAI won't be blinking first in this competition, but let's hope they have their eye on the prize!

Insights & Papers

  • (Link) Revolutionary Method Enhances Language Models: Speed and Accuracy Amplified!: In this article, we explore a new approach to language models that trains faster and delivers better performance. By tying the input embedding to other embeddings and using a contrastive loss, the model shows significant improvements in both speed and accuracy. This innovative method challenges the traditional approach of tying only the input and output embedding layers. So, get ready to dive into the fascinating world of language models and discover a new way to boost their capabilities. Trust me, it's not just "tying" the embeddings together, it's much more exciting than that!

  • (Link) Boost model efficiency with Salient Channel Tuning!: In this fascinating article, researchers introduce a clever method called "Salient Channel Tuning" (SCT) that improves the efficiency of fine-tuning pre-trained vision models. By selecting specific parts of a model to fine-tune, SCT reduces the need for additional computing power while surpassing other methods in various tasks. It's like finding the perfect shortcut to success for these models! So, why waste time and energy when you can fine-tune efficiently with SCT? Give it a try and watch your models thrive! Just remember, this shortcut doesn't work with traffic!

  • (Link) Unveiling the Unforeseen: GPT-3 Struggles with Conflicting Data: In this article, we discover that even the smartest language models like GPT-3 can get a little flustered when presented with new, conflicting information. It seems they can sometimes give wrong answers when faced with conflicting or distracting info. This raises important questions about the reliability of these models. So, next time you ask a language model a question, make sure it's not having an off day!"

Code & Engineering

  • (Link) VimGPT: The AI-powered secret to effortless file editing: VimGPT is an exciting experiment that combines the power of artificial intelligence with the beloved text editor Vim. This experimental agent, found on GitHub, allows you to directly access Vim, making file editing a breeze. Whether you want to use it as a sub-agent for quick and efficient editing or let it run on its own, VimGPT is a remarkable tool for all Vim enthusiasts. It's like having an AI assistant that's fluent in Vim! So get ready to level up your editing game with VimGPT. Just don't let it outsmart you and start writing its own code!

  • (Link) HyperDX: The Ultimate Observability Platform for Resolving Issues: HyperDX is an awesome open source observability platform on GitHub that's here to save the day when it comes to resolving production issues. It's like a superhero that centralises all those logs, metrics, traces, exceptions, and even session replays in one convenient place. No more searching through multiple tools! With HyperDX, you can create cool dashboards without needing a PhD in query language, and set up alerts with just a few clicks. And hey, they have screenshots to prove just how great it is! So come on, join the HyperDX squad and conquer those issues with ease.

  • (Link) Unlocking Search Magic: 10 Lines of Code: In this article, Simon dives into the world of LLM chat and semantic search, showing us how to achieve amazing results with just 10 lines of code using Postgres. Get ready to explore the power of natural language understanding and the wonders it can do for your search capabilities. Who knew such a complex task could be accomplished with such simplicity? It's time to bring some magic to your database queries! And hey, who needs a magic wand when you've got Postgres?

  • (Link) Tabby: Your Clever Coding Companion for Apple's M1/M2 GPUs: Tabby is an exciting AI coding assistant designed specifically for Apple's M1/M2 GPUs. This handy tool will make programming a breeze by offering intelligent suggestions and solutions to your coding challenges. With Tabby by your side, you'll have a clever feline helping you navigate the world of coding. Just be careful not to let it scratch your code!

Tools & Products

  • (Link) MindPal 2.0: Supercharge your productivity with AI helpers!: MindPal 2.0 is here to give your tasks a brain boost! This awesome tool allows you to build your own AI agents using your own data. Imagine having little virtual helpers to tackle your to-do list. With MindPal 2.0, you'll be in control and supercharge your productivity. Say goodbye to boring tasks, and let your AI agents do the work for you. Trust me, it's like having your own personal army of efficiency! 💪🤖🎉 (Just don't let them take over the world, okay?)

  • (Link) Effortlessly Summarise Voice Recordings with OneAudio AI!: The OneAudio AI is a fantastic tool that can transform your voice recordings into simplified and summarised notes. No more struggling to transcribe long recordings or tediously listening to them again and again. Just upload your recording and let the AI do the work for you. It's like having a personal note-taking assistant! So wave goodbye to endless hours of transcribing and say hello to a more efficient way of taking notes. You'll wonder how you ever lived without it! Plus, with the time you'll save, you can finally catch up on your favourite TV shows.

