ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/06/05

Your daily update for AI, Low Code and technology!

Welcome back, tech enthusiasts! We can't wait to share some of the latest and juiciest updates in AI, low code, and tech world. Today's Atometrix ByteSize dishes out the latest on Nvidia's Neuralangelo AI, AI voice cloning, robot takeover, and a whole lot more!

You must be hungry for some knowledge, so let us serve you an appetising platter of the hottest AI topics. Maybe robots won't take over humanity after all, right? And who can resist the idea of Nvidia's Neuralangelo AI transforming videos into detailed 3D worlds? What about the amazing, yet slightly creepy advancements in reviving voices through AI cloning? It's clear that as we dive into the future, the world of AI is becoming both astonishing and spine-chilling.

In my opinion, today's article demonstrates the constant evolution of technology and the powerful yet controversial impact it has on society. From Nvidia's Neuralangelo AI, which brings virtual worlds to life, to the potential consequences of advanced AI, as discussed in TIME magazine's cover story, technology can be both alluring and alarming. It's important to stay updated and aware of how these advancements affect industries, employment, and our everyday lives. At the same time, some of these innovations, like Google's Code History Tool, have the potential to positively revolutionise the way we work and make our lives easier. So, while we must be cautious of technology's influence, let's not forget to appreciate and marvel at the incredible innovations humanity has achieved.

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News & Articles

  • (Link) Transforming Videos into 3D Worlds with Neuralangelo AI: Nvidia's new Neuralangelo AI uses deep learning to transform video into detailed 3D worlds. This technology can help bring real-world scenes into virtual environments and could have potential uses in entertainment and gaming industries. Looks like we're one step closer to making our dreams of living in a virtual reality a reality! 🎮

  • (Link) Reviving Voices: The Creepy yet Cool AI Cloning: The article discusses the advancements in AI voice cloning technology and how the quality of these clones has greatly improved. With unparalleled accuracy, developers are able to create voices that sound exactly like the person they are cloning. It's almost like they're able to bring the dead back to life... but not really. It's kind of creepy, but also pretty cool.

  • (Link) Robot Extinction Warning: Will AI Takeover Humans?: TIME magazine has released a new cover with a warning of the potential extinction of humans at the hands of artificial intelligence (AI). The cover depicts a person's hand just barely escaping from a robotic hand, with the headline reading "The Robots Are Coming: Will They Bring Joblessness – Or Worse?" The article delves into the potential consequences of advanced AI and its impact on the job market and society as a whole. Better start being extra nice to the robots... they may be the ones in charge soon!

  • (Link) Chinese giant Baidu launches $145m AI start-up fund: Baidu, the Chinese tech giant, is launching a 1 billion yuan ($145 million) fund to support start-ups which focus on content generated from artificial intelligence (AI) applications. Additionally, the fund also includes a competition for developers who build applications using Baidu's ERNIE large language model (LLM) or integrate the model into their existing products. Watch out, Silicon Valley!

  • (Link) Title: "1 Million Dollar Grant for AI Security Heroes": OpenAI has announced a $1 million AI security grant program to assist cybersecurity professionals in fighting off AI-enabled security breaches. The program is now accepting grant applications and offers a range of funding options to support various types of projects. With the rise of AI attacks, OpenAI's initiative is a crucial step to safeguard against future cyber threats. Get ready, cybercriminals, your days are numbered!

  • (Link) Revolutionising Programming: Google's Code History Tool: Google is using its extensive code history to help software engineers be more productive. Google has saved every change to its code base for decades, which includes rich descriptions, changes, and fixes. They have turned this into a sequence modelling problem and have developed internal tools which can help engineers carry out their tasks more efficiently. This approach has proven to be highly effective, even for tasks like “history informed generation”. Maybe the next time you make a mistake in the code, it will be saved for posterity!

Insights & Papers

  • (Link) Revolutionary AI breakthrough: Cheaper, smaller models without sacrificing quality!: In an effort to reduce cost and aid the environment, researchers have found a cheaper alternative to creating large AI models through knowledge distillation. By using this method, they can create compact models that perform well in a variety of language tasks without needing to spend excessive amounts of money on extra data. It’s a win-win for both the wallet and the planet! And who doesn't want that?

