ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/08/01

Join the tech carnival! From Google's emotional AI and Intel's cozy kitten-like AI adoption, to conversational mastery with Whisper + GPT-4, and wrestling with global AI sales. Welcome to a techy future, where AI reigns supreme!

Hello, hello and welcome back to another edition of Atometrix ByteSize, your daily dose of tech news that's as addictive as popcorn! We're positively buzzing with anticipation for today’s heaping serving of artificial intelligence (AI), low code and tech updates. Today we’ll be bobbing around the innovative advances made by Google with their cute new AI model (no, it can't fetch you coffee...yet), diving into the revolutionary AI moves made by Intel, learning how to chat with Whisper + GPT-4, and grappling with the challenges of global AI sales. Buckle up, folks, it's time to get techy!

Peeking at the plethora of news today, I can barely contain my excitement. I mean, who isn't thrilled about robotic companions, voiced by Google, who can understand and reciprocate our human feelings? WALL-E, eat your heart out! Then there’s Intel, cozying up to AI like it’s a fluffy kitten, promising to integrate AI into everything tech. Do I hear the theme of Terminator playing in the background? And how about that intriguing tutorial of Whisper + GPT-4, cleverly named like an indie pop band, promising a whole new level of interaction with AI! And lastly, the challenges of selling AI globally; why can't the world just get over their trust issues and embrace our tech overlords? Oh, what a day to be alive... and slightly tech-addicted!

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News & Articles

  • (Link) Introducing RT-2: Heralding the Friendly Robot Revolution!: Google has developed a new AI model named RT-2 that brings us one step closer to the adorable robot WALL-E from the famous Pixar film. This AI model has advanced capabilities to understand and interact with humans, making it seem like we are in a futuristic world. Get ready for robots to take over! Just kidding, but it's exciting to see how technology is evolving.

  • (Link) Intel Commits to AI Revolution: Embracing Innovation Across Industries: In a recent statement, Intel CEO declared that the company will forever embrace the power of AI. 🚀 From self-driving cars to advanced data analysis, Intel is committed to incorporating AI in all aspects of their technology. Looks like Skynet won't be the only one taking over the world with AI!

  • (Link) Unlocking Powerful ASR with Whisper + GPT-4: OpenAI has released a tutorial called "Whisper + GPT-4" that delves into the integration of Whisper and GPT-4 models. Whisper is a system that improves the performance of automatic speech recognition (ASR) while GPT-4 takes text input and generates relevant and coherent responses. The tutorial provides insights into how these two models can work together to boost ASR capabilities. So, if you want to uncover the secrets of Whisper and GPT-4, this tutorial is your go-to guide. It's like having a conversation with a whispering AI that actually makes sense!

  • (Link) Navigating the Global AI Sales Challenge: Insights & Realities.: In this insightful 5-minute read, a16z uncovers the ongoing challenge of selling AI products worldwide. While building a company has become more accessible, going global remains a tough nut to crack. The article delves into the potential solution of Merchant of Record programs but also offers a dose of reality. Selling AI products globally may be challenging, but hey, at least we won't have to worry about tackling intergalactic markets...yet!

Insights & Papers

  • (Link) Medical Imaging: Introducing Vox2Vec for Precise CT Scans: Learn how self-supervised learning is improving medical imaging with vox2vec! This innovative approach takes CT scans to a whole new level by understanding them on a voxel level. Forget the complicated techniques, vox2vec is here to save the day with its efficiency and reduced training parameters. Say goodbye to the old ways of medical imaging, vox2vec is the future! And hey, fewer parameters mean fewer headaches for everyone!

  • (Link) The Power of Synthetic Data: In this fascinating article, we explore the world of language models and how they learn to master language. By setting up synthetic data tasks and curating relevant data sets, researchers are gaining insights into the skills these models acquire during pre-training. It turns out that with the right data set, training on 1 billion tokens can yield the same performance as training on 3 billion tokens. It's like getting triple the value for your training efforts! Your language skills would be jealous.

  • (Link) AI's Remarkable Leap in Strategic Planning & Gaming: This fascinating article explores how AI has taken a huge step forward in its ability to learn and adapt. The Thinker algorithm has given AI the power to interact with and learn from a simulated environment, which has greatly improved their strategic planning skills. The algorithm has been put to the test in the game of Sokoban and the Atari 2600 benchmark, and the results are impressive. This breakthrough is set to revolutionise how planning is integrated into the decision-making process. So next time you challenge an AI to a game, be prepared for some serious competition!

Code & Engineering

  • (Link) Google's Bard AI: Bridging Text and Visuals: Google's conversational AI, Bard, has added the ability to process visual inputs alongside text. This opens up exciting possibilities for multi-modal generative models. However, a study of Bard's performance across 13 different visual scenarios has shown that it still has some challenges with visual understanding. There is definitely room for improvement in future AI model development. Let's hope Bard can learn to see as well as it can talk!

