ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/07/12

AI Mayhem with PoisonGPT, Google's Shuffle, Salesforce's Mighty Minis, and the Bard's Existential Question: AI or Not AI? Here's Your Tech Rollercoaster!

Hello, hello, and welcome to the Atometrix ByteSize – the fast-paced, laser-focused tech newsletter that quite literally sets your neurons buzzing! We’re incredibly thrilled to present to you a platter of multi-faceted updates that revolve around the mind-boggling world of AI, exhilarating arena of low code, and an exhilarating overview of what’s hot in the tech sector right now. Strap in, folks, as we dive headfirst into the maelish munching algorithms of PoisonGPT and Google's AI shuffle, Salesforce’s minuscule yet mighty code models, and going from unleashing the power of LLMs to limiting the Bard - Google's AI, it's going to be a whirling, swirling tech montage!

Let’s kick things off with the mind-blowing PoisonGPT experiment, where a seemingly harmless language model was coaxed into spreading fake news faster than a flu virus in an elevator! Trust me, you can't make this stuff up. But before we get into the meaty parts of that little escapade, let's just say it's a testament to the age-old wisdom – not everything you read on the internet is gospel. Now, let’s talk about our friends over at Salesforce, they’re throwing their weight around in the coding world with compact yet powerful open source models that hit twice as hard - proving that good things do come in small packages! Then there's our beloved Google, playing doctor with the Bard, a literary prodigy AI model, leaving us all wondering - to AI or not to AI?

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News & Articles

  • (Link) Mind-Blowing Experiment Reveals Shocking Truth About AI!: Have you ever wondered how easily misinformation can spread online? Well, a group of researchers conducted an experiment called PoisonGPT, where they made a language model called LLM act like it had a lobotomy. They then released it on Hugging Face, a platform for AI models, to see what would happen. The results were eye-opening! The "lobotomised" LLM actually spread fake news instead of generating reliable information. It just goes to show how important it is to be critical of what we read online. Don't worry, though, the researchers weren't trying to create an army of AI news spreaders, they were just shining a light on a potential issue.

  • (Link) Salesforce Unleashes Powerful Open Source Models for Coding Dominance!: In a bid to conquer the coding world, Salesforce has unleashed its impressive open source code models. These models are not only small in size, but also incredibly powerful, outshining competitors with twice their parameters. It seems size doesn't matter when it comes to Salesforce's coding prowess. Now, brace yourself for coding domination!

  • (Link) Unveiling Google's Big AI Shuffle: Exclusive Interview!: Step inside the world of Google's AI with a fascinating interview featuring Demis Hassabis, the CEO of Google DeepMind. Discover the latest advancements in artificial intelligence as Demis shares insights on Google's AI efforts. This article is a must-read for tech enthusiasts and those interested in the future of AI. So grab a cuppa and get ready to dive into the exciting world of Google's Big AI Shuffle! Oh, and don't forget to bring your robot dance moves!

  • (Link) Google Puts the Brakes on AI's Creative Genius!: According to reports, Google is intentionally limiting the capabilities of Bard, an AI developed by OpenAI. Bard is designed to generate creative and engaging stories, but Google has allegedly restricted its ability to do so. While it's unclear why Google would do this, it seems that even AI needs to follow some rules. Perhaps they're just trying to prevent Bard from becoming the next Shakespeare! To AI or not to AI, that is the question!

    Insights & Papers

  • (Link) Unleashing the Power of LLMs: Get Ready to Geek Out with INT-FP-QSim!: In this fascinating read, you'll discover INT-FP-QSim, a handy tool that tests the limits of large language models and vision transformers on personal devices. Find out how these incredible technologies perform at various levels of numerical precision. Get ready to geek out on the potential of LLMs and have some fun exploring INT-FP-QSim. Just don't let your laptop outsmart you!

  • (Link) Unveiling AGI's Hidden Dangers: Brace Yourself!: In this 31 minute read, the article explores the concept of AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) and the potential risks it poses. With OpenAI now focusing on "superalignment," it's crucial to understand why alignment is necessary. Delve into the alignment community's insights and discover why AGI could be a real danger. Stay tuned for the end to find out if we are all secretly living in a sci-fi movie!

  • (Link) Unveiling the Catch-22 of AI: Unfair Language Bias!: In a new study, it has been found that programs designed to detect AI discrimination have a bit of a language bias themselves. These programs seem to unfairly target non-native English speakers, which could perpetuate bias and disadvantage certain individuals. It's ironic that AI, which is supposed to be fair and inclusive, might unintentionally discriminate against those who don't speak English as their first language. Talk about irony, huh?✨

Code & Engineering

  • (Link) Build Incredible Apps Today with Haystack: Open-Source Powerhouse!: Haystack is an open-source framework that makes it easy to build production-ready applications like question answering and summarisation. With over 9,000 stars on GitHub, Haystack offers a range of features, including the ability to use the latest language models from OpenAI and Cohere, as well as other pre-trained models. It's model-agnostic, meaning you can try different models and even combine them. Haystack also provides all the necessary tools in one place, from preprocessing to evaluation and fine-tuning. Plus, it has a seamless integration through the REST API and can scale to handle millions of documents. With detailed documentation, tutorials, and a friendly community, it's easy to get started and customize Haystack to your needs. So, why not give it a try and start building your next awesome application today?

  • (Link) Introducing Danswer: Your Trustworthy and Efficient Employee!: Danswer is a handy tool that lets you ask questions in plain English and get trustworthy answers with quotes and references from your internal documents. No more digging through pages of text to find what you need! Just ask Danswer and get the info you're looking for. It's like having a personal research assistant at your fingertips, but without the coffee runs.

