ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/07/19

Wix's Fairy Godmother Magic, Google's Dutiful Secretary Moves, and AI's Healthcare Boost: A Thrilling Tech Coaster Ride of Innovation and Ethical Quandaries!

Hey there, technophiles and everyone who mispronounced the word "technophile" on their first try! Welcome to another episode of Atometrix ByteSize. We can barely contain our pixels... we mean excitement, as we venture deep into the wilderness of tech updates today. So, grab your tools and aprons, it's low code, AI, and random bits and bytes like you've never seen before! We'll dabble in everything from Wix AI redefining website creation to Google's NotebookLM taking notes for you. Then, we teleport over to Washington to see how AI can give healthcare a boot up the backside, and sign off with some spotlight on AI’s ethical dilemmas. Who said tech couldn't be a roller-coaster ride?

So, Wix is playing fairy godmother and Google's NotebookLM is positioning itself as your diligent secretary. Now, isn't that a dream come true for the tech lethargics among us? Wix AI has decided to take website creation by its mouse, and Google is on a mission to simplify note-taking with artificial intelligence. If forgotten deadlines and long hours of designing websites have been your nightmares, prepare for some good night's sleep, folks! Not to forget, Andreessen Horowitz's compelling case for AI in healthcare. Hey Washington, if Horowitz's arguments don't convince you, then I don't know who you're waiting for. Hint, it's not a robot doctor! Now, let's get the first byte of our AI and low code updates.

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News & Articles

  • (Link) Magical Website Creation in Minutes with Wix AI!: The Wix AI tool is turning the website creation game on its head by automatically generating entire websites. From images to text, this clever technology does it all for you! Say goodbye to hours spent on designing and writing content - Wix AI has got your back. Who knew creating a website could be this easy? It's like having a personal web designer at your fingertips. Abracadabra, your website is ready!

  • (Link) Note-Taking: Meet Your AI Sidekick!: Google has recently unveiled NotebookLM, an innovative note-taking software that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence. This cutting-edge tool promises to revolutionise how we jot down our thoughts and ideas. It's like having a trusty personal assistant who can organise and personalise your notes for you. Say goodbye to the headache of flipping through countless pages of scribbles! With NotebookLM, you'll be able to effortlessly keep track of your musings and never miss an important thought again. So, let's get note-taking and let our AI sidekick do the heavy lifting! Just remember to thank them when they inevitably save us from a forgotten deadline.

  • (Link) Washington, Get Ready! AI Revolutionises Healthcare : Andreessen Horowitz is advocating for the use of AI in biotechnology and healthcare, and they believe that the leaders in Washington should stop hindering its progress. They make a compelling case for how AI can make us healthier. So, Washington, are you ready to embrace the power of AI? Let's get the heck out of the way and let technology work its magic! And remember, robots won't replace doctors, they'll just make them more efficient.

Insights & Papers

  • (Link) Supercharging Language Models: Meet Your Personal Trainer!: In this exciting article, researchers present a clever new method to enhance the learning abilities of language models. By using feedback from a language model, they train a retriever to find the best examples for the model to learn from. The results are impressive, with the method significantly improving learning across various tasks and model sizes. It's like having a personal trainer for language models! Who said machines can't learn new tricks?

  • (Link) Unveiling AI's Moral Shortcomings: A Mind-Blowing Revelation!: This fascinating 23-minute read dives into the world of language models and their shortcomings when it comes to moral reasoning. It challenges the notion that AI is becoming more morally intelligent as it advances. Prepare to have your mind blown by the concrete arguments presented in this paper. And just when you thought AI might be our moral compass, it turns out they're about as good at it as I am at parallel parking!

  • (Link) Unleash Your Imagination: Turn Words into Hollywood Blockbusters!: In this fascinating article, you'll discover a game-changing framework that turns ordinary stories into extraordinary movies! By cleverly customising the visuals of existing video clips to match the plot, this innovative text-to-video synthesis framework brings your words to life on the big screen. Imagine seeing your favourite book transformed into a cinematic masterpiece! Lights, camera, action – your story is about to take Hollywood by storm! And who knows, maybe Leonardo DiCaprio will star in the adaptation of your imagination!