  • (Link) CheatGPT: Your Superpowered Study Assistant for Exam Success!: Get ready to level up your study game with CheatGPT! This article introduces CheatGPT, your very own GPT-4 Superpowered assistant that will help you ace your exams. With CheatGPT's advanced capabilities, you'll have access to instant answers, study suggestions, and even personalised learning plans. Say goodbye to endless hours of studying alone, because now you have a magical study companion by your side. So wave your wand and let's dive into the world of CheatGPT! Don't worry, no actual cheating involved, only powerful study assistance!


  • (Link) Gamma: The Incredible 3 Million User Success Story: This exciting article reveals the mind-boggling success story of Gamma, who managed to gain a staggering 3 million users in the blink of an eye - just 3 months! Discover the secret behind their rapid growth and be prepared to have your mind blown. Stay tuned, because if Gamma can achieve this, who knows what you can accomplish! Keep calm and Gamma on! 😄🌟


  • (Link) The Future of Work: Generative AI and Security: According to a recent survey, 66% of developers believe that generative AI is the future of work, which is pretty exciting! However, the survey also found that a whopping 79% of developers have concerns about privacy and security when it comes to AI tools. But don't worry, Nylas has some handy technical resources to help you navigate the intersection of AI innovation and security. Check out their fireside chat and survey results to learn more. Plus, you can even get a free Nylas account to add secure, AI-powered email and scheduling capabilities to your application. 🚀 Remember, with great AI power comes great responsibility!

  • (Link) Unleashing Limitless Innovation: The Magic of 2D and 3D Design: In this fascinating article, researchers have discovered a magical way to combine 2D and 3D technologies, resulting in innovative and flexible designs. Say goodbye to the limitations of working with just one dimension! Now, designers can unleash their creativity and bring their ideas to life in a whole new way. It's time to blend and blur the lines between dimensions for a truly mesmerising visual experience. So, get ready to enter the whimsical world of 2D and 3D magic! Abracadabra!

  • (Link) Stephen Fry's Iconic Voice Replicated? AI vs Authenticity!: In a surprising twist, beloved actor Stephen Fry has revealed that his iconic voice from the Harry Potter audiobooks was stolen and replicated by AI. It seems the age of technology has finally caught up with us! However, fear not, as I'm sure Fry's wit and charm can never truly be imitated by mere machines. After all, who needs AI when you have the real deal?

  • (Link) Exploring AI and VC: Insights, Tips, and Challenges: In this article, Scott Belsky shares his insights on the world of AI and venture capital. He discusses the importance of staying grounded and sober when it comes to investing in AI and offers some helpful tips for getting started. Along the way, he tackles various challenges and offers valuable advice. So, if you want to dive into the world of AI and VC, grab a cup of tea and get ready for some enlightening reading. And remember, AI may be smart, but it can't make a cup of tea...yet!

  • (Link) Robotic Innovations: Flawless Nail Painting Skills Unleashed!: This article is about a breakthrough in robotics technology. Scientists have successfully developed robots that can perfectly mimic human nail painting skills. No more smudged polish or messy manicures! These robots have 'nailed it' in the beauty department. Now we just need them to learn how to do our laundry! Keep an eye out for these talented bots in a nail salon near you.

Art of the Day

“stressful footage of a 1800’s family in the United States outside their house. Scary animal as their pet” By @leucistic9724

And there you have it, folks, another wild daily ride with Atometrix ByteSize has run out of bytes for today. Much gratitude to you fine, tech-savvy listeners for keeping us company on this journey through the vast landscapes of AI, low code, and tech. Whether you’re contemplating Microsoft's data dilemma, astonished by Google’s cancer-detecting endeavours, or applauding robotic manicurists, we've had a blast sharing these titbits with you. So, until our next byteful meeting, don’t forget to stay curious, keep innovating, and most importantly, stay ByteSized! Keep those headphones close and your devices charged, for we are here to sieve through the matrix so you don’t have to. Catch you on the flip side!

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