ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/06/19

Dive into a world where dogs outsmart AI, chatbots can't keep secrets, and personal AI butlers may be the future! Unearth Asia's AI landscape, explore learning AI for students and Vercel's new AI SDK. The question remains: can we trust machines?

Welcome to Atometrix ByteSize, your one-stop-shop for the latest AI, low code, and tech news with a dash of humour! Today, we'll dive into a variety of news ranging from Google's security concerns relating to chatbots and Asia's cool AI tools landscape to Vercel's exciting launch of their AI SDK.

In this day and age, technology is developing at breakneck speed, but that doesn't stop us from having a bit of a chuckle! Now, who would've thought that machines can't always keep a secret and that a dog might be smarter than some AI (take that, AI overlords!)? We're eager to explore what new tech developments are out there, like learning AI for students and even having a go at our very own personal AI assistant!

But the real question here is... can we ever truly trust machines? Even when your AI tech gets smarter, you might want to be careful about what kind of information you feed chatbots like OpenAI's ChatGPT. And hey, some AI might not be as smart as a dog, but with the continuous development of AI technology, they might still take over the world at some point, right? All this tech news sparks our imagination and keeps us wondering if we'll eventually have AI-powered personal butlers that cater to our every need. But never mind all that, let's jump into today's episode and talk AI, low code, and tech!

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News & Articles

  • (Link) Google warns employees against chatbots to avoid leaks!: Google has advised employees against entering sensitive information into chatbots like OpenAI's ChatGPT and Google's Bard over concerns of potential data breaches. Four sources familiar with the matter informed Reuters of the company's guidance to its employees. By heeding this advice, Google is looking to tighten its information security measures to prevent potential leaks. Remember, even machines can't always keep a secret!

  • (Link) Asia Leads with Cool AI Tools for Daily Tasks: Generative AI is becoming increasingly popular in Asia with the potential to impact industries and improve peoples' lives. AI tools such as DALL-E 2, Fotor, Runway, AlphaCode, and ChatGPT are now co-pilots for daily tasks. India, China, Japan, Korea, and Singapore are leading in AI adoption by creating locally applicable solutions. So, if you want to make cool generative AI tools, Asia is the place to be!

  • (Link) Vercel Launches AI SDK for Smarter Apps: Exciting news from Vercel as they launch their new AI SDK! This software development kit will allow developers to incorporate artificial intelligence into their projects and create smarter, more efficient applications. The SDK provides a range of machine learning models and APIs, making it easy and straightforward to integrate AI technology into your project. With this new release, Vercel is once again leading the way in innovative, cutting-edge development tools. It's like having a personal AI assistant for your code!

Insights & Papers

  • (Link) Waymo Improves Self-Driving Prediction Models: The development of self-driving cars may have lost some of its shine in recent years, but progress has not stalled. Waymo has been working on improving prediction models, using diffusion models to predict motion distribution for multiple road users, improving on performance compared to physics-based methods and other neural algorithms. The future may be uncertain, but researchers are working hard to keep the development of autonomous vehicles moving forward. And who knows, soon enough you may be able to nap on your way to work.

  • (Link) 90% of Startups Thrive on AI Technology: A survey by ProductBoard has shown that 90% of startups are utilising AI technology, and with the use of LLM's, the development of new AI-related features has never been more straightforward. Companies can take advantage of these simplified processes and integrate AI features with ease, ready for implementation in the coming years. It's never been a more exciting time for AI development! And if that's not enough, let's hope that when the machines take over, they're not too strict with our tea breaks!

  • (Link) Revolutionising Machine Learning Development with Affordable Fine-Tuning: Researchers have introduced a new modular layer that allows for quick fine-tuning of large models on budget-friendly hardware. This improved version of Low Rank Adaptation (LoRA) is widely used by practitioners and researchers as it fine tunes models quickly and with few parameters. With the new general modular layer, task-specific and model-specific learners can be avoided. The implementation of the new system will significantly reduce the cost of machine learning development. "Say goodbye to breaking the bank on computing power!"

  • (Link) 7 Exciting Ways to Master AI for Students: This article discusses different ways for students to explore the world of AI. It presents seven approaches with prompts to help students dive into AI and learn more about machine learning. With interactive activities like creating a facial recognition system and developing a chatbot, these approaches make learning about AI exciting and engaging for students. Get ready to unleash your inner AI mastermind! And if all else fails, just remember, there's always "Ctrl+Alt+Delete".

Code & Engineering

  • (Link) Effortlessly Extract Text with Easy OCR Tool: If you need to extract text from images or PDFs, Easy OCR is the perfect tool for you! It supports more than 80 languages and uses cutting-edge techniques. So go ahead and try it out – you might just be surprised by how easy it can be! And if you're feeling extra adventurous, maybe you can teach it to read your handwriting too... (just kidding, that might be a bit of a challenge!)