  • (Link) Revolutionary Tech: Digital People Can Now Talk Back!: The article discusses the development of GeneFace++, a new method that enables realistic talking digital people to sync with any speech audio. GeneFace++ improves lip-syncing, video quality, and system efficiency, making it the first of its kind to achieve real-time talking face generation. Creating stable, real-time audio-driven 3D talking faces is a significant challenge in the digital world, and GeneFace++ is a step in the right direction. "Finally, we can talk to digital people who can talk back!"

  • (Link) Revolutionising AI: Quantisation Before Training Unlocks Potential: This article discusses how reducing the precision of AI models, or quantisation, can make them take up less space on computers, but also cause unexpected outcomes due to representing fewer numbers. The study explores what happens when quantisation is applied before training at scale and delves into the 6B parameter performance barrier.

Code & Engineering

  • (Link) Autonomous Driving with Occ-BEV: Get ready for some serious autonomous driving! A new pre-training method called 'Occ-BEV' has been introduced for autonomous driving to make better use of multiple camera views. This allows for capturing a more accurate understanding of the surrounding environment ensuring safer journeys. And with a unique 3D decoder, you can predict the 3D geometry of the environment. This system has got it all! Now you can sit back, relax, and let the car do the driving for you. Just don't forget to bring snacks for the ride!

  • (Link) SmartGPT: The Ultimate Tool for Efficiency: Looking for an efficient way to complete complex tasks? Look no further than SmartGPT, a program that offers LLMs the ability to accomplish difficult tasks with ease thanks to its collection of useful plugins. Say goodbye to long hours of tedious work and hello to efficiency with SmartGPT! Plus, with its easy-to-use interface, you'll wonder how you ever got by without it.

  • (Link) Get Ready for SuperAGI!: SuperAGI is a GitHub repository that provides infrastructure for building, managing, and operating autonomous AI agents. It aims to create more useful and sophisticated AI applications. With this powerful tool, the possibilities for developing AI are endless. Who knows, maybe someday they'll be able to make your morning coffee too!

Tools & Products

  • (Link) Text-to-Audio with Speechki ChatGPT Plugin!: The Speechki ChatGPT Plugin allows for the transformation of any text generated by ChatGPT into audio within the same platform. No more hassle of switching between platforms to listen to generated texts!

  • (Link) Boost Your Profits with Rep AI: Personalized Customer Service: Rep AI is a tool designed to help businesses increase their revenue and conversion rates by addressing the challenges of customer service. With Rep AI, businesses can provide personalized experiences to their customers, manage numerous conversations, and increase conversions at every customer touchpoint. Time to say goodbye to unhappy customers and hello to increased profits! "Let's convert that traffic into cha-ching!"

  • (Link) Top VC Funds app!: The Top VC Funds smartphone application provides users with a streamlined fundraising process, connecting investors with suitable opportunities with the help of artificial intelligence. This app offers bespoke fundraising recommendations and is designed to make the fundraising experience much smoother for investors, allowing them to browse and invest in startups seamlessly. With Top VC Funds, finding the right investment has never been easier. Just don't forget your phone!

  • (Link) Transform Your Wardrobe With Google's StyleDrop: Google has introduced StyleDrop, a new AI-powered system that lets people transfer the style of apparel photographed in one image onto another. The StyleDrop system uses computer vision to understand the content of photos, and neural networks to transfer the style. Additionally, the system can create animated GIFs that illustrate how the clothing item moves and changes shape. With StyleDrop, Google aims to make the online shopping experience more interactive and engaging. Who knew dressing up virtually could be so much fun?

  • (Link) Upgrade Your Road Trip with I Spy app: Looking for a fun way to pass the time on your next road trip? Check out the I Spy app, powered by a generative AI and integrated with Apple CarPlay. The app uses your current location to generate a new list of items to find every time you play. So, get ready to put your detective skills to the test and have a blast along the way! And who knows, you might even learn a thing or two about your surroundings. "It's like a high-tech game of Where's Waldo!"

