ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/07/21

Apple's AI Escapades, OpenAI's Chatbot Quirkiness, and a Real-life Spy Thriller: A Monty Python-esque Romp through the AI Universe!

Hola, tech enthusiasts! Welcome to another exciting session of Atometrix ByteSize. Buckle up because today, we’re nose-diving into some seriously juicy updates about Apple's AI exploits, OpenAI's increased query limits for their GPT-4, and the exhilarating potential of computer-generated data in AI training. We’ve also got some discerning insights from key scholarly articles about the monumental impact of AI in our day-to-day lives. If this doesn't feel like the Monty Python of tech news, I don't know what does!

Now, while the tech universe is abuzz with AI doomsday theories and top-secret spy missions harnessing AI powers, let's unwind and have a good old fashioned titter! Can we just pause and acknowledge the hilarious irony of mourning the 'decline in intelligence' of OpenAI's ChatGPT? Oh, the tables have turned! Also, the blockbuster-worthy Cold War 2.0 with British spies disrupting Russian shipments using AI, could be the next billion-dollar movie idea! So, if you had a tough day, this might just be the perfect time to pour a cuppa Joe (or James Bond's favourite martini, if that's more your style), put your feet up and prepare to ROFL as you dive headfirst into the happenings of the AI universe!

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News & Articles

  • (Link) Apple's Advancing AI: Introducing Apple GPT and More!: In a bid to catch up with OpenAI, Apple is testing out its own generative AI tools called "Apple GPT." The tech giant is also developing an AI framework named Ajax and a chatbot service. Although these efforts are still in the experimental stage, Apple fans can expect a big announcement next year. Will Apple's new AI models be able to give OpenAI a run for their money? Only time will tell!

  • (Link) OpenAI's GPT-4 Increases Query Limit: OpenAI has announced that the new limit for its language model, GPT-4, is set at 50 queries per 3 hours. This means users will have a lot more flexibility to tap into the power of AI. With GPT-4, you can get creative, seek answers, or even compose a masterpiece – just don't start asking it for relationship advice! So, go ahead and let your imagination run wild with this incredible language model.

  • (Link) Unleashing AI's Potential: Harnessing Computer-Generated Data: In the quest to create more powerful AI models, researchers are turning to a surprising source: computer-generated data. This innovative approach allows them to generate massive amounts of information needed for training AI algorithms. By creating data from scratch, artificial intelligence companies can lay the foundation for more accurate and reliable models. Who knew computers could be such talented data creators? Maybe they'll start winning poetry contests next!

Insights & Papers

  • (Link) Unveiling the Mind-Blowing Advances of GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 in AI Language Models: This fascinating study dives into the world of artificial intelligence language models, specifically GPT-3.5 and GPT-4. It explores the impact of updates on these models and how it improves their abilities in various tasks such as math, answering tricky questions, coding, and even visual thinking. Get ready to uncover the mind-bending changes happening in the world of AI! Plus, who knows, maybe GPT-4 will be able to solve the mystery of why we always lose socks in the dryer!

  • (Link) SHARCS: Revolutionising Learning with Multi-Source Information Integration: Do you ever wish you could learn from multiple sources of information at once, like text, pictures, and sounds? Well, researchers have come up with a solution called SHARCS! This system not only learns from different types of data simultaneously but also finds common concepts and connects them together. Imagine the possibilities - predicting outcomes more accurately and filling in missing information. It's like having a multitasking brain! Now, if only we could use SHARCS to find our missing socks too...

  • (Link) ChatGPT's Declining Performance Sparks Concerns for OpenAI: A recent study suggests that ChatGPT, the chatbot developed by OpenAI, might be "getting dumber." The researchers found that the model's performance has declined over time, performing worse when it comes to providing correct answers and demonstrating strong reasoning abilities. While ChatGPT is still impressive, maybe it needs a little boost in brainpower! Maybe we could lend it some of our own neurons?

