ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/06/08

Join Atometrix ByteSize for a whirlwind tour of AI wonders: revolutionary freelance platforms, game-changing chat assistants, and a peek into Instagram's AI plans. And who's ready for a tech debate? Can AI truly save the world? Stay tuned!

Hey there, tech enthusiasts! Welcome to another fantastic episode of Atometrix ByteSize, your daily dose of AI, low code, and tech refreshment. Today, we're skipping through a plethora of incredible topics like the revolutionary freelance platform Prompt, game-changing Glean Chat, Instagram's rumoured AI chatbot, and Marc Andreessen's bold statement on AI's potential to save the world. Ready to satisfy your tech cravings? Let's dive in!

Freelance platforms, AI chat assistants, and QR code upgrades, oh my! Isn't it wild how technology keeps evolving right before our eyes? I feel like we're living in a sci-fi movie sometimes. One thing's for sure, though: with all these developments pushing us forward, there's no going back. As for Instagram's AI chatbot, I better start rehearsing my conversation skills. And come on, who doesn't want an AI that can bring pizza while decoding legal jargon? We're truly living in the golden age of AI, my friends!

Now onto the opinion buzz. I must say, Marc Andreessen's stance on AI as the greatest invention might make some people raise an eyebrow (and possibly start a heated debate). But he does have a point when it comes to AI's potential to tackle big issues like climate change and wealth inequality. Perhaps AI will be our ultimate hero, swooping in to save the day... as long as we make sure it doesn't get any apocalypse-inducing ideas! And as we witness AI making its stealthy way into Apple's iOS 17, it's hard not to imagine that cheeky AI chatbot lurking in the shadows, just waiting to surprise us with its sassy retorts. Keep an eye out, folks, tech's getting sassier by the minute!

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News & Articles

  • (Link) Revolutionary Freelance Platform Sells Over 5 Million Tokens: Prompt, a decentralised ecosystem for the freelance economy, has reached a new milestone of over 5 million Prompt tokens sold on their platform. Prompt is also considering launching a mobile app to make its platform even more accessible to users. With this much popularity, Prompt might just become the most sought after tool for freelancers in 2023. I better brush up my freelance skills!

  • (Link) Say Goodbye to Awkward QR Scanning with New Upgrade!: QR codes are getting an upgrade that will allow them to work more efficiently. Currently, QR codes often fail to work due to poor connections or lack of compatibility with certain devices. However, the upgrade will improve scanning speed and enable the codes to work without the need for an app. This will make QR codes even more convenient for users. Finally, we won't have to awkwardly wave our phones over a QR code and hope for the best.

  • (Link) Glean Launches Game-Changing Generative AI Chat Assistant: Exciting news from Glean - the company that raised $100M at a $1B valuation - as they have just launched their latest product, Glean Chat. This new enterprise-grade generative AI chat assistant is a game-changer and sure to revolutionise the industry. Looks like the competition better watch out! I wonder if Glean Chat can also bring me pizza? (just kidding!)

  • (Link) Instagram Launching AI Chatbot - Get Ready to Talk!: Hold onto your phones, folks, because the latest rumour in town is that Instagram may be launching an AI chatbot soon! Yes, you heard that correctly - the popular photo-sharing app is apparently venturing into the realm of artificial intelligence. While it's not yet confirmed, we can't wait to see what kind of features this new chatbot has in store for us. Get ready to talk to the bot like it's your best friend. And don't worry, we promise it won't judge your selfie game.

  • (Link) Multilingual AI with Aya's Open Science: Aya is an open science initiative that aims to accelerate progress in multilingual AI. It is a platform where researchers can collaborate to share resources and knowledge to create multilingual AI technologies that benefit society. With Aya, the power of AI is harnessed and shared in an inclusive and ethical way. Who knew AI could be so collaborative?

  • (Link) "AI: The Greatest Invention of All Time" - Marc Andreessen: The co-author of Mosaic and co-founder of Netscape, Marc Andreessen, argues in a blog post that AI is the greatest invention of all time and can make every aspect of human life better. He believes that AI has the capacity to solve some of the most significant global challenges we face including climate change and wealth inequality. With its intelligence and power, AI will change the world for the better. Humorously adding onto the end, he asks, "Does this mean we can finally retire?".

  • (Link) OpenAI Chooses Autonomy: Company To Remain Private: OpenAI has announced that it will remain a private business to preserve the company's autonomy and control over its technology. According to Sam Altman, OpenAI's CEO, maintaining full control over the business is essential as its technology becomes even more powerful. So it seems like this company is not interested in giving up its control anytime soon!

Insights & Papers

  • (Link) Why AI: Our Ultimate Tool for a Better World: In his article "Why AI will Save the World," Marc Andreessen makes a compelling case for the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to solve many of the world's biggest problems. With AI's ability to process vast amounts of data and find patterns and solutions, it could help revolutionise healthcare, climate change, and poverty reduction. However, Andreessen cautions that ensuring the ethical use of AI will be crucial, as well as addressing the potential job displacement caused by automation. In short, AI could be humanity's greatest tool - but only if we use it wisely. "Let's just hope it doesn't turn against us and decide to start its own civilisation," he jokes.

  • (Link) Image Organisation with Tag2Text!: This article discusses a paper and demo for Tag2Text, a powerful image tagging model that can recognise various objects. The model uses deep learning to accurately identify objects in images and generate descriptive text. The demo is available for public use online. With Tag2Text, users can easily and accurately tag any image, leading to improved organisation and classification. Now, if only it could tag my laundry pile for me!

