ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/06/21

Fasten your seatbelts for a tech thrill-ride! On the menu: Google's Bard AI delay, Snapchat's AI chatbot saga, revolutionary datasets, self-healing code, and AI's audacious advancements. We're plugging into a world where code's smarter than the coder!

Hey there, tech enthusiasts, and welcome to another edition of Atometrix ByteSize! We've got an electrifying menu of AI, low code, and tech updates that'll leave you buzzing with excitement. Today's agenda includes everything from Google's Bard AI launch delay and Snapchat's AI chatbot adventures, to revolutionary datasets and self-healing code. Are you ready to plug in and power up?

Don't you just love how AI keeps pushing the boundaries in every possible field, whether it's Snapchat enhancing its advertising game or Disney partnering with Pixar for mind-blowingly realistic animations? Seems like AI is becoming that ambitious friend who's always one step ahead of everyone else. And let's not forget the intriguing world of self-healing code – just imagine a future where the code itself is smarter than the coder. Though, we might want to draw the line at practicing intimacy with AI, or our next dinner party conversation could get seriously awkward.

In the second part of our podcast, we'll share our thoughts on these fascinating developments. But first, sit tight and enjoy the ride as we zoom through the fantastic world of AI, low code, and tech!

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News & Articles

  • (Link) Google's Bard AI Launch Delayed Over Privacy Concerns: Google has been asked to suspend the launch of its Bard AI in the EU due to issues related to privacy brought up by the Irish Data Protection Commission (IDPC). The commission had not received adequate information on data impact assessment and supporting information. This has led the IDPC to scrutinize the generative AI thoroughly. The AI was supposed to be launched in the EU during the week, but the privacy concerns forced the delay. The EU authorities are currently examining other AIs, including ChatGPT from OpenAI, as well, showing a heightened focus on the technology by regulators. Watch out AI, the regulators are knocking!

  • (Link) AI chatbot enhances Snapchat's advertising: Snapchat is exploring how their AI chatbot can enhance the company’s advertising business. The chatbot can analyse what consumers say and convert the information into insights that can help businesses better target their advertising campaigns. Snapchat also plans on developing a feature that connects users with businesses to assist with customer service. By using AI technology, it can help build relationships between the consumers and businesses and increase customer engagement. Who knew Snap's AI chatbot would be hired for more than just small talk.

  • (Link) Elemental: Pixar and Disney team up for lifelike animation!: The latest Pixar film, Elemental, will see the animation company partnering up with Disney to incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) into its production. The new technology aims to help bring the movie's characters and landscapes to life in an incredibly realistic way. It’s amazing to think how far animation technology has come. I wonder if the machines are going to take over the storyboarding anytime soon?

Insights & Papers

  • (Link) Create Any Sound with FALL-E: The Latest Sound Processing System!: FALL-E is a system which creates sounds by processing them through a system of basic and refined stages, shaping them into the desired sound. The system is trained with a wide range of sounds and is refined using text descriptions. This helps it to accurately replicate sound quality and the intended environments based on textual input. Give it a sound you want and it'll generate it for you... or perhaps you want it to compose a song for your next party!

  • (Link) Revolutionary Dataset Revolutionizes Image Editing with Text!: The article discusses a new large-scale dataset, called MAGICBRUSH, which is specifically designed for guiding image editing using text instructions. The dataset has over 10,000 examples of images paired with text instructions, resulting in improved image editing procedures that reduce errors and manual adjustments. MAGICBRUSH has been used to train the InstructPix2Pix model, resulting in impressive image editing outcomes. Overall, MAGICBRUSH provides a new dimension for image editing instruction. How magical is that?

  • (Link) Revolutionary Inverted Pyramid Technology Improves Environment Recognition: Innovative technology allows for better recognition of different environments with a new multi-task model. They have called this the “Inverted Pyramid Multi-task Transformer” which is able to learn and interact with various tasks on different levels. By using this model, levels of performance on both 2D and 3D benchmarks have been dramatically improved. This means we will have a lot fewer errors and more precise recognition! Not only that, but it’s a fun name for a new invention!

Code & Engineering

  • (Link) Self-Healing Code: The Future of Software Development: According to developers surveyed by StackOverflow, self-healing code is the future of software development. Self-healing code refers to programming that can identify and fix issues on its own before they become major problems. The survey found that developers believe this technology will help reduce time and costs associated with debugging and maintenance. However, the adoption of self-healing code may require a significant shift in the way developers approach programming. In the future, it seems like code may just fix itself. Wouldn't that be nice?

