ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/09/01

From AI's Caribbean-worthy riches to mind-reading devices: Dive into a ByteSize feast of ground-breaking algorithms, language marvels, and futuristic tech treats!

Hello and welcome to Atometrix ByteSize, your one-stop newsletter for all the sizzling, crunchy, and juicy news in the world of AI, low code, and tech. We're always thrilled to have you as we explore the labyrinth of everything innovative, disruptive, and super geeky! Today we will wade through a plethora of stories, each more tantalising than the last, covering snazzy achievements by OpenAI, Microsoft's ground-breaking 'Algorithm of Thoughts', and an Arabic language model making waves all the way from the UAE-- and this is just a teaser!

As we speed through today's content, I can't help but marvel. To think, an AI company is matching the net worth of some small Caribbean nations already! A bot's rise to riches story if ever there was one. And then there’s Microsoft’s ‘Algorithm of Thoughts’. Let’s appreciate the inventiveness for a moment, finally an algorithm that doesn’t sound like it was named by a Star Trek superfan. It’s fascinating to see the strides being made in AI, low code, and tech. Each update is like taking a bite from the "future apple" - crisp, refreshing, and with a hint of 'Did my device just read my mind?'. And now, let's roll up our digital sleeves and dive into this byte-size banquet of tech mastery!

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News & Articles

  • (Link) OpenAI Soars, Set to Reach $1 Billion Milestone!: OpenAI, the renowned artificial intelligence company, is set to hit the impressive $1 billion mark in annual sales within the next year. This achievement would come even faster than OpenAI had originally predicted. It seems like artificial intelligence is not just becoming smarter, but also a great moneymaker! I wonder if it has any tips on investing?

  • (Link) Introducing Microsoft's Algorithm of Thoughts: Revolutionizing AI Training: In an exciting development, Microsoft has introduced their new AI training method called the "Algorithm of Thoughts" (AoT). This innovative technique aims to enhance the efficiency and human-like reasoning abilities of large language models such as ChatGPT. Get ready for some seriously smart AI! Who needs a crystal ball when you have the Algorithm of Thoughts?

  • (Link) Meta introduces user control for AI training: In a move towards transparency, Meta, the company behind Facebook and Instagram, is allowing users to opt out of AI training. With their new form titled "Generative AI Data Subject Rights," you can request access, alterations, or deletion of personal information that Meta uses for AI training. So, if you don't want your email and name from that hilarious blog post to contribute to the AI's learning, you now have the power to change that. Just make sure the AI doesn't learn your best jokes!

  • (Link) Jais: UAE's Open-source AI Breakthrough in Arabic: The UAE has made a splash in the world of artificial intelligence with the launch of Jais, an Arabic large language model (LLM) that packs a powerful punch. This 13-billion parameter marvel is trained in Arabic, making it a game-changer in the Gulf region's push into generative AI. The best part? It's open-source! You can now download Jais on Hugging Face and see for yourself why the UAE is taking the AI world by storm. Who knew AI could be so complex and yet so fascinating?

  • (Link) Revolutionising US Clinical Trials with AI Technology: QuantHealth, a healthcare technology company, is expanding its AI clinical trials to the United States. Their platform uses artificial intelligence to streamline the clinical trial process, making it faster and more efficient. With this move, QuantHealth aims to revolutionise the way clinical trials are conducted in the US, ultimately benefiting patients and accelerating the development of new treatments. Get ready, America, because AI is coming to the future of healthcare!

Insights & Papers

  • (Link) DySample: Revolutionising Image Resolution with Ease and Efficiency: In this article, you'll discover a game-changing solution called DySample that tackles the challenge of increasing image resolution. Unlike its cumbersome counterparts, DySample is a lightweight upsampler that doesn't hog your computer resources. It offers a simpler and more efficient approach, making it versatile for various image tasks. Say goodbye to complicated methods and hello to DySample! It's time to level up your image resolution game. And remember, with DySample, size really does matter (when it comes to image quality, of course)!

  • (Link) RoboTAP: Transforming Robots into Quick-Learning Assistants: The article discusses RoboTAP, a system that can track arbitrary points for few-shot visual imitation. This means the system can watch a few demonstrations of a task and then imitate it using a robot. It's like having a robotic apprentice that learns quickly! With RoboTAP, the possibilities for teaching robots new tasks are endless. So, who needs a personal assistant when you can have a robotic one?

  • (Link) Mastering RAG: Unleash the Power of High-Performance Applications: Learn how to build high-performance RAG (Red, Amber, Green) applications that are ready for production. This article will guide you through the process of creating efficient and effective RAG applications. Get ready to unleash the power of RAG in your projects and watch your productivity levels go green, while you leave red tape in the past. Who knew traffic lights could be so exciting?

Code & Engineering

  • (Link) Advanced 3D Pose Detection Unveiled: Decoding Tricky Poses: This GitHub repo introduces a new and impressive method for improving 3D body pose detection. Unlike previous approaches, this method considers both space and time, which allows for better understanding of poses, even when body parts are hidden or unclear. Now we can decode those tricky poses, even when we can't see all the parts! Who said body language was a mystery?

  • (Link) Introducing BatteryML, the Game-changer!: BatteryML is a fantastic open source toolkit that is revolutionizing battery research! With datasets, feature engineering tools, and a library of models, it's a one-stop shop for studying battery degradation. Now researchers can dig deep into battery science and find new ways to improve battery life. Say goodbye to running out of juice at the worst possible moment! BatteryML has got you covered. Just don't forget to charge your own energy levels while you're at it!