  • (Link) Introducing 'Righthand': Master your Mac with Voice Control!: In a bid to recover from a gnarly mountain biking accident, a developer created "Righthand" - a clever voice-controlled assistant for Mac. With this nifty tool, you can navigate your computer, open apps, and perform tasks, all by simply using your voice. Who needs hands when you have "Righthand" at your service? Now, you can have endless fun bossing your computer around!

  • (Link) Solve Crimes with Truman Capote in GPT-Crimes!: GitHub has released GPT-Crimes, a new conversational adventure game for Telegram that is narrated by the legendary Truman Capote. Players can delve into a thrilling mystery while interacting with Capote's witty and engaging storytelling. With GPT-Crimes, you can solve crimes and immerse yourself in an interactive game experience like never before. It's time to channel your inner detective and join forces with the famed author. Get ready to solve crimes with Truman Capote as your virtual partner!

Tools & Products

  • (Link) Unleash Your ML Superpowers Anywhere with FieldDay!: FieldDay is an ML toolkit that fits in your pocket, making it super easy to deploy machine learning models on edge devices. With FieldDay, you can quickly build and deploy ML models without the need for a powerful server or complex infrastructure. It's like having a little genius assistant in your pocket, ready to help you with all your machine learning tasks. So next time someone asks, "Do you have an ML toolkit in your pocket?" You can confidently say, "Yes, I do!"

  • (Link) Unleash Your Inner Game Designer with Rosebud AI!: Rosebud AI is a platform that allows users to create their own games and easily share and play them with others. With a variety of customizable features, it's a fun and interactive way to let your imagination run wild. So go ahead, unleash your inner game designer and let the gaming adventures begin! Just don't forget to invite your friends for some friendly competition. Game on!

  • (Link) Unleash Your Brilliance with Spellmint's Game-Changing Creative AI!: Spellmint is an AI tool that takes brainstorming to a whole new level of brilliance! This nifty software helps you come up with amazing ideas by analysing patterns and generating creative suggestions. It's like having a genius collaborator right at your fingertips. Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to endless inspiration with Spellmint! With this AI, your brainstorming sessions will be unstoppable. Who needs a magic wand when you have Spellmint?


  • (Link) Transform Your AI Assistant's Voice with VoiceJacket!: The article introduces VoiceJacket, an exciting AI voice market. VoiceJacket allows users to personalise their AI voices with a range of different accents and styles. With this new technology, you can make your virtual assistant sound like a posh Londoner or a cheeky Scouser. It's like having your own AI voice chameleon! Say goodbye to monotonous robotic voices and hello to a world of voice diversity. Now your AI assistant can not only help you with tasks, but also put a smile on your face with its amusing voices. So, why settle for a boring voice when you can have some fun? Try out VoiceJacket and let your AI voice go wild! Is there an AI voice that speaks with a pirate's accent? Asking for a friend!

  • (Link) Revolutionise Your Social Media Success with Blaze AI!: In this article, you will discover how Blaze AI can help you unlock exciting new growth channels with social media. Find out how this innovative tool can revolutionise your social media marketing strategy and take your business to the next level. Get ready to say goodbye to traditional methods and hello to the future of social media success. Don't miss your chance to set your business on fire with Blaze AI. It's time to ignite your growth!

  • (Link) Unleash Your Workforce Potential with Stellar AI!: In this article, Stellar AI showcases how their platform helps companies turn their top priorities into company-wide goals. With their powerful AI technology, businesses can align their entire workforce towards achieving important objectives. They provide a demo to demonstrate the effectiveness of their solution. So, if you're in need of some stellar goal-setting, this is definitely worth checking out. After all, who doesn't want a little help from AI to reach for the stars?


  • (Link) When comedy gets robotic: Comedian Sarah Silverman is taking on the tech giants! She, along with two other writers, has filed a lawsuit against OpenAI and Meta. They believe that the companies' AI models were trained using copyrighted material without permission. Will Sarah be able to bring some comedic justice to this situation? Stay tuned to find out!

  • (Link) Unstoppable AI StartUp Destroys Wildfires with $17M Boost!: An AI wildfire detection startup has secured an impressive $17 million in funding to further expand its operations. Using cutting-edge technology, this innovative company is working to tackle the growing problem of wildfires by swiftly detecting and alerting authorities to potential outbreaks. With this boost in funding, they are well-equipped to make a significant impact in preventing and managing wildfires. It's time to show those wildfires who's boss!

  • (Link) Hack your way to $3000 in the Voice AI World!: Calling all developers and tech enthusiasts! Join the ElevenLabs Voice AI Hackathon from July 28th to 31st and put your skills to the test. Not only will you have the chance to win a grand prize of $3000, but you'll also get to dive into the fascinating world of voice AI. Don't miss this opportunity to showcase your talent and have some fun along the way. Get ready to hack your way to success! Trust me, this event is going to be a scream!

  • (Link) Level up with mind-blowing AI TEDtalks! Limited seats!: Get ready for some AI excitement! The first-ever AI-themed TEDtalks are happening later this year, but be prepared, they come with a little bit of a price tag - starting at $1299. So, if you're willing to invest in expanding your knowledge and indulging in some AI awesomeness, mark your calendars! Who said learning couldn't be a splurge?

Art of the Day

“a satire robot that is hiding under the yellow border, in the style of cartoonish innocence, he jiaying, post-internet art, hergé, minimalistic black and white sketches, ron english, cute cartoonish designs” By @christiankatzmann

Well folks, there you have it, the last byte of the Atometrix ByteSize podcast for today! Thanks for sticking around and devouring these tasty tech tidbits with us. We always have room for more, so feel free to share your thoughts and join us again tomorrow! And remember, no matter how massive the world of AI, low code, and tech gets, our mission is to cut it down to ByteSize chunks for you. So stay curious, stay informed, and most importantly, stay ByteSized. Over and Out!

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