ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/06/13

Embark on a wild ride with Atometrix ByteSize! Unravel AI transparency, marvel at creative platforms, enjoy AI-composed symphonies, and chuckle at AI's amusing missteps. Are we bracing for a robot revolution or applauding AI maestros?

Welcome to another edition of Atometrix ByteSize, where we bring you the most delectable tech news, served daily with a side of humour! Today, we're diving into AI transparency, creative platforms, music generation, and even some hilarious AI limitations. Hold on to your headphones because it's going to be a wild ride!

The growing interest in AI regulation has our robotic overlords shaking in their circuits as two new US bills aim to ensure transparency and competitiveness in the industry. Meanwhile, human creatives should keep a keen eye on Google's AI Platform and Meta's AI music model, which could spawn the next generation of robotic artists! What are your thoughts on these topics? Is the robot revolution still far off, or are we welcoming our AI maestros with open arms?

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News & Articles

  • (Link) New US bills to regulate AI transparency and competitiveness: Two new AI bills have been introduced in the US Congress. The first bill would mandate transparency when using AI to interact with people. The second bill would establish an office to assess US competitiveness in the latest technologies. These bills show the growing interest of lawmakers to address issues surrounding AI. It is hoped that these bills will ensure the protection of individuals and help the US to remain competitive. Looks like the robots won’t be taking over just yet!

  • (Link) Get Creative with Google's AI Platform: Exciting news! Google has announced that its generative artificial intelligence (AI) platform is now available to everyone. This platform allows artists and developers to create AI-generated art, music, and other multimedia. With this technological advancement, the possibilities are endless! Who knows? Maybe the next big hit song or stunning piece of artwork could be birthed from this new platform. Looks like robots are taking over the creative industry, so watch out, human creatives!

  • (Link) Experience Genius Music Creation with New AI Model!: Meta has released an open-source AI tool that generates music through text input and melodic conditionals. The code can be fully accessed, but model weights remain commercially available. The release follows Mark Zuckerberg's recent comments about making expensive AI technology more widely accessible. This is simply music to my ears! Let's hope the music isn't too artificial!

Insights & Papers

  • (Link) Revolutionary Technique Makes Language Models Truthful!: The article discusses how language models often confidently produce false information and how researchers have found a way to make them more truthful by tweaking model activations. By using this technique on the Alpaca model, researchers have improved the model's TruthfulQA performance from 32.5% to 65.1%. In other words, making language models more truthful is now a possibility. Hopefully, this will help prevent them from spouting out fake news!

  • (Link) Revolutionary SpQR technique compresses language models for fast mobile devices: The SpQR technique, presented in a paper, allows almost lossless compression of large language models (LLMs) without losing accuracy. This new format overcomes the usual accuracy losses from quantisation and enables powerful LLMs to operate on common devices like laptops and mobile phones without compromising performance. SpQR provides over 4x memory compression gains and faster inference than traditional methods; truly a game-changer for the field of LLMs. It's time to say buh-bye to clunky devices!

  • (Link) Racial and Gender Bias Amplified by AI: According to Bloomberg journalists, Stable Diffusion, a generative AI, exaggerates racial and gender disparities to an even greater extent than what is found in the real world. This backlash strengthens concerns that AI will only continue to perpetuate biases. The future may require more consideration and effort to combat such negative effects of artificial intelligence systems.

Code & Engineering

  • (Link) Unleash Hidden Insights with CSV-AI: Get ready to unlock the full potential of your CSV files with the ultimate app, CSV-AI! This powerful tool enables you to discover hidden insights you never knew existed. Say goodbye to the tedious manual scanning of your data and hello to the power of AI. So, what are you waiting for? Get started with CSV-AI today and unleash the full potential of your data! And who knows, maybe you'll even uncover some secrets buried deep within your CSV files.

  • (Link) GPT Engineer: Build Anything with Natural Language!: GitHub has introduced a new artificial intelligence tool called GPT Engineer, which enables users to specify what they want to build by using natural language processing. The AI asks for clarification to enable it to build the tool requested. This simplifies the process of building a tool for those who don't have much coding experience. With GPT Engineer, the possibilities are endless! Who needs superpowers when we have an AI Engineer?

  • (Link) Revolutionise Your Workflow with Whisper Web!: Whisper Web is a machine learning-based speech recognition tool that works directly in your browser. It provides greater convenience, accessibility, and faster performance for those who regularly use speech-to-text tools. Give it a try and see how it can streamline your web-based work! Just don't use it in public and end up whispering into your computer at a café.

Tools & Products

  • (Link) Optimise Your Code in Seconds with Time Complexity AI: The article introduces "Time Complexity AI" - a tool that helps developers analyse their code's runtime complexity using artificial intelligence (AI). With this tool, developers can identify inefficiencies in their code and optimise it for better performance. Time Complexity AI also provides suggestions for improving the code's time complexity. This tool can save developers lots of time in finding bottlenecks in their code and improve the performance of their applications. Finally, the article notes that Time Complexity AI is free to use for open-source projects. "Looks like AI is coming for our jobs as programmers, better get optimising!"

