ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/08/17

Byte into Tech's Banquet: From GPT-4's superhero strides and MacBook's Goliath showdown to Google's genie moves - feast on today's AI-flavored wonders with Atometrix ByteSize!

Heads up, folks! Let's pair those caffeinated brains with some techno-tales and AI anecdotes to start your day. Welcome to another edition of Atometrix ByteSize, where we nibble on the delicious bits of the latest updates in AI, low code and everything tech-sational. Buckle up as we're about to embark on a voyage filled with content-filtering superheroes, memory-baffling MacBooks, AI-inspired stickers, geospatial game-changers, and much, much more. So, sit back, grab a cup of freshly brewed latte (or maybe you're into tea?) and gear up for an insight-packed journey.

Alright, let's first talk about GPT-4, the latest caped crusader of the AI-verse. This new language model from OpenAI has jumped headfirst into the content moderation game, eager to slap out those internet trolls. Then, we move on to MacBooks. Hold on, don't smirk yet. A plain-looking MacBook packing a punch, lagging only slightly behind the mighty A100. Didn't expect that plot twist, did you? More surprises await with Google's new AI-powered search feature, aptly described as a genie. Tuck into a feast of insights as we explore the world of AI nannies, delve into a possible future armed with voice technology, and unravel the suspenseful disgruntle against an unnamed AI startup. Stay tuned because this is gonna be a byte-ful ride!

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News & Articles

  • (Link) Empowering Online Safety: GPT-4 Revolutionizes Content Moderation: GPT-4, the latest version of language model from OpenAI, is being tested for content moderation. This powerful tool has the potential to improve the accuracy and efficiency of filtering out harmful or inappropriate content online. With its advanced capabilities, GPT-4 might just be the superhero we need in the ongoing battle against trolls and spam. Who said artificial intelligence couldn't save the internet?

  • (Link) Unveiling the Memory Wall: AI MacBook Holding Its Own: In this enlightening article, we delve into the fascinating world of AI and the "memory wall". It explores why a regular MacBook can run powerful models almost as quickly as a mighty A100. The secret lies in the memory bandwidth, where the bottleneck occurs. The gap between the M2 and A100 isn't as significant when you're handling just a single batch at a time. It seems the MacBook holds its own against the big guns! Who said size always matters?

  • (Link) Google's Enhanced Search: AI-Powered Assistance at Your Fingertips: Google is making some exciting upgrades to its Search Generation Experience. The new features include automatic term definitions, programming assistance, and AI-generated summaries. It's like having a clever search assistant right at your fingertips! No need to waste time looking up definitions or struggling with coding, Google has got your back. With these new updates, searching the web will be even faster and more efficient. Who needs a personal assistant when you have Google? It's like having your own AI-powered genie granting all your search wishes. Just don't ask it for three wishes, it might get confused!

  • (Link) New York Times Stops AI Scraping with Updated Terms: The New York Times has revamped its terms of service to protect its content from being scraped by AI. The updated terms now explicitly state that using automated tools to access the website is prohibited. So, no more sneaky bots stealing their juicy stories! Looks like the Times is determined to keep their articles out of the clutches of mischievous AI. I guess the bots will have to find another way to catch up on their news!

  • (Link) Revolutionary Open-source Geospatial AI Model Propels Earth Studies: IBM and NASA have partnered with Hugging Face to release IBM's geospatial foundation model, created using NASA satellite data, as an open-source resource. This model, developed through collaboration with NASA, aims to make AI more accessible in climate science and Earth studies by addressing the challenges of analysing large environmental datasets. It has already demonstrated a 15% improvement in satellite data analysis and can be adapted for tasks such as deforestation tracking and greenhouse gas monitoring. Now, let's save the planet one dataset at a time!

  • (Link) AI-Powered Stickers: Adding Playfulness to WhatsApp Chats: WhatsApp is currently testing AI-generated stickers, adding a fun and creative element to its messaging platform. The stickers are created by an artificial intelligence system that analyses emojis and suggests sticker designs. This new feature will make conversations even more playful and personalised. Who knew AI could also be a sticker design expert?

Insights & Papers

  • (Link) Unraveling Bayesian Flow Networks: Converging Discrete and Continuous Data: In this fascinating article, the concept of Bayesian Flow Networks is explored. These networks aim to unify the modelling of discrete and continuous data while maintaining a probabilistic likelihood interpretation. The paper introduces a new class of generative models that possess several intriguing properties, including no forward pass, gradient-based sample guidance for discrete data, and competitive language modelling likelihood. Dive into this read to unravel the mysteries of Bayesian Flow Networks and discover the exciting possibilities they hold. And remember, understanding probabilities has never been more flow-tastic!

  • (Link) Revolutionising Virtual Try-On: Realistic Clothing Simulation: In this article, we dive into the exciting world of virtual try-on with diffusion models. Virtual try-on can be a tricky task, especially when it comes to high-resolution images. However, the solution presented in this paper, DCI-VTON, takes a unique approach. By combining a diffusion model with exemplar-based inpainting and a warping module, this method ensures that clothing details are preserved and generates realistic virtual try-on images. So, get ready to step into a virtual fitting room like never before! And remember, no more dressing room queues!

Code & Engineering

  • (Link) Enhancing AI Developer Tools: Insights and Best Practices: This article is a must-read for anyone involved in designing and shipping AI developer tools. It shares valuable insights from GitHub's experience with their AI tool, Copilot. The ten design principles discussed include leveraging natural language, addressing developer pain points, gathering feedback, and acknowledging biases. The article emphasises the importance of customisation, accessibility, performance, and continuous improvement in AI models. So, if you want to level up your AI developer tools, dive into this article and get ready to learn! And remember, always customise your AI tools but never your coffee order!