Code & Engineering

  • (Link) RepViT: the Lightweight Superstar of Image Recognition: In the world of image recognition, a new superstar has emerged: RepViT! This innovative neural network combines the best of both worlds - the efficiency of lightweight Vision Transformers and the power of Convolutional Neural Networks. It's a lightweight champion that packs a punch! If you're excited about efficient image recognition, this GitHub repo is definitely worth checking out. Get ready to witness the birth of a superstar in the AI arena! And remember, with RepViT on your side, image recognition is a breeze - no cape required!

  • (Link) Unleashing the Power of Hand-Object Interaction: A Game-Changing Dataset: Calling all tech enthusiasts! A remarkable new dataset has emerged that will revolutionise the world of augmented reality, virtual reality, and robotics. Packed with millions of annotated frames, this dataset is a goldmine for hand object contact estimation. With its rich information on hand reconstruction and synthetic object motion, this treasure trove will surely take your projects to the next level. Get ready to dive in and unlock the secrets of hand-object interaction like never before! 🎉 Oh, and be prepared to have your mind blown!

  • (Link) OnlineRefer: A Game-Changer for Video Object Segmentation: Check out this cool GitHub repository called Referring Video Object Segmentation! It features OnlineRefer, a super efficient online model for Referring Video Object Segmentation. This technique uses human instruction to identify and segment objects in videos. It's like having a personal assistant for your videos! Who needs Hollywood special effects when you can do it yourself with OnlineRefer? Just kidding, Hollywood is still pretty cool.

  • (Link) Introducing Cursive: A Game-Changer for Language Models: GitHub has released Cursive, a fantastic framework that makes working with LLMs (Large Language Models) a breeze. Cursive offers a user-friendly and intuitive interface, allowing developers to interact with LLMs effortlessly. This tool is a game-changer for those working with language models, making the process much smoother. Now you can say goodbye to your LLM headaches and embrace the power of Cursive. It's like having a personal language model assistant at your fingertips! So, let's get coding and bring some serious linguistic magic to our projects with Cursive. Who needs a wand when you've got this tool?

Tools & Products

  • (Link) Vercel AI Playground: The Ultimate AI Showdown: The Vercel AI Playground is a fantastic tool that allows you to compare different AI models side-by-side. Whether you're curious about their accuracy, speed, or any other aspect, this playground has got you covered. It's like watching an epic showdown between AI competitors. Let the battle commence! May the best AI win, or at least provide some entertaining results!

  • (Link) Invest in NexGen Cloud's Income-Producing Asset: In a groundbreaking move, IaaS provider NexGen Cloud is offering investors the chance to purchase its AI infrastructure. With projected annual returns of 30-50% and a targeted 150% profit over 5 years, this opportunity is an income-producing asset that requires little effort. Plus, with uncapped ROI and fully trackable earnings, it's a limited opportunity that shouldn't be missed. Join the AI Boom and power up your investments! And for those already working in AI, launch your virtual machines with to make your complex workloads easier and more efficient. You could reduce OPEX by up to 75%! Book a demo today and let's bring AI to new heights! Why did the computer go to the party? Because it had RAM!

  • (Link) Anytype 2.0: Your Personal Fortress for Creative Freedom: The article introduces Anytype 2.0, a fantastic platform that provides a safe space for all your thoughts. It ensures your privacy by being local and peer-to-peer, while also being open and accessible. With Anytype 2.0, you can organise your ideas and get creative without worrying about prying eyes. It's like having a personal fortress for your mind! So go ahead and dive into the world of Anytype 2.0, where your thoughts can roam free and guarded. Just remember to invite your ideas for a cup of tea while you're at it!

  • (Link) Unleash Your Creativity with OctoAI's Revolutionary Content Generation: This article discusses OctoAI, a platform that leverages generative models in the cloud. These models use AI technology to create unique and creative content, such as images and text. OctoAI is revolutionising the way we generate and personalise content, making it easier and more efficient. So, get ready to unleash your creativity with OctoAI's cloud-based generative models. Just remember, with great AI power comes great AI responsibility!