  • (Link) Unleash the Magic of Video-FocalNet for Unprecedented Recognition!: Introducing Video-FocalNet, the ultimate video recognition system that combines the power of Transformers and convolutional models. By analysing both the local and global context of videos, Video-FocalNet outperforms other top models in various datasets. Say goodbye to mediocre video recognition! Time to upgrade to Video-FocalNet and witness the magic. Lights, camera, action! Cue dramatic music

Code & Engineering

  • (Link) mBLIP: Multilingual Vision-Language Model Translates Images on a Budget!: Introducing mBLIP, the incredible multilingual vision-language model that can understand images in multiple languages without breaking the bank. This groundbreaking research uses a pre-trained multilingual large language model to efficiently decode image encoders, eliminating the need for expensive training. Now your AI can see and speak in different languages without costing an arm and a leg. It's like having a universal translator for your AI's eyes! How cool is that?

  • (Link) MetaGPT: Your Magical Assistant for Ultimate Productivity!: MetaGPT is an impressive tool that can do a ton of work with just one line of input. It takes your requirement and magically generates user stories, competitive analysis, requirements, data structures, APIs, and documents. It's like having a super productive assistant at your fingertips! All you need to do now is find a way to make it do your laundry too!

  • (Link) Code: CoTracker - Team Up and Conquer Code Changes!: "Code: CoTracker" is a fantastic project that encourages collaboration in tracking code changes. With this tool, developers can work together, share updates, and ensure smooth code management. Forget about working in isolation, because tracking together is always better! So, get ready to team up and track those changes like a pro. Remember, two devs are better than one!

  • (Link) Say goodbye to resume stress with Resume GPT!: Resume GPT is a tool that allows you to effortlessly create an outstanding resume in no time! With Resume GPT, you can impress potential employers and increase your chances of getting your dream job. Just imagine, saying goodbye to hours of struggling with formatting and wording! Give Resume GPT a try today and let this magical tool do the work for you. It's time to say hello to stress-free resume creation! Now you can finally focus on the important things, like deciding which font makes you look more professional!

Tools & Products

  • (Link) Meet VERA: Your Secret Weapon to Ace Interviews!: The VERA AI-Coach is here to save the day and help you conquer your next job interview! This super-smart virtual assistant will guide you through the process, giving you personalised tips and advice along the way. It's like having your own personal cheerleader who wants you to succeed. So, say goodbye to interview jitters and hello to your new secret weapon! Just remember, no matter how great the AI-Coach is, it's still up to you to wear pants to the interview.

  • (Link) Stacks: Transforming Your Mid-Journey Experience - Get Ready!: This exciting article introduces us to "Stacks," a brand new concept that aims to transform how we engage with mid-journey experiences. Stacks offers a fresh and innovative approach that combines different forms of content, such as videos, articles, and quizzes, into interactive and engaging collections. Trust me, you'll be craving for more stacks after reading this! Who knew mid-journey could be this fun?


  • (Link) AI's Inventive Powers: Legal & Ethical Conundrums Unveiled!: In this thought-provoking article, we delve into the fascinating world of AI and its potential to invent. Get ready for a mind-bending discussion as we explore the legal and ethical conundrums surrounding the recent patent issuance to an AI system. Who knew we'd be debating whether robots can be inventors? Join us as we dive into this captivating topic and try to answer the question: Can AI invent? Spoiler alert: The answer might surprise you! And remember, if robots start asking for royalties, we might need to rethink our entire economic system!

  • (Link) Creators Taking Content to the Next Level with AI!: According to a recent survey, creators are hopping on the AI bandwagon to make their content even more creative. The study found that around two-thirds of podcasters, YouTubers, and short-form video creators have already used generative AI in their content production, with the majority planning to continue using AI tools in the future. Looks like AI is not just taking over the world, but also our entertainment! But don't worry, humans, we still have our witty charm and impeccable sense of humour!

  • (Link) Unleashing the Power of Human-Aware AI for Scientific Breakthroughs!: This article explores how human-aware AI is revolutionising the pace of scientific discoveries. By combining the power of artificial intelligence with human expertise, researchers are able to make breakthroughs in various fields of study at an unprecedented speed. This exciting development shows that when humans and AI work together, there's no limit to what we can achieve. Who knows, maybe AI will even discover the answer to the age-old question: "Why did the chicken cross the road?"

Art of the Day

“Cats in Georgia O'Keeffe style” By @janen4905

And just like that folks, it's time to unplug our wickedly smart AI companions and dim the lights on another episode of Atometrix ByteSize. Whether you're forming an AI-powered duo with NotebookLM to tackle note-taking or rapturously embracing Wix AI for a snap of the fingers website creation, we're sure glad you joined us on this high-speed tech journey today. Remember to keep things ByteSized and maintain a healthy dose of humour as you navigate the wild waves of AI, low code, and tech updates. After all, you never know when Leo might play a starring role in your AI-made blockbuster or when robots begin claiming inventor's rights. Stay zany, tech wizards, and remember, always stay ByteSized!

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