ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/09/13

AI Showdown: Meta vs OpenAI, Google's Ethical Splash, Roblox's Chatbot Empire, and Microsoft's Legal Lifeline! Plus, Dive into Code Magic, AI-Driven Daily Drudgery Ditchers, and TED-Talk Tidbits!

Hey there, tech lovers! Welcome to today's edition of Atometrix ByteSize, where we geek out on all things AI, low-code, and high-tech. We are positively electrified today as we'll be diving into a titanic tech showdown (think Rocky vs Apollo Creed, but with AI), the possible future AI bards (like the Shakespeare of AI), and a tidbit about a next-gen JoJo's Bizarre Adventure stand.

Our first amuse-bouche today is Meta's Quest and their over-hyped throw-down with OpenAI's GPT-4 in what we're dubbing the 'Battle Royale of Chatbots.' In one corner, we've got the social media heavyweight, Meta, bulking up on AI training chips and expanding data centres like there's no tomorrow. In the other corner, we've got the incumbent, OpenAI, ready to defend its title, all while dodging a hailstorm of angry lawsuits from a mob of writers citing copyright infringement. Meanwhile, Roblox has sneakily introduced their new AI chatbot that will help gamers to build virtual empires, which like everything else in the maker-community, appears ready to go viral.

Then there's Google, acting all responsible and stuff, investing 20 million dollars to ensure the ethical use of AI because, let's face it, we've seen Terminator and we all know where this could potentially lead. Microsoft is playing its part of Big Brother, and offering to cover legal expenses for businesses that might face copyright issues with their AI services. Is that altruism we sniff, or just the aroma of deep pockets? Who knows? What we do know is, things are heating up, and like a nerdy soap opera, we can't wait for the next edition!

So buckle up and brace yourself for an absolute thrill ride. It's going to be a fun, and slightly insane romp through the world of AI, tech, and low code, but hey, you're riding shotgun with us, so what could possibly go wrong right?

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News & Articles

  • (Link) Meta's Quest: Building the Ultimate Chatbot Challenge!: Get ready for the battle of the chatbots! Meta has set its sights on creating a powerful competitor to OpenAI's GPT-4. With a focus on AI training chips and expanding their data centers, Meta is determined to develop a chatbot that matches OpenAI's sophistication. It's shaping up to be an epic showdown in the world of artificial intelligence. Who will come out on top? Stay tuned to find out!

  • (Link) OpenAI Faces Lawsuits: Unauthorized Use Sparks Content Storm: OpenAI is in hot water again as another group of writers is suing them for copyright infringement. The writers claim that OpenAI illegally used their copyrighted works to train its language model, ChatGPT. They argue that the model's ability to summarize and analyze their content suggests that it was directly trained on their works. It seems like OpenAI is facing a storm of lawsuits from disgruntled authors. Let's hope they can sort out this mess before their AI becomes the next Shakespeare.

  • (Link) Meta gears up for AI battle against GPT-4: In an exciting move, Meta has announced that they are starting to create their own AI model to compete with GPT-4. This new development promises to bring even more advanced AI capabilities to the table. Get ready for some serious tech showdowns in the future! Who will come out on top? Only time will tell, but one thing's for sure - it's going to be an epic battle of the AIs! 🤖🚀

  • (Link) Introducing Roblox Assistant: Unleash Your Creativity Effortlessly!: In an exciting move for Roblox fanatics, the popular gaming platform has unveiled their latest addition - Roblox Assistant. This clever AI chatbot will make it easier than ever for creators to build virtual worlds, simply by typing in text prompts. No more time-consuming coding or complicated steps. It's like having a helpful assistant at your fingertips! Get ready to unleash your creativity and watch your virtual dreams come to life with Roblox Assistant. Now you can build your virtual empire without breaking a sweat!

  • (Link) Google's $20 Million Investment: Responsible AI Future: In a move to ensure the ethical use of artificial intelligence (AI), Google has committed to investing $20 million in projects that promote responsible AI. The aim is to support research and development that will address the potential biases and risks associated with AI technology. It's great to see Google taking proactive steps to ensure a more responsible and equitable future for AI. With this investment, the search giant is determined to give AI the right guidance and prevent any robot least for now!