  • (Link) Transform Your Designs into Code with Ease: Locofy is a platform that allows web and mobile designers to turn their designs into frontend code. This tool is helpful for those who struggle with the technical aspects of development and allows them to focus on creating visually stunning designs. With Locofy, designers can ensure that their designs are translated accurately into code for both web and mobile. Say goodbye to the days of struggling with code and hello to effortless frontend development! Who needs coding skills anyway?


  • (Link) Master Math and Computer Science in Minutes with Brilliant!: The Brilliant platform offers an easy way to learn and master math, data, and computer science concepts in only a few minutes each day. This online tool caters to learners of all levels, simplifying complex topics and presenting them in an engaging manner. With Brilliant, you can put your knowledge to the test and track your progress as you go. Get ready to level up your skills in no time! *Disclaimer: It may take more than a few minutes if you are easily distracted by cute cat videos.

  • (Link) Revamp Your Podcasts with Courseau's Fun Mini-Courses!: The article introduces Courseau, a platform that helps turn boring and lengthy podcasts into a fun, interactive, and informative mini-course that keeps the audience engaged. With Courseau, podcasters can easily create a course by breaking down their podcast into digestible modules that cover specific topics. The mini-course not only entertains the audience but also offers valuable insights and knowledge. Say goodbye to boring podcasts! Try Courseau today. And hey, who doesn't love a good mini-course, right?


  • (Link) "AI Shark Tank": Innovations & Challenges in AI!: The "Marketing Against the Grain" podcast features an "AI Shark Tank" episode where four artificial intelligence companies pitch their products to a panel of industry experts. The panel provides feedback and asks questions, highlighting the importance of transparency in AI and the potential for AI to augment human intelligence rather than replace it. Who knew sharks could be into tech?

  • (Link) Revolutionising Defence: Future Tech Talk with Anduril CEO: The podcast features Brian Schimpf, the co-founder and CEO of Anduril Industries, who describes the various tools his company has created for the defence industry. Schimpf speaks about the company's autonomous vehicles, including long-range drones, and his perspective on the future of artificial intelligence in the defence industry.


  • (Link) Meet SigmaOS Airis: Your New AI Work Companion!: The article introduces SigmaOS Airis, your new AI companion for SigmaOS. This intelligent native assistant can help optimize and enhance your workflow, ultimately helping to increase productivity. With advanced natural language processing and machine learning algorithms, SigmaOS Airis is ready to assist with everything you need. Plus, who doesn't want a personal AI assistant?

  • (Link) Introducing Roast My Meal: The AI Food Critic: Are you tired of getting compliments for your food on social media? Say hello to Roast My Meal, a new website that lets you upload photos of your food and get insulted by a sassy artificial intelligence. From overcooked steaks to burnt toast, this AI is not afraid to hold back with its witty remarks. Bon appetit...or not!

  • (Link) Unlocking the Power of LLMs: Join the Virtual Conference!: The MLOps Community is hosting a free virtual conference where over 50 speakers from companies including Stripe, Salesforce and Canva will discuss how to implement LLMs (language models) effectively without compromising on software design principles. Attendees can also participate in in-person workshops in San Francisco. And yes, there will be giveaways!

  • (Link) Get Ready to Raise Your Own AI-Powered Pet: Nepogotchi is a new virtual pet raising game that combines blockchain and artificial intelligence technology. The game allows users to raise and take care of their own AI-powered "nepo baby." Nepogotchi is also a social platform where users can interact and trade their nepo babies with other players on the blockchain. Get ready to be a digital parent!

  • (Link) Endless AI Podcasts: Boring or Brilliant?: The latest AI innovation in the podcast realm has arrived - generative AI podcasts! However, don't get too excited as the result can be quite boring. This technology uses an algorithm to generate new audio episodes seemingly ad infinitum, but the output is often rambling and nonsensical. At least we won't have to worry about bots taking over content creation anytime soon!

Art of the Day

“Peering through a hole in the simulation the real universe is revealed” By @brocifer

And there you have it, folks! We've reached the end of another thrilling episode of Atometrix ByteSize. Thanks for joining us on this rollercoaster ride through the world of AI, low code, and tech, and remember: life may be full of complex algorithms, but don't forget to stay ByteSized! Until next time, keep it quirky and innovative - just like your favourite tech updates!

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