  • (Link) RL Rewards with OpenAI's Technique: OpenAI's Hindsight Experience Replay is a technique to manage rewards in RL in situations where rewards are not consistent. This technique saves the agent's experience in a replay buffer and re-plays the experience, assuming the final state was the goal. As a result, models can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the relevant problem. The article highlights this framework developed by OpenAI that makes models "better" learners. Who needs hindsight when you have this?

  • (Link) ML Projects with Lance Format: Lance is a contemporary data format designed specifically for machine learning processes and sets. It uses columns to organise data, resulting in an optimised and efficient workflow. Lance can be found on GitHub and is a highly useful tool for programmers looking to improve their ML projects. And no, it is not named after Lance Armstrong.

  • (Link) Revolutionise Your Alerts: A Personalised Solution: Ilya Kuzovkin, has devised a way to build a better version of Google Alerts using event-driven autonomous agents. These agents would act as individual entities within a system that would allow for more efficient and personalised alerts. Google's current alert system is limited as it only alerts users to certain web pages, resulting in many irrelevant alerts. Kuzovkin's proposed solution would streamline the process, providing better alerts for users. Time to say goodbye to spam in your inbox!

Tools & Products

  • (Link) Prem AI: Build Your Own Personal AI Assistant: The article introduces Prem AI, an open-source artificial intelligence (AI) service that can be deployed on any hardware or cloud environment by anyone who wants to build intelligent applications. Unlike other AI tools that are developed, maintained and owned by specific companies, Prem AI is a model that you own and can customise according to your requirements. With its user-friendly interface and simplified model building process, Prem AI aims to democratise AI development and make it accessible to everyone. You can now have your own personal AI assistant that works only for you!

  • (Link) Dynamo: The Ultimate Tool for Social Media Success!: The article talks about a tool called Dynamo, which is a social conversion enhancement platform aimed at making things easier for businesses. It helps to streamline and customise the content on social media channels to increase engagement with customers. Basically, Dynamo helps to reduce mundane tasks and lets businesses scale their communication style in a more effective way. Don't just take my word for it though; see for yourself!

  • (Link) Juri Flow: Instant Legal Advice Anytime, Anywhere: The article is a brief introduction to Juri Flow, a platform that allows users to access legal advice anytime, anywhere. With a team of experienced lawyers, Juri Flow provides its users with bespoke legal solutions tailored to their individual needs. The platform's simple and intuitive interface makes it easy for people to access legal support whenever they need it. This means no more waiting around for appointments, or worrying about legal costs. Juri Flow is the future of legal support. If only it could make all our legal problems disappear!


  • (Link) Expand your photos to create high-res masterpieces!: If you want to expand your images easily, you can use ControlNet. It's an AI-powered tool that allows you to outpaint your photos. It works by analyzing an image and adding extra pixels to the edges, which expands the overall picture. This tutorial explains how to use ControlNet to expand your photos and offers tips on how to get the best results. With ControlNet, you can turn your ordinary images into high-resolution masterpieces. Now, there's no need to worry about running out of space on your phone for hi-res photos. Just use ControlNet! In fact, you can even make that blurry photo of you look like it was taken with a high-quality camera!


  • (Link) Revving Up Conversations: Mercedes-Benz Integrates OpenAI's ChatGPT: Mercedes-Benz has announced that it is integrating OpenAI's language model, ChatGPT, into its MBUX infotainment system. With this integration, drivers and riders will be able to have more natural and intricate conversations with the system, ultimately enhancing the user experience. Get ready to sit back, relax, and chat with your car.

  • (Link) "AI Not as Smart as Dogs" - Meta Chief: Yann LeCun, the chief of AI at Meta, suggests that current AI systems are not as intelligent as a dog. He compares AI's capabilities to dogs and emphasises that it lacks the understanding of real-world phenomena outside text data. Though he foresees the future of smarter-than-human AI assistants, he claims that they will remain subservient and controllable by humans. LeCun claims that AI has significant limitations that will need resolving

  • (Link) Calculate Your Meeting's Cost and Save Time: A new tool by allows you to calculate and share the exact cost of a meeting with your team. The tool factors in the salary of all the attendees, the length of the meeting and the time spent preparing for it. This fun and interactive way of visualising the cost of meetings can help to promote more efficient use of time within businesses. Now you can quantify just how much time and money is being spent on meetings. Just remember, no more unnecessary meetings or your team will start to revolt!

Art of the Day

“Fibonacci spirals in a flower face” By @slrevare

Well, tech lovers, we've reached the end of another exhilarating edition of Atometrix ByteSize! Thank you for joining us on this wild ride through the latest updates in AI, low code, and all things tech. Remember to stay curious, keep exploring, and most importantly, always stay ByteSized! Catch you next time for another daily dose of your favourite pint-sized podcast!

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