  • (Link) Microsoft's Copilot: Ensuring Copyright Protection with Legal Coverage: In a gesture of goodwill, Microsoft is stepping up to protect businesses from potential copyright infringement issues when using their Copilot services. They've got your back and are willing to cover the legal costs if any challenges arise. It seems like Microsoft and Adobe are in a race to see who can be the most generous in this AI copyright protection game. Wonder if they'll start offering free donuts too?

Insights & Papers

  • (Link) Unlocking Vision-Language Models: Assessing Logical Reasoning Abilities: In this fascinating study, researchers have developed a method to measure the logical reasoning abilities of vision-language models. By assessing how well these models can think critically about what they see, we gain a deeper understanding of their comprehension skills. It's like testing their cognitive muscles! So, next time you see a robot identify objects, remember, it might also be flexing its logical thinking skills!

  • (Link) NuPrompt: Enhancing Self-Driving Cars with Clear Object Tracking: If you're wondering how self-driving cars can get even smarter, then you're in for a treat! This article introduces NuPrompt, a super cool project that uses simple everyday language to give self-driving cars clear instructions on how to understand and track objects around them. It's like giving your car a secret code language to make it even more awesome. Buckle up, because our cars are about to get way smarter! And who knows, maybe they'll even start beatboxing for us on long drives. Just kidding, but wouldn't that be fun?

  • (Link) Optimized Training: Cutting-edge Approach Revolutionizes Language Models: In this fascinating article, the concept of data pruning for pretraining LLMs (Language Models) is explored. Researchers are delving into the idea that sometimes less data can actually be more effective in the process of training these models. It's like a Marie Kondo approach for language models – decluttering the unnecessary to make room for the most relevant information. Who knew tidying up could improve language models?

Code & Engineering

  • (Link) RestGPT: Unleash Your Creativity and Empower Your Computer!: RestGPT is an exciting language model that can be used to control real-world applications like movie databases and music players. This GitHub repo is where all the magic happens! With RestGPT, you can unleash your creativity and build your own autonomous agent. It's like having a personal assistant on your computer! So go ahead, check out RestGPT on GitHub and let's bring some AI awesomeness to our everyday lives. Who needs a personal assistant when you have RestGPT? Time to say goodbye to boring tasks and hello to AI-powered fun!

  • (Link) PointLLM: Taking Language Models into the 3D Era!: Want to teach language models to understand 3D shapes? Well, PointLLM is here to help! This tool goes beyond just text and 2D images, allowing language models to grasp the concept of three-dimensional objects. No more confused algorithms trying to decipher the depths of your imagination! With PointLLM, language models can finally join the 3D club. It's time to bring your models into a whole new dimension. Let's see if they have what it takes to become 3D experts! Cue the epic theme music

Tools & Products

  • (Link) Height: Revolutionising Project Management with AI Automation: Are you tired of struggling with project management and trying out countless tools that just don't work? Well, say hello to Height, the first and only AI project manager! With Height, you can finally offload the drudgery of project management and focus on bringing your ideas to life. This innovative tool uses AI to seamlessly integrate into your tasks and projects, keeping everything organised on autopilot. From standups to drafting release notes, Height automates all those repetitive tasks that drain your time. Get ready to enter a new era of project management with Height! And hey, who needs a Kanban board when you have an AI project manager? 😉

  • (Link) Transform Your Notes with AudioNotes: Organised Bliss Awaits!: AudioNotes is a fantastic product that uses AI to transform your jumbled voice notes and messy text notes into neat and organised text summaries. No more struggling to decipher your own scribbles or endlessly replaying voice recordings! With AudioNotes, you can save time and effortlessly turn your thoughts into concise summaries. It's like having a personal assistant that understands you perfectly! Say goodbye to the chaos of unstructured notes and hello to organised bliss. With AudioNotes, summaries are just a few clicks away. So, why stress when you can impress? Try it out today and see your notes come to life! And remember, with AudioNotes by your side, you'll never struggle to find the right words again. Just let AI do the talking for you! See? It's like having a witty, smart sidekick!