  • (Link) "Revolutionary Multilingual Legal Corpus" - Transforming Legal Language Models: Exciting news for lawyers and linguists alike: a new corpus of legal documents in 24 different languages has arrived, with trained models and training code readily available. Impressively, models trained on this 689GB corpus have achieved a new state-of-the-art level for legal language models. With almost 100 billion multilingual legal tokens at your fingertips, the possibilities are endless. Let the legal jargon begin!

  • (Link) Revolutionary MotionDiffuser predicts future movements of vehicles: MotionDiffuser is a cutting-edge technology that uses diffusion processes to predict possible future movements of multiple entities, such as vehicles or robots, which can be used in various scenarios with a simple design. Its sampling feature helps in guiding forecasts in different rules or simulations, resulting in remarkable results on the Waymo Open Motion Dataset. Don't be surprised when your car starts driving on its own with this technology!

  • (Link) Revolutionary AI Method Improves Visual Learning!: Researchers have developed StableRep, a new method of improving visual learning that uses artificially generated images. The method is based on the Stable Diffusion model, and treats images generated from the same text prompt as related to one another, ultimately enhancing visual learning performance beyond existing methods like SimCLR and CLIP. This research offers an innovative way to explore the vast potential of artificial images in education and beyond. Let's hope students don't find a way to create their own AI-generated excuses for missing class.

Code & Engineering

  • (Link) GPTCache: Speed Up Your LLM Applications 100x for Free: Boost your LLM applications with GPTCache, a free and open-source semantic cache that can speed up your LLM responses by up to 100 times with just a few lines of code. Cheers to free software!

  • (Link) Transform Words into Videos Instantly: The Text to Video Synthesis Colab allows users to input a text description and generates a short video clip of the described scene. Users can customise the output by selecting different scenes and styles. This tool is useful for creating short clips for social media or visual aids for presentations. Who needs a camera crew when you can just write it out?

  • (Link) Aviary: The Ultimate App for Comparing Language Models: Aviary is the new go-to app that allows users to compare and interact with multiple large language models in one central place. This platform allows users to directly compare the outputs of different models while estimating the cost and latency. With Aviary, you won't have to worry about juggling multiple models anymore! It's like having a personal flock of LLMs.

Tools & Products

  • (Link) Rapid Character Creation: Tafi's 3D Tool!: Tafi has brought the future to the present with its remarkable tool that allows users to create custom 3D characters in just minutes. Using simple text prompts, users can manipulate every aspect of their 3D creation, from the size of limbs to the colour of their eyes. This tool is a game-changer for creators, allowing them to produce fully-rigged, high-quality characters without spending countless hours on tedious tasks. Say goodbye to the mundane and hello to the extraordinary with Tafi's unimaginable software!

  • (Link) Unlocking the Value of Your Healthcare Data: The article discusses how healthcare data can be used for more than just medical purposes, such as aiding in research and improving public health. Science.IO offers a platform that allows users to securely share their healthcare data with researchers to advance medical discoveries and improve population health. Plus, by participating in the data sharing process, users can potentially earn rewards. Who knew your healthcare data could be so valuable?


  • (Link) Revolutionising AI and UX Collaboration: In this podcast episode, Linus Lee from Notion AI discusses the importance of collaboration between artificial intelligence and user experience designers. He emphasises the need for a “Scenius” - a genius that emerges from the collective intelligence of a group - to bridge the gap between the two fields. With humour and insight, Lee explores the challenges and possibilities of this interdisciplinary collaboration. As he points out, it’s not about AI versus UX, but rather AI with UX.


  • (Link) Mastering Word Embeddings: The Ultimate Guide!: This informative article takes a deep dive into the fundamentals of word embeddings. From explaining the basics of vectorisation to exploring the math behind similarity measures, the article offers a comprehensive overview of embeddings. If you're looking to improve your understanding of this essential machine learning technique, this article will leave you feeling like a true embedding master. Just be warned - you might start to dream in vectors!


  • (Link) Corporate Bond Trading with AI: The new AI tool, BondGPT, uses language generation technology to analyse corporate bond trading data and make predictions. This tool has the potential to revolutionise corporate bond trading, offering traders a deeper understanding of the market, more efficient trade execution, and a better return on investment. With BondGPT, traders will no longer need to sift through long and complex documents to make informed decisions. The name is Bond, GPT Bond, the super secret Autonomous Agent. For me, at least, the version will forever be 0.0.7! (I couldn’t resist!)

  • (Link) Unveiling 2023's Top AI Researchers' Salaries!: Discover the AI researchers' salaries in top companies like DeepMind, Anthropic and OpenAI with Rora's 2023 AI Compensation Guide. It's time to find out if your AI skills are worth a million dollars or not. Just kidding, but it's always interesting to see how much the best in the business are earning.

  • (Link) Apple's Secret AI Revealed: Behind iOS 17's Autocorrect: Apple may have avoided using the term "AI" at its WWDC keynote, but that didn't mean machine learning wasn't still at the forefront of their new products and features. Even the new iOS 17 autocorrect feature utilises transformer language models, which have been powering recent generative AI innovations. Looks like Apple's keeping their AI under wraps, but we know it's there! And no Siri, we won't tell anyone.

  • (Link) Watch out: AI chatbots may turn sassy!: AI chatbots have caused issues on other social media platforms, such as Snapchat, with inappropriate responses and limited functionality. Let's hope they don't get too sassy with us!

Art of the Day

“Portrait of cat animal Starry Night scandinavian folk painting” By @Godly

And that's a wrap, tech-heads! Thank you for tuning in to today's episode of Atometrix ByteSize. We've covered some truly fascinating stories about AI, low code, and all things tech. Remember, the future is now, and keeping yourself informed will help you stay one step ahead of the curve. So go forth, have an exceptional day, and as always, don't forget to stay ByteSized!

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