  • (Link) Ultimate Text Generation Tool: Unleash Your Creativity!: Get ready to generate some awesome text with the Text Generation Interface GitHub Repo! This versatile tool, built using Rust, Python, and gRPC, is perfect for text generation inference. It's even used in production at HuggingFace to power their Hugging Chat, Inference API, and Inference Endpoint. Just keep in mind that the license has recently changed, so it's no longer commercially usable. But hey, who needs commercial when you've got creativity, right? Happy generating! 🚀

  • (Link) Khoj: Your Ultimate AI Assistant for Digital Organization: Khoj (GitHub Repo) is an exciting AI personal assistant that helps organize your digital life. It's like having a little helper to keep your brain in check. With Khoj, you can easily find documents, manage tasks, and stay on top of your to-do list. It's the ultimate companion for a clutter-free mind. So, say goodbye to the chaos and let Khoj make your life easier! And hey, who doesn't want a little brainy sidekick?

Tools & Products

  • (Link) AudioAtlas: Your Personalised Music Encyclopedia for Every Mood: AudioAtlas is a fantastic tool that helps you discover the perfect music for whatever mood you're in. By analysing your musical preferences and creating a personalised "audio fingerprint," AudioAtlas recommends tracks that match your unique taste. So now, you can wave goodbye to endless scrolling and let the perfect tunes come to you. It's like having a personal DJ who knows you inside out. And let's face it, who wouldn't want that? Rock on!

  • (Link) Discover, Learn, and Share Research with Synthical: Are you ready to dive into the world of research? Synthical is here to make your life easier! This amazing AI platform helps you discover, learn, and share research in a user-friendly way. No more sifting through endless articles - Synthical does the hard work for you. It's like having your own personal research assistant! So why wait? Let Synthical be your guide to the fascinating world of knowledge. Just don't let it beat you at trivia night!

  • (Link) Quiz Gecko: The Ultimate AI-Powered Quiz Maker: The article discusses Quiz Gecko, an AI-powered online test and quiz maker! With this innovative tool, you can create engaging quizzes and tests that are fully automated. Say goodbye to tedious grading and hello to a fun and interactive way of assessing knowledge. Whether you're a teacher, trainer, or just love quizzes, Quiz Gecko will make your life easier. So, get ready to put your knowledge to the test and see if you can outsmart the AI. Remember, it's all fun and games until the AI starts beating you!


  • (Link) The Secret to Bringing Your Ideas to Life: Insights from a 20-Year-Old Prodigy: In this article, we meet a remarkable 20-year-old researcher from OpenAI who spills the beans on the secret to building anything. With boundless enthusiasm and an innovative mindset, this prodigy shares invaluable insights into the world of creation and how to make your wildest ideas come to life. Get ready to be inspired and uncover the secret sauce to building greatness. Just don't forget to bring a hard hat, because we're about to construct some mind-blowing creations!


  • (Link) Introducing FraudGPT: The Super-Smart AI Tool Fighting Fraud: Fraudsters beware, there's a new super-smart AI tool in town. FraudGPT has arrived, specifically designed to tackle sophisticated attacks. This powerful tool will provide businesses with an extra layer of protection, allowing them to identify and prevent fraudulent activities more efficiently. With FraudGPT on the case, those naughty scammers won't stand a chance! Finally, clever technology is being used for good and putting the bad guys out of business. Watch out, fraudsters, FraudGPT is coming for you! Now let's see AI take on some other bad guys, like those who steal the last slice of pizza from the office fridge!

  • (Link) Unmasking the Ineffectiveness of AI Writing Detectors: In this eye-opening article, we delve into the unnoticed AI education issue that has been causing quite a stir. It seems that teachers seeking to tackle AI cheating are facing a conundrum, as AI writing detectors have proven to be rather ineffective. So, where should they turn to now? Join us to uncover the surprising answer. Hint: it doesn't involve training a troop of smart dolphins to patrol the classroom. Trust me, you'll be hooked!

  • (Link) CLAIRe: Revolutionizing AI Conversations with Advanced Memory Recall: The article discusses CLAIRe, an exciting new technology that combines conversational AI with advanced memory recall capabilities. CLAIRe has the ability to remember past conversations, making it more intelligent and efficient in providing personalized responses. This technology is revolutionizing the way we interact with AI assistants, making them feel more human-like and relatable. With CLAIRe, you'll never have to repeat yourself to a robot again! Just be careful, she might even remember that embarrassing story you shared last week!

  • (Link) The Chill Attitude of Workers Facing AI Takeover: According to a new report by Pew Research Center, over 27 million Americans are working in jobs that could potentially be replaced or assisted by artificial intelligence. Interestingly, the study also found that workers in industries more exposed to AI appear to be less worried about its impact on their own jobs. So, while the rise of AI may seem daunting, some people seem to be taking it in stride. Who knows, maybe they're secretly hoping for a robot colleague to do the boring bits of their job for them!

Art of the Day

“a low quality child's blue ink ball-point pen drawing of a small person riding a capybara in the style of primitive linear drawing by a 4 year old kid, simple irregular lines, mistakes, 2d” By @peanutbuddah

And that's a wrap, folks! Thanks for riding the information roller-coaster with us. We hope you've enjoyed your daily dose of all things AI, low code, tech wonderment and probably way too many robot jokes. Atometrix ByteSize is peacing out for the day but remember- in the ever-evolving world of tech, let us be your constant. Stay plugged, stay relevant, and most importantly 'Stay ByteSized'! Until we meet again tomorrow, remember: if you see a rogue robot WALL-E... tell it it's adorable!

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