  • (Link) Feng My Shui: Unlocking Limitless Creativity in AI Imagery: This exciting article introduces the concept of "Feng My Shui," the ultimate way to activate God mode for AI-generated images using a powerful combination of MidJourney and SDXL. Get ready to unlock a whole new level of creativity and customization in the world of AI imagery. With this incredible technology, you can bring your wildest imaginations to life. So, say goodbye to boring and hello to mind-blowing visuals! Remember, with Feng My Shui, your imagination is the only limit! Plus, who knew AI had a fashion sense? 😉


  • (Link) Building a Chatty Lending Buddy: The LlamaIndex Sessions: This article takes us on a journey of building a lending criteria chatbot called LlamaIndex Sessions. We get an inside look at how this chatbot was developed and implemented in a real-world production setting. So if you've ever wondered how those handy chatbots make lending decisions, this article spills the beans. And no, the chatbot doesn't spit out actual beans, just lending criteria. So let's dive in and find out how to build a chatty lending buddy! 🦙💬


  • (Link) Unraveling the Puzzle: Can LLMs Reason Like Humans?: In this thought-provoking article, the question of whether LLMs (large language models) can reason like humans is explored. The debate on this topic is intense, with some studies suggesting that LLMs rely solely on memorization and pattern-matching, while others show promising signs of human-like reasoning. Evaluating their abilities for true abstract reasoning proves to be a challenge, as they tend to excel in tasks related to their training data. So, can LLMs really reason? Well, it's a puzzle that requires further research to unravel. Let's see if these models are up to the challenge!

  • (Link) Mastering Large Language Models: Practical Tips and Tricks: In this lengthy but fascinating read, you'll discover seven clever patterns for incorporating large language models (LLMs) into systems and products. From measuring performance to harnessing user feedback, these practical tips will help you make the most of LLM-based systems. Plus, who knew AI could be so much fun? Just wait until you see what these models can do! 😉

  • (Link) Prisoners Forge Future by Training AI Models: In Finland, prisoners are doing something remarkable - training AI models! These incarcerated individuals are using their skills to help develop artificial intelligence algorithms. By labelling and categorising data, they are contributing to the advancement of technology. It's an innovative way to provide prisoners with valuable skills and opportunities for rehabilitation. Who knew that behind bars, they could be helping shape our AI-driven future? Talk about thinking outside the prison cell!

  • (Link) Unleash Your Creativity at the UX/UI Hackathon!: Get ready to unleash your creativity at the upcoming UX/UI hackathon hosted by AGI House and Coframe! Taking place on 16th September, this event will bring together talented individuals to tackle exciting challenges in user experience and interface design. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting your journey in the world of UX/UI, this hackathon promises to be a fantastic opportunity to showcase your skills and network with like-minded individuals. So mark your calendars and get ready to hack your way to UX/UI greatness! Don't forget to bring your thinking cap and a big mug of coffee, it's going to be an epic design adventure!

  • (Link) FTC Protects Against Risks of Generative AI: The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is turning its attention to generative artificial intelligence (AI). This move signifies a growing recognition of the potential risks associated with AI technology. With its regulatory powers, the FTC aims to ensure that the use of generative AI avoids fraudulent and deceptive practices. Will they soon be hunting down rogue AI bots? We'll have to wait and see!

Art of the Day

“a cube stone carved with a parrot's head, front view, carvings, sculptures, simple background, cartoon, super cute, blender” By @muheiranjita

Well, as they say in the Matrix, "Everything that has a beginning, has an end." That's a wrap for today's enlightening session of cutting-edge tech and innovation at Atometrix ByteSize! We hope you were as entertained as you were informed in the land of AI, low code and tech wonders. Thanks for humoring us and staying with us until the end. Remember, there's always room for some friendly banter amongst all the serious tech-talk, so until we return tomorrow, we challenge you to stay ByteSized!

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