ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/07/06

EU Eyes AI Legislations, SoftBank Pours Love Into AI Startups, and ChatGPT Behaves Like a Naughty Kid. Join us in Today's Tech Saga with Atometrix ByteSize!

Welcome lads, lasses, and techno-savvies to your favourite daily dose, the Atometrix ByteSize! Strap in because today, we're zipping through the bustling tech world as it pulsates with AI legislations, ChatGPT downgrades, and wonderful windows assists. We'll be touching sparks with SoftBank's severe commitment to AI and diving headlong into mind-boggling arenas like hypervectored computing, transformative AI challenges, the wizardly prowess of WavePaint, and a gritty AI model predicting suicide risks. As if that's not a rich enough platter, we'll also be poking around in the AI toolbox, discovering a few handy computer vision and command-line chat tools.

Ready to have your neural networks teased and tickled? The European Union, none too pleased with AI developers having free reign, eggs on the legislation train to regulate AI development - GDPR style! OpenAI, making nice with content ownership rights, hits a temporary pause on the "Browse with Bing" function in their ChatGPT systems. While those cute AI may make disappointed faces, OpenAI assures them that Browsing Buddy will be back, better-behaved and bathed. Now, on to less restricted realms - Microsoft gifts Windows 11 users the techy-touch with Windows Copilot, an in-built techie friend who'll troubleshoot issues, guide you on-screen, and probably share random tech-related trivia. Let's hope this assistant won't start asking for raises!

SoftBank, bitten by the AI bug, keeps doling out love to AI startups with a mind-boggling $140B poured already! Makes one wonder what they're doing to fill that gaping AI-shaped hole in their hearts. Heading into the more academic side of things, we'll leer at some shiny-new hyperdimensional computing, striving to elevate AI's reasoning powers. By the way, If you've never heard of hypervectors before, don't worry — neither have most of us. Let's ponder collectively as this dimensional shift promises to crank up the AI volume! If you're feeling a little adventure-deprived, fret not. The transformative AI world beckons towards the slow and steady path of inevitable evolution. Maybe not a sudden revolution, but who doesn't love a good underdog story with a slow build-up, eh?

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News & Articles

  • (Link) AI Regulation Action: Get Ready to Embrace the European AI Act!: The European AI Act is a groundbreaking legislation that aims to regulate artificial intelligence in a way similar to GDPR. It introduces important definitions and outlines dos and don'ts for AI developers. The focus is on trustworthy AI development and ensuring high-risk AI systems are properly regulated. This legislation is currently in the final stages of negotiation before it is enforced. So, AI developers, get ready to embrace the new rules and make your algorithms shine! Remember, it's time for some AI regulation action!

  • (Link) Exciting News! ChatGPT Downgrade: AI Respecting Paywalls & Privacy!: OpenAI has temporarily disabled the "Browse with Bing" feature on its ChatGPT service due to concerns about bypassing paywalls and privacy settings. While some ChatGPT Plus subscribers may be disappointed, OpenAI is taking this step to respect content ownership rights. Fear not, browsing will be back after some adjustments. Just remember, AI may have to follow the rules too!

  • (Link) Introducing Windows Copilot: Your Tech-Savvy Sidekick!: Microsoft has unveiled Windows Copilot, a new AI 'personal assistant' for Windows 11. This clever feature aims to help users troubleshoot technical issues and provide on-screen guidance in real-time. With Windows Copilot on board, users can expect a smoother and more seamless experience when navigating through any tech-related hiccups. It's like having a tech-savvy friend right at your fingertips, guiding you through the digital maze. Finally, a personal assistant we can all actually afford!

  • (Link) SoftBank: Joining the AI Revolution with Undeniable Commitment!: SoftBank is determined to ride the AI hype train, even though they've already poured a whopping $140B into AI startups. Talk about commitment! It seems like they're playing catchup with the latest AI trends. Maybe they just can't resist the allure of artificial intelligence. I guess when it comes to AI, even SoftBank wants to be on the cutting edge. Better late than never, right?

Insights & Papers

  • (Link) Enter the Dimension of Hypercomputing!: In this captivating article, we delve into the exciting world of hyperdimensional computing and how it could revolutionise AI. By using large vectors called hypervectors to represent concepts, researchers are finding ways to enhance artificial intelligence's reasoning abilities. Forget the old methods, because hypervectors take abstract thinking to a whole new dimension! It's time for AI to level up and show us what it's truly made of. Cue futuristic music

  • (Link) Overcome Transformative Challenges: In this 21-minute read, the article discusses why achieving transformative AI is incredibly difficult. Despite humans being innovative, the GDP per capita growth rate has never surpassed three percent annually. While AI has the potential to be transformative like the internet, there are numerous obstacles hindering its predicted growth rates. So, don't hold your breath for a sudden AI revolution just yet! Remember, slow and steady wins the race.

  • (Link) WavePaint: The Ultimate Photo Restoration Wizard!: In this fascinating article, you'll discover a new superhero of photo editing called the WavePaint model. It swoops in to save the day by magically filling in missing parts of pictures with lightning speed and incredible accuracy. Using a clever technique called a WaveMix-based architecture, it outshines all other methods currently out there. It's like having a photo restoration wizard at your fingertips! Now you can finally bring those faded memories back to life. (cue dramatic music) It's time to unleash the power of WavePaint!