  • (Link) Revolutionise Chat App Development with Simpleaichat: Looking to interface with chat apps like ChatGPT and GPT-4 with minimal code complexity? Then check out simpleaichat, a Python package that's made it easy to interface with these tools and enjoy all of their robust features. It's as simple as downloading the package and getting started, making it a top choice for developers everywhere. Give it a try and see how much easier your chat app development can be! And who knows, with this tool, you might even be able to create your own robot dance moves.

  • (Link) Master Practical Machine Learning in Finance: A GitHub repository containing 800 pages and 150 example notebooks provides an excellent resource for those looking to learn about practical machine learning and how it can be utilised in financial applications. It's an incredible tool that can help people to understand the world of ML and finance. It's like the “Encyclopedia of ML for finance”!

Tools & Products

  • (Link) Explore the Power of ChatGPT with this Fun Tool: The article shares information about a new Replit playground where you can play with ChatGPT functions created by Amjad. If you are interested in exploring the capabilities of ChatGPT or want to experiment with it for your project, you can now do it in a fun and engaging way thanks to Amjad's latest digital creation. So, why not give it a try and see what ChatGPT can do for you? Who knows, you may even discover a new passion for AI programming! And if all else fails, at least you can brag to your friends that you tried something new today.

  • (Link) Video Podcasts with AutoPod!: AutoPod is a new video editing tool that uses artificial intelligence to help users produce high-quality video podcasts and shows. The software automatically trims, cuts and enhances the video and audio based on pre-set parameters and user preferences. The tool aims to streamline the editing process and help podcasters save time while creating professional-looking content. With Autopod, you'll never have to worry about awkward pauses or bad lighting ruining your podcast again! Just don't forget the popcorn.


  • (Link) "Unbeatable" Problem Solved by Superpowered AI!: The latest development in AI has shown that it could potentially surpass human capabilities in an area that was previously thought to be unbeatable. The specific question is being kept a mystery, but the answer that the AI gave showed creativity, intuition, and a level of reasoning that surpassed the expectations of its creators. This breakthrough could present exciting new opportunities for the use of AI in a variety of fields. Who knew the machines would become better than us at everything!

  • (Link) Can ChatGPT generate code?: The article is an inquiry about whether or not one can use ChatGPT (a language model that generates text based on input) in VS Code (a popular code editor). It explores the possibility of integrating the two to generate code, snippets, and related resources. However, the article concludes by stating the limitations of the ChatGPT model, making it impossible to develop efficient code generation with it at this stage. At present, developers will have to create code the old-fashioned way! Let's hope the AI will catch up soon!


  • (Link) The Future of AI: Risks and Ethics: Have you heard of the biggest meme in the AI community? It's existential risk and it's causing quite a stir. This article dives deep into the topic, exploring the dangers and ethical considerations associated with AI development. Don't worry, this isn't a futuristic apocalypse movie, but it's important to be aware of the potential risks. Just remember to always say "please" and "thank you" to your AI overlords.

  • (Link) "Blush" app helps practice intimacy with AI.: Blush is a dating simulator app that utilises AI to help users practice their relationship and intimacy skills. Created by Luka, the app offers over 1,000 AI-based crushes, enabling users to engage in conversations and practice emotional intimacy with them. To ensure realistic and helpful interactions, the team behind the app consulted with a licensed psychotherapist during the app's development process. It's a new way of honing those all-important intimacy and communication skills, without committing to an actual relationship. Plus, you won't have to buy a Valentine's Day gift for an AI "partner"!

  • (Link) Project Tenet: Uniting Humanity's Beliefs in One Platform: The Alexandria Index has launched a new open-source community project called Project Tenet, which aims to collate and embed all human beliefs. The platform will allow individuals to add their own beliefs and opinions, creating a comprehensive database of human thought that can be used for education, research and more. With Project Tenet, the Alexandria Index hopes to create a unique and diverse collection of human expression that will help foster global understanding and cooperation. Now, we just need to make sure no one embeds their love for pineapple on pizza.

  • (Link) Create a Picture Book with Just One Prompt!: OpenAI has unveiled their new function calling tool called FableForge which is able to generate a picture book from a single prompt. The tool uses OpenAI's function calling and Replicate's API for Stable Diffusion. With this new technology, users can easily create picture books with just one prompt! Maybe now I can finally write my own children's book.

Art of the Day

“some playing cards with glowing neon designs on a tablet, in the style of photorealistic detailing, dark cyan and dark bronze, piles/stacks, acidwave, symbolic props, realistic detailing” By @Astronum

Well, ByteSizers, that's a wrap on today's juiciest tech tidbits! Thanks for tuning into Atometrix ByteSize and keeping those curious minds satisfied. As always, don't forget to stay on top of the latest in AI, low code, and all things tech by staying ByteSized! Until tomorrow, ByteSizers, may your tech be ever-curious and your humour be gigabyte-sized!

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