  • (Link) Translate Audio: One-Click Video Localization Revolution!: The article introduces a new platform called "Translate Audio" that enables you to localize your videos into different languages in your own voice. This is an innovative tool that facilitates video translation without adding additional subtitles or overlays. The process is very simple and easy to use. Just upload a video and select a target language, then Translate Audio will use their AI engine to produce a script for the selected language. From there, it's just a matter of reading out the translated script in your own voice. This tool is perfect for businesses or content creators looking to expand their reach worldwide. With Translate Audio, you can ensure that your videos are accessible to a global audience. Plus, you won't have to worry about terrible subtitling mistakes anymore. Overall, it's a fantastic tool that can save you lots of time, money, and headaches in the long run. Convert your video now!

  • (Link) Create Your Own AI with Fine-Tuner - No Coding Required!: The article discusses Fine-Tuner AI, a platform that allows users to create customised AI agents and chatbots without any technical knowledge or coding skills necessary. This innovative tool offers a user-friendly interface and a range of pre-built templates to choose from, making it accessible for anyone seeking to build their own AI. With Fine-Tuner AI, you can create your own AI without breaking a sweat. What are you waiting for?


  • (Link) QR Codes: The Future of Media Engagement?: Did you catch the Coinbase Superbowl commercial with the QR code? It got us thinking, what if we could embed functional QR codes into all kinds of media? The possibilities could be endless! Just imagine the creative ways we could incorporate this technology into our daily lives. Who needs a boring old link when you can scan a code and be taken directly to your desired destination? Let's just hope we don't end up with QR overload.

  • (Link) Expert warns: AI to disrupt 50% of jobs: The former president of Google China, Dr. Kai-Fu Lee, has recently spoken out about the dangers of artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential for replacing professions. He predicts that AI will be a threat to around 50% of jobs within the next decade, including the roles of doctors, lawyers, and accountants. However, he also suggests that the rise of AI can offer new opportunities for society, such as focusing on creative and emotive work. Just be sure to not let the robots make your coffee.

  • (Link) AI Technology: Your Key to Financial Success: The article discusses the potential for AI technology to create wealth for individuals and businesses by the year 2024. The author provides examples of how AI technology is already being used to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and improve decision making. He suggests that investing in AI stocks or starting an AI-based business could lead to significant financial gains. However, the author also warns of the risks involved and stresses the need for education and a solid strategy. In summary, the article encourages readers to consider the potential of AI as a means of achieving financial success. And who knows, maybe we'll all be millionaires by 2024...or maybe not.

  • (Link) AI: The Solution to Big World Problems: The article discusses a virtual panel discussion around AI's potential to solve some of the world's biggest problems. Marc Andreessen, the co-founder of Andreessen Horowitz argues that AI can help solve issues like climate change, healthcare, and education. Martin Casado, the general partner at Andreessen Horowitz suggests that AI can create more efficient systems for things like energy consumption and transportation. The two speakers both seem optimistic about AI's ability to make a positive impact. "I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords," joked Andreessen.

Training & Education

  • (Link) Meet Khanmigo: Your Personal AI Tutor: Khan Academy has launched a personal AI tutor called Khanmigo, which is powered by GPT-4 and provides personalised tutoring for students. The chatbot covers a wide range of subjects and advocates the Socratic method, allowing learners to independently solve problems. While it is considered that these AI tutors can revolutionise education, the technology's potential for error and uncertain impact on teachers remain. The chatbot's effectiveness is also being investigated before more significant implementation within the US school system. Looks like it's time for the robots to teach!


  • (Link) Over 200 Exciting AI Startup Ideas Revealed!: The article contains a comprehensive list of more than 200 proposed AI-based startup business ideas. These ideas are categorised into different segments like healthcare, education, e-commerce, finance, and more. It provides a great starting point for entrepreneurs and business enthusiasts who are interested in venturing into AI startups. With this massive range of ideas, you'll surely find something that piques your interest. "Who knew there were so many ways to make robots do our bidding?"

  • (Link) Breaking News: AI fails at comedy: Researchers found that OpenAI's ChatGPT-3.5 has a limited knowledge of humour and only knows 25 jokes. The test run conducted by German researchers showed that 90% of 1,008 joke generations were the same 25 jokes. It highlights the limitations of artificial intelligence when it comes to understanding humour and generating jokes. However, you can always rely on humans for a good laugh!

Art of the Day

“An emoji of a shining start lifelike 3d inner glow” By @DrapperDapple

Well, there you have it, folks! We've reached the climax of today's exhilarating episode of Atometrix ByteSize. Thank you oh-so-much for tuning in to this electrifying escapade of AI, low code, and tech goodness! Remember, the future might be getting byte-sized, but make sure you're consuming all the nutritious goodness of our content daily. Until next time, readers – stay ByteSized!

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