  • (Link) Unlocking Creative Wonders: CoTrack Revolutionises Video Tracking: In this amusing and enlightening article, we learn about CoTrack dense video tracking - a remarkable tool that tackles the challenges of occlusions and fast motion that other pixel tracking tools often struggle with. Developed by Meta, this powerful and user-friendly tool opens up exciting possibilities, like the potential for recreating videodoodles. Imagine adding some artistic flair to your videos! So, grab your popcorn and get ready to dive into the world of CoTrack dense video tracking. Who knows what creative wonders await?

Tools & Products

  • (Link) Revolutionary Model Unleashes Medical Image Segmentation Potential: Have you ever wondered how doctors accurately identify different areas in medical images? This fascinating article discusses the concept of medical image segmentation, which involves identifying specific pixels belonging to different classes, such as cancerous or non-cancerous. The challenge lies in transferring models to different tasks, but this new study introduces a robust model based on the renowned UNet approach. So, it seems like this model is the superhero that can tackle various medical imaging challenges! Now, if only it could also make us a cup of tea...

  • (Link) Phind: The AI Search Engine and Pair Programmer Revolutionizing Efficiency: Phind is an exciting AI search engine and pair programmer that is here to revolutionise the way you search for information and collaborate on coding projects. With its advanced technology, Phind will save you time and effort by quickly finding the most relevant results and even helping you code better with its pair programming feature. Say goodbye to endless scrolling and hello to efficient searching and coding! Plus, Phind is so smart, it might even beat you at a game of chess. Keep your coding skills sharp!

  • (Link) ListenMonster: Perfect Transcriptions, Effortlessly and Accurately: The article is about a new tool called ListenMonster that claims to transcribe audio perfectly on the first try. With its advanced technology, it eliminates the need for manual corrections, saving time and effort. Say goodbye to frustrating mistakes and hello to accurate transcriptions! Maybe now we can finally decipher what our mumbling colleagues are saying.

  • (Link) Meet Jasper: Your Game-Changing Virtual Copywriting Assistant!: Introducing Jasper, a super smart AI copywriter assistant! This incredible tool can whip up amazing marketing copy in no time. Whether you need catchy slogans, persuasive product descriptions, or compelling ad campaigns, Jasper has got your back. Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to a world of creative possibilities with this virtual wordsmith. With Jasper by your side, you'll never be short of captivating copy again! Plus, imagine all the time and stress you'll save. Talk about a game-changer!

  • (Link) Undertones AI: Unleash Your Creativity and Remix Like a Pro: The article introduces Undertones AI, a fantastic tool that makes it super easy to isolate specific tracks, remix them, and then bounce them onto a master track. With Undertones AI, you can effortlessly create your own unique versions of songs or audio tracks. It's like having a virtual DJ at your fingertips! Now you can unleash your creativity and create music that's truly one of a kind. So, get ready to remix and jam like a pro with Undertones AI. Who needs a DJ when you've got this awesome tool? Let the remixing begin!

  • (Link) Open Interpreter: Master Code with Your Digital Companion!: The Open Interpreter is a fantastic tool that allows LLMs (Language Learning Machines) to run code on your computer and complete various tasks. It's like having a little programmer friend in your machine! From writing scripts to automating processes, the Open Interpreter is a game-changer for those looking to harness the power of code. Just be careful, your computer might start speaking in binary! Just kidding, that won't happen. It's all good fun!


  • (Link) Samsung Food App: AI-Powered Personalised Food Recommendations: Samsung has unveiled their new Food app, which uses AI technology to provide personalised food recommendations and recipes. With a wide range of languages and countries covered, it's perfect for food enthusiasts worldwide. Now you'll never have to worry about what to cook for dinner again! Bon appétit! And remember, always save room for dessert!

  • (Link) China Embraces AI Revolution Across Industries!: In exciting news, China is about to give the greenlight to its first-ever AI models! This means that artificial intelligence will soon be making its debut in various industries across the country. From healthcare to transportation, these cutting-edge models are set to revolutionise the way things are done. Get ready for the future, because AI is here to stay! Just don't let the robots take over...

  • (Link) Revolutionary AI Filters Transforming Gaming Chat Experience: Call of Duty has come up with a genius plan to tackle the toxic voice chat that plagues online gaming. By harnessing the power of AI, the game will identify and filter out offensive and harmful language. Finally, gamers can enjoy a positive and respectful environment while battling it out on the battlefield. Say goodbye to those rage-inducing trolls! Now, if only AI could filter out my terrible jokes too...

  • (Link) Meet the Incredible Robotic Nail Artist Revolutionising Manicures: This article is about a fantastic robot that has mastered the skill of nail art! It can create beautiful and intricate designs on your nails, all with precision and perfection. No need to worry about smudges or uneven coats anymore! Just sit back and let this robot give you the most fabulous manicure. Who knew robots could be such talented nail artists? It's almost like having a little robotic Picasso on your fingertips! Don't worry, though, it won't be taking over the fashion industry anytime soon…unless it starts designing robot-themed nail art!

Art of the Day

“staring into The Void, nebulas, space, cosmic. psychedlic, abstract patterns, dramatic and vibrant, high contrast, dark and colorful, neon pastels, pop art, Andy Warhol, Moebius, sharp lines, minimalist, glowing highlights, Resolution : 16k, ultra high quality, sharp focus, cinematic, Photorealistic” By @JoBro17

And just like that, we're at the end of this ByteSize round-robin of exciting discoveries! You've been an absolute champ, sticking with us through AI revelations, impressive tech tales, and some unexpected humour! Although part of us wishes we were robotic enough to keep the updates rolling forever, even we need a charging break! Remember, stay plugged into the world of AI, keep your code game strong, but never forget to unplug and enjoy the real world every now and then. Because let's face it, no AI can match the absurdity of our everyday realities! Until next time, listeners, stay ByteSized and don't let the tech bugs bite!

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