  • (Link) Revolutionary Model Predicts Suicide Risk through Online Posts!: In this fascinating article, researchers have developed a clever new model for predicting suicide risk in individuals with bipolar disorder. By analysing symptoms shared in online posts, the model identifies the most influential factors in forecasting future suicide risk. This innovative approach not only helps doctors gain a better understanding of their patients, but also enables them to offer timely assistance. With technology like this, we're one step closer to saving lives and bringing light to a dark subject.

Code & Engineering

  • (Link) Introducing Aider: Your AI Coding Partner is Here!: Have you ever wished you could chat with OpenAI's GPT models while writing code? Well, now you can with Aider! This command-line chat tool lets you seamlessly collaborate with AI to write and edit code. It's like having a coding buddy who never gets tired (or bored). Say goodbye to coding solo and hello to Aider – your new AI coding partner! Now you'll never have to worry about those pesky syntax errors.

  • (Link) Unleash Your Computer Vision Dreams with Scenic!: Hey there! Want to dive into the fascinating world of computer vision? Well, Scenic is here to make your dreams come true! It's a codebase that focuses on attention-based models for computer vision research. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, this GitHub repo has got you covered. So, put on your coding goggles and let's explore the exciting possibilities of computer vision together! Oh, and don't worry, we won't force you to pose for any attention-based models.

  • (Link) Introducing gpt-prompt-engineer: Your Personal Wizard for Perfect Text Generation!: The article introduces gpt-prompt-engineer, an agent designed to generate optimal prompts for GPT models on GitHub. This tool aims to make it easier to generate high-quality text by offering a simple and efficient way to create prompts. With gpt-prompt-engineer, you can now guide GPT models to generate exactly what you want, making your text generation experience a breeze. It's like having a personal prompt wizard at your fingertips! So say goodbye to random and hello to precision with gpt-prompt-engineer. Happy generating!

Tools & Products

  • (Link) Unleash Your Creativity with Newarc AI: Your Ultimate Inspiration Source!: Newarc AI is a clever tool that helps you find fresh ideas from your images. This AI-powered platform uses cutting-edge technology to analyse your pictures and generate creative suggestions and recommendations. Whether you're a designer looking for inspiration or just want to add some fun to your photo collection, this is the perfect solution. Say goodbye to creative blocks and hello to endless possibilities with Newarc AI. It's like having a personal brainstorming assistant at your fingertips! Just make sure not to get too jealous of all the brilliant ideas it comes up with.

  • (Link) Conquer Confusing Statistics with this Visually Captivating Tool!: "Seeing Theory" is an intriguing online resource that helps demystify complex statistics and probability concepts. Although it's not powered by AI, this interactive tool is visually captivating and brings statistics to life. If you're anything like me and find statistics a bit daunting, "Seeing Theory" is here to save the day (and your sanity!). So, get ready to conquer those confusing statistical phenomena with a virtual helping hand. Who said numbers can't be fun?

  • (Link) Google Bard vs. Bing: The Ultimate Voice Battle!: In the hunt for a catchy algorithmic name, Google has come up with "Google Bard" as an alternative to Google Assistant. But don't worry, it's just a joke! As the search giant continues to improve their voice-activated assistant, other contenders in the market like Perplexity Copilot and Microsoft Bing might just give Google a run for its money. We'll have to wait and see who comes out on top in this digital battle of the bards!


  • (Link) Dive Into Deep Learning: Unleash Your Inner Guru!: MIT has launched a free online course called "Introduction to Deep Learning". This comprehensive course covers the fundamentals of deep learning, including neural networks, optimisation, and convolutional networks. Whether you're a newbie or an expert in AI, this course will help you dive into the exciting world of deep learning. So, get ready to unlock your potential and become the next deep learning guru. Just remember, no diving into deep learning pools without a lifeguard!


  • (Link) Unleash Your Startup's Full Potential with Virtual YC Mentor!: YC Mentor is an AI-powered platform that aims to help startups by offering advice based on YCombinator's vast knowledge. It uses natural language processing to answer questions and provide guidance on topics ranging from pitching to fundraising. So now, you can have your own virtual YC mentor at your fingertips! Who needs human mentors when you've got AI? Just be careful not to ask it for relationship advice... that might get a bit tricky!

  • (Link) Unleash Cosmic Magic: AI Boosts Accuracy in Astrology App!: Co-star, the popular astrology app, has set its sights on using AI to enhance the accuracy of its readings. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, Co-star hopes to provide users with even more personalised and precise insights into their astrological charts. Whether you're a believer or a skeptic, this AI-powered astrology experience is bound to bring a little cosmic magic into your life. Who knows, with AI by its side, Co-star may even predict the next big thing before it happens!

Art of the Day

“A hyper realistic interior color photograph of a Surrealistic chair vaguely looking like a character with realistic human legs and arms designed by Kurt Seligmann circa 1938” By @gagagoegoe

Well folks, we've reached that point in the day where we have to pack up our bag of tech tips and AI treats. We hope you've packed your tech-loaded minds with that Atometrix ByteSize flavour. Thanks for lending us your time and lending us your ears, we surely know how elusive and precious those can be. We've had a blast keeping you company, and we can't wait for you to join us again. And remember folks, in a world that's super-sized, always dare to stay ByteSized! Until next time, keep it quirky, keep it techy!

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