  • (Link) FoodSAM: Unleash Your Foodie Dreams with Advanced Segmentation: If you're a foodie and a tech enthusiast, you're in for a treat! The Advanced Food Image Segmentation (GitHub Repo) is here to make your mouth water and your segmentation dreams come true. This fantastic project introduces FoodSAM, a segmentation model specifically designed for food images. With its powerful features, it doesn't just segment the food, but also identifies individual items and objects in the scene. Now you can truly appreciate every pixel of that delicious burger or mouthwatering pizza. Bon appétit! Just remember not to take a bite out of your screen.

  • (Link) Optimising Code Models: Human Evaluation Yields Impressive Results!: In this quick read, you'll discover how instruction tuning large code models can be done without using GPT-4 distillation data. The article introduces a new human evaluation dataset and impressively achieves a score of 46.7 in the original human evaluation. However, it also highlights the significant difference between closed and open code models. Remember, even the smartest AI models still have a thing or two to learn from us humans!

  • (Link) Introducing The AI Code Editor Revolutionising Development: GitHub has released a new code editor called that puts AI at the forefront. This innovative tool uses artificial intelligence to help developers write code more efficiently and accurately. Without a doubt, is a game-changer in the coding world. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, this tool will make your coding experience smoother and more enjoyable. Say goodbye to the days of endless scrolling and debugging! With, you'll be coding like a pro in no time. Now, let's bury those coding bugs for good!

Tools & Products

  • (Link) Your Data with ChartPixel: Eye-catching Charts Made Easy!: Get ready to transform your data into eye-catching charts with the help of ChartPixel! This nifty product uses AI technology to generate visually stunning charts that come complete with helpful insights. Say goodbye to boring spreadsheets and hello to impressive data visualisations. ChartPixel will take your data game to the next level, making you the envy of all your colleagues. So why settle for dull graphs when you can have charts that are both informative and aesthetically pleasing? Take the data world by storm with ChartPixel and watch your presentations shine brighter than ever before! Plus, who knew that data analysis could be this fun?

  • (Link) Unleashing Insights: Transforming Conversations with Voice Technology: This article explores how voice technology can be used to turn conversations into valuable insights. It discusses the growing popularity of voice assistants and how they can be leveraged to gather data and improve customer experiences. So, next time you have a chat with your voice assistant, remember that your words might just hold the key to some valuable insights...and maybe even a few surprises!

  • (Link) Unriddle AI: Organise, Find, and Access Your Information: Unriddle AI is an innovative tool that transforms your notes and documents into an intelligent library. This clever system organises and categorises all your information, making it easy to find and access whenever you need it. No more endless searches through piles of papers or countless folders on your computer! With Unriddle AI, you'll have a smart and organised virtual assistant at your fingertips. Say goodbye to document chaos and hello to productivity! Plus, it even knows how to make a mean cup of tea! Just kidding, but wouldn't that be amazing!


  • (Link) Unveiling the Unforeseen: A Startling Backlash against an AI Startup: Discover why a small unknown AI startup faced a massive backlash. Uncover the reasons behind this surprising turn of events that left people scratching their heads. It's like a plot twist in a Hollywood movie, but with AI! Stay tuned to find out what happened... and no, it's not because they ran out of coffee in the office!

  • (Link) NASA's Miraculous Voyager 2 Rescue: An Interstellar Triumph: Discover the thrilling story of how NASA narrowly avoided losing the Voyager 2 spacecraft forever. This captivating article shares the extraordinary tale of how engineers overcame multiple challenges to rescue the interstellar explorer. Don't miss the highly recommended documentary that delves deeper into this incredible journey. It's an out-of-this-world adventure that will have you on the edge of your seat! Remember, through all the twists and turns, sometimes even NASA needs a little bit of luck!

  • (Link) Head-to-Head: Saudi Arabia and UAE Battle for Nvidia Chips: In a surprising turn of events, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are in a heated race to get their hands on Nvidia chips. With both countries eager to invest in the booming technology sector, it seems they are competing to see who can snag the most chips. It's like a fierce game of "Who Wants to Be a Billionaire?" but with computer hardware. Let's see who comes out on top!

  • (Link) The Future of Childcare: Introducing AI Nannies: This article explores how AI technology is shaping the future of parenting with the introduction of "AI Nannies" for babies. These clever devices can monitor a baby's vital signs, track sleeping patterns, and even offer soothing sounds or lullabies. It's like having a high-tech Mary Poppins! Say goodbye to sleepless nights and hello to the future of childcare. Just don't be surprised if your baby starts asking for a robot bedtime story!

Art of the Day

“Design a mesmerizing album cover for 'Violet Echoes: A Journey Through Purple Juices.' Capture the essence of the album's theme by blending rich shades of purple, artistic depictions of various fruits and ingredients, and an otherworldly, dreamlike atmosphere that evokes the sensation of sipping on vibrant, purple-hued juices amidst a surreal landscape. Infuse the design with a touch of mystique and wonder, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the album's unique musical exploration” By @Aherron96

And just like that, we reach the end of today's tech ride, folks! Thanks a bunch for hanging out with us on Atometrix ByteSize. From unleashing AI-aided stickers to fiddling with interstellar hardware, we truly had a blast! And remember, as tech pervades every byte of our lives, keep up with the pace and always stay "ByteSized." Signing off with a virtual high-five, until we meet again!

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