  • (Link) Unleashing the Power of AI: Your Personalized Email Assistant: In this captivating video, you'll dive into the world of superhuman AI and discover an incredible AI email system that can mimic your writing style and tone. Imagine having an email assistant that sounds just like you but does all the hard work. With this technology, you can save time and effortlessly respond to emails. It's almost like having a clone, but without any of the awkwardness at family gatherings! Tune in and prepare to be amazed.

  • (Link) RIX: Your Coding Ally for Instant Solutions: In this video, we meet RIX - the AI search companion designed specifically for developers. RIX takes your coding queries and provides instant solutions, saving you time and effort. With its optimized features, RIX is ready to assist you in finding the answers you need, making your programming journey a breeze. Say goodbye to tedious searches and hello to RIX, the trusty ally of developers everywhere. Just don't forget to thank RIX with a virtual high-five! 🤖✋

  • (Link) Unlock Your Creativity in Anytype 2.0: Your Private Haven!: In this exciting video, we dive into the world of Anytype 2.0, a fantastic platform that offers you a safe and private space for all your thoughts and ideas. With its local, peer-to-peer, and open nature, Anytype 2.0 ensures that your creativity blossoms without any worries. Say goodbye to public scrutiny! So, why share your brilliant mind with the world when you can keep it all to yourself? Just kidding, of course, sharing is caring!


  • (Link) Unravel the Secrets of Your Ex's Texts!: "Texts From My Ex" is an app that helps you analyse your text conversations with your ex-partner to gain relationship insights. It uses artificial intelligence to assess the emotional tone, word choice and frequency of messages to provide valuable feedback. Whether you want closure or just a good laugh, this app has got you covered. Who knew your ex's texts could be so enlightening? Time to unlock the secrets of your love life, one message at a time! And hey, maybe you'll even get a good story or two out of it.

  • (Link) The Rise of Artificial Suffering: Machines with Pain: Brace yourselves, because we're about to delve into the realm of machines that feel pain! This thought-provoking article takes us on a journey to explore the possibility of designing machines with the ability to experience discomfort. Will we soon be faced with the eerie question of how to alleviate a robot's agony? Read on to uncover the intriguing world of artificial suffering. And remember, if your toaster starts complaining, maybe it just needs a bit of therapy.

  • (Link) British Spies Harness AI to Disrupt Russian Shipments: In a bid to outsmart their adversaries, British spies have turned to the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to disrupt Russia's shipments. Using cutting-edge technology, these sneaky spies are finding clever ways to hinder the movement of goods from Russia. It seems like James Bond has some new gadgets up his sleeve! But remember, these tricks are only for the spy world - don't try them at home!

  • (Link) Debunking the AI Apocalypse: Unlikely and Overhyped: In this entertaining and thought-provoking article, the author challenges the idea that AI poses a serious threat to human existence. They argue that the risk of AI systems causing our extinction is highly exaggerated, since the creation of such powerful systems is unlikely, and even if they were created, their ability to execute any nefarious plans is questionable. So, rest assured, it seems the robot apocalypse is far from imminent! But hey, let's keep an eye out, just in case our toasters start plotting world domination.

Art of the Day

And that's a wrap folks! You've reached the end of yet another byte-sized blast of all things AI, low-code, and tech! It's time for us to log out, disconnect, and brace ourselves for another set of futuristic marvels. Thank you, dear tech connoisseurs, for lending us your ears and diving headfirst into this digital abyss with us today. We hope your neurons are buzzing with fresh insights! And remember, in a world inflated with information, keeping things ByteSize is the only way to devour it all. So, stay tuned, stay informed, and most importantly, stay ByteSized! Over and out, until we meander through the tech maze